vita-epfl / CrowdNav

[ICRA19] Crowd-aware Robot Navigation with Attention-based Deep Reinforcement Learning
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compared algorithm question #42

Open hurong971013 opened 2 years ago

hurong971013 commented 2 years ago

Could you please tell me the computional cost of ORCA, CADRL, LSTM-RL and SARL? I feel that these algorithms are not in the same category. It is not easy to compare. ORCA may perform best in other environments. Is that true? What is their computational cost?

ChanganVR commented 2 years ago

What kinda of computational cost? Do you mean training or test time? ORCRA does not need training and the rest are learning based. At test time, I think ORCA also runs faster since the other are based on neural networks. But performance-wise, it is much lower than other algorithms.

hurong971013 commented 2 years ago

Thank you. I get it.

What kinda of computational cost? Do you mean training or test time? ORCRA does not need training and the rest are learning based. At test time, I think ORCA also runs faster since the other are based on neural networks. But performance-wise, it is much lower than other algorithms.

Thank you. I get it.