vitabaks / postgresql_cluster

PostgreSQL High-Availability Cluster (based on "Patroni" and DCS "etcd" or "consul"). Automating with Ansible.
MIT License
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etcd from apt repo in ubuntu #603

Closed ayadahm closed 2 weeks ago

ayadahm commented 1 month ago

Hi I can see that the part of etcd installation and configuration part is been implemented via etcd github repo or a file . Is it possible doing that via the debian/ubuntu repo way ? I mean through the apt install command . for example for patroni part one can use "deb" method so it been installed through the apt. Can it be implemented the same for etcd ?

Regards Ayad Mohamed

vitabaks commented 1 month ago

@ayadahm Hi

What for? After all, this complicates the maintenance of the code.

ayadahm commented 1 month ago

Hi Vitabaks

I was thinking just as for the patroni , all the packages can come from the ubuntu official repository . Apt update on the servers will not updates all the packages in this case.

Regards Ayad

vitabaks commented 1 month ago

there are many packages that are not installed from the apt repository (by default), for example: patroni, confd, vip-manager.

To update the cluster, use playbook update_pgcluster.yml, it will take care of updating the necessary packages.

vitabaks commented 1 month ago

Feel free to prepare a PR if it's really important to you.