vislearn / FFF

Free-form flows are a generative model training a pair of neural networks via maximum likelihood
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How to sample from latent space after training #2

Closed liang-zhicong closed 10 months ago

liang-zhicong commented 11 months ago

Thank you for your excellent work! After training a model, I'm wondering how to sample noise from the latent space and then use the decoder to generate samples. It would be great to have an example.

liang-zhicong commented 11 months ago

After training my own model using fff_loss, I am sampling noise from a standard normal distribution and generating samples using the decoder. However, the generated results are of poor quality. Can you provide me with some assistance? Here is the code I train and sample.

for idx, img in enumerate(train_loader):
            img =
            loss = fff_loss(img, model.encoder, model.decoder, beta=args.beta)
def sample(model, batch_size, patch_size, device):
    z = torch.randn((batch_size, 3, patch_size, patch_size), dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
    x = model.decoder(z)
    return x
fdraxler commented 10 months ago

Hi, thanks for your question. The code you provide looks accurate and I assume that training has not converged. We usually track the negative log-likelihood for validation data to check if the model is converging. This can be computed by explicitly calculating the Jacobian for (a subset of) validation samples. Please check and for sample code on how to achieve this.

Also please make sure that the architecture you use is compatible with the task you do.

I am closing the issue since I consider the question is answered for now, but feel free to raise another issue if you need further assistance.