vislab-tecnico-lisboa / ardrone_gazebo

Gazebo simulator test environment for the Parrot ArDrone. The world is a simulated version of the ISR 7th floor. The ArDrone model is based on the implementation of a gazebo simulator for the Ardrone 2.0 written by Hongrong Huang and Juergen Sturm of the Computer Vision Group at the Technical University of Munich (
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CMake Error: Link by target "aruco_test" #2

Closed tngan closed 7 years ago

tngan commented 7 years ago

Thanks for this simulator. I have already installed the aruco and set the environment variable in ~/.bashrc. When I did caktin_make, then the following message is shown:

CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
    linked by target "aruco_test" in directory /home/tngan/catkin_ws/src/ardrone_gazebo/aruco_test

and I set export ARUCO_LIB_PATH=/home/tngan/Desktop/aruco-2.0.10 after cmake succesfully.

Any idea about this eror ?

tngan commented 7 years ago

This issue got fixed after I reinstall OpenCV and re-cmake the aruco.