visulima / visulima

Visulima is the next-gen JavaScript framework for JAMStack blogs, sites & apps.
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feat: new js bundler #385

Closed prisis closed 1 week ago

prisis commented 2 months ago


export default Tr;

- [x] wasm
- [x] Support preserve directives like "use client"
- [x] Add support for cjs interop for default and named export
const test = () => {
    return "this should be in final bundle";

const test2 = "this should be in final bundle";

export { test2, test as default };

will return for .cjs

'use strict';

var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
const test = /* @__PURE__ */ __name(() => {
  return "this should be in final bundle";
}, "test");
const test2 = "this should be in final bundle";

module.exports = test;
module.exports.test2 = test2;

will return for .d.cts

declare const test: () => string;
declare const test2 = "this should be in final bundle";

export { test2 };

declare const defaultExport: {
  test2: typeof test2;
} & typeof test;

export default defaultExport;



TypeScript supports some additional features in its resolver on top of the Node resolution algorithm. These are configured in tsconfig.json.

baseUrl - a root directory from which to resolve non-relative paths, in addition to node_modules.
paths - additional directories, relative to baseUrl, that should also be searched.
rootDirs - virtual directories that relative paths can be resolved from

vercel[bot] commented 2 months ago

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2 Ignored Deployments | Name | Status | Preview | Comments | Updated (UTC) | | :--- | :----- | :------ | :------- | :------ | | **visulima-docs** | ⬜️ Ignored ([Inspect]( | [Visit Preview]( | | May 23, 2024 10:20pm | | **visulima-storybook** | ⬜️ Ignored ([Inspect]( | [Visit Preview]( | | May 23, 2024 10:20pm |
github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

Thank you for following the naming conventions! 🙏

vercel[bot] commented 1 month ago

Deployment failed with the following error:

Resource is limited - try again in 4 hours (more than 100, code: "api-deployments-free-per-day").
vercel[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Deployment failed with the following error:

Resource is limited - try again in 1 hour (more than 100, code: "api-deployments-free-per-day").
prisis commented 1 week ago

The development was moved into