vita-epfl / CrowdNav

[ICRA19] Crowd-aware Robot Navigation with Attention-based Deep Reinforcement Learning
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Number of humans in 'train' and 'test' #52

Closed Yuanzizizi closed 2 years ago

Yuanzizizi commented 2 years ago

Excuse me.

I'm confused about the human_num in Why should we set human_num = 1 when self.robot.policy.multiagent_training = 1?


np.random.seed(counter_offset[phase] + self.case_counter[phase])
if phase in ['train', 'val']:        
    human_num = self.human_num if self.robot.policy.multiagent_training else 1
    self.generate_random_human_position(human_num=human_num, rule=self.train_val_sim)
    self.generate_random_human_position(human_num=self.human_num, rule=self.test_sim)
# case_counter is always between 0 and case_size[phase]
self.case_counter[phase] = (self.case_counter[phase] + 1) % self.case_size[phase]

` what I want to know is In training stage, do we use 1 human agent or 5 human agents (env.config [sim] human_num=5)?

I really need your help, thanks~

ChanganVR commented 2 years ago

Multiagent-training differentiates CADRL from our policy. The former takes one human during training and ours takes 5 during training. At test time, both are tested on 5-human scenario.

Yuanzizizi commented 2 years ago

Multiagent-training differentiates CADRL from our policy. The former takes one human during training and ours takes 5 during training. At test time, both are tested on 5-human scenario.

Oh, I see❤. Thanks. But what makes the difference? I suppose that, In theory, cadrl could also have five people in training stage?

ChanganVR commented 2 years ago

yeah possibly. I was just reproducing the training detailed in the paper