visualapproach / Volvo-melbus

Volvo MELBUS Bluetooth audio input and remote control with Arduino Nano
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suggestion BT-module-upgrade #25

Open VincentGijsen opened 4 years ago

VincentGijsen commented 4 years ago


Long time. came accros the Microchip module (BM20), and this guy's repo:

These modules also support meta-data and are rather cheap (EURO 6,90 before tax-shipping) and can be purchased single pieces at

@tomaskovacik also sells breakout-boards to make it more comfortable to work with the small BT-module:

I just placed order for BM20 and the breakoutboard (so no hands-on experience yet)

disclaimer: i'm not affiliated in any way, just like the guys efforts and open-sourcing

everything(hardware + software).

i'm thinking about moving to a STM32103 (aka 'blue-pill') and use freertos. than i might implement lcd-scrolling in software (as i havent encountered the particular melbus-flag)

cheers, Vincent

tomaskovacik commented 4 years ago

actual library is here: avrcp is not complete ..

visualapproach commented 4 years ago


VincentGijsen commented 4 years ago

Hi, small update the stated module supports among others AVRCP1.5 and raw-AVRCP commands. with that, i'm able to extract all kind of nifty details.

currently working:

likely to get working:

It uses a uart interface, so hardware-wise not so messy as binary contacts, however software wise quite a bit more complex, with keeping states.

my current software is here should you be interested, however still very rough, no melbus-code implemented yet but as we know how that must work, it just work-ahead, now i focused primarily on getting al bluetooth functions available, and a practical means to test the UI, which i simulate using the usb-stack with vcp on the STM32f bluepill. i'm using FreeRTOS to keep all the tasks /housekeeping separated.

tomaskovacik commented 4 years ago

guys, I just tested BM62 module which is compatible with BM20 (pins and serial protocol), it is flash-based so future firmware upgrades are possible (BM20 is ROM)

there are also some sources for pic micros in C, for inspiration