vita-epfl / CrowdNav

[ICRA19] Crowd-aware Robot Navigation with Attention-based Deep Reinforcement Learning
MIT License
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Redundant code in #24

Closed tessavdheiden closed 4 years ago

tessavdheiden commented 4 years ago

Hi Chengan,

Please check out this line:

I don't think you will need it (checking if it is robot.visible).

Best, Tessa

ChanganVR commented 4 years ago

Hi Tessa,

This is actually not redundant. The invisible case breaks the reciprocal assumption and that's why I added safety space to make up for that. The value of the safety space in the invisible case is supposed to be non-zero, and users can tune this value. Somehow I set it to zero, but I will add one comment to make it clear.

Thanks, Changan