visr / LasIO.jl

Julia package for reading and writing the LAS lidar format.
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Renamed and deprecated header field doy to day of year. #21

Closed evetion closed 5 years ago

evetion commented 5 years ago

Fixes #20 Second commit also removes all usage of doy itself, so example below won't happen.

julia> h, p = load("test/libLAS_1.2.las")
(LasHeader with 497536 points.
    file_source_id = 0
    global_encoding = 0
    guid_1 = 0
    guid_2 = 0
    guid_3 = 0
    guid_4 =
    version_major = 1
    version_minor = 2
    system_id = MODIFICATION
    software_id = TerraScan
┌ Warning: creation_doy is deprecated, use :creation_dayofyear instead.
└ @ LasIO ~/.julia/dev/LasIO/src/header.jl:55
    creation_doy = 0
    creation_year = 0
    header_size = 227
    data_offset = 227
    n_vlr = 0
    data_format_id = 0
    data_record_length = 20
    records_count = 497536
    point_return_count = UInt32[0x00079780, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000]
    x_scale = 0.01
    y_scale = 0.01
    z_scale = 0.01
    x_offset = -0.0
    y_offset = -0.0
    z_offset = -0.0
    x_max = 1.44499996e6
    x_min = 1.44e6
    y_max = 379999.99
    y_min = 375000.03
    z_max = 972.6700000000001
    z_min = 832.1800000000001
, Array{LasPoint0,1} with 497536 points.