if you set all the config options off (because you are using LDAP) then you get this error:
Attempt to read property "view" on null {"userId":1,"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Attempt to read property \"view\" on null at /var/www/wbl_v3/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Notifications/Channels/MailChannel.php:96)
//Most built-in emails can be automatically sent with minimal setup, //except "request password reset" requires a function in the User's model. See readme.md for details 'send_emails' => [ 'new_user_registered' => true, 'verification' => true, 'user_verified' => true, 'login' => true, 'password_reset_success' => true, ],
if you set all the config options off (because you are using LDAP) then you get this error:
Attempt to read property "view" on null {"userId":1,"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Attempt to read property \"view\" on null at /var/www/wbl_v3/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Notifications/Channels/MailChannel.php:96)
//Most built-in emails can be automatically sent with minimal setup, //except "request password reset" requires a function in the User's model. See readme.md for details 'send_emails' => [ 'new_user_registered' => true, 'verification' => true, 'user_verified' => true, 'login' => true, 'password_reset_success' => true, ],