vistamedia / socialmeta

Facebook open graph and Twitter cards for Joomla! articles and FLEXIcontent items
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Create a warning inside plugin configuration when Article's manager parameter "Show article options" is disabled #5

Open ggppdk opened 8 years ago

ggppdk commented 8 years ago

Check and show messages inside plugin configuration, e.g. check Article Manager parameter show_article_options which will prevent SocialMeta TAB from showing inside article form

class JFormFieldSocialMetaChecks extends JFormFieldList
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage('..', 'warning');

So to avoid user wondering why social TAB is not showing when:

JComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_content' )->get('show_article_options') == 0

We need to add a warning message like:

'Article manager' parameter: "Show article options", needs to be enabled otherwise, plugin's 'Social' parameter TAB , will not be shown in the article form

vistamedia commented 8 years ago

Agreed, I didn't even know this option. I will add a notice for the superusers.