vitabaks / postgresql_cluster

PostgreSQL High-Availability Cluster (based on Patroni). Automating with Ansible.
MIT License
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Pgbackrest Backup && Restore #732

Closed halilerisen closed 1 month ago

halilerisen commented 1 month ago


I installed a PostgreSQL Cluster. Below is my inventory file:

# If dcs_exists: false and dcs_type: "etcd"
[etcd_cluster]  # Recommended: 3, or 5-7 nodes

# If dcs_exists: false and dcs_type: "consul"
[consul_instances]  # Recommended: 3 or 5-7 nodes
# consul_node_role=server consul_bootstrap_expect=true consul_datacenter=dc1
# consul_node_role=server consul_bootstrap_expect=true consul_datacenter=dc1
# consul_node_role=server consul_bootstrap_expect=true consul_datacenter=dc1
# consul_node_role=client consul_datacenter=dc2
# consul_node_role=client consul_datacenter=dc2

# If with_haproxy_load_balancing: true
[balancers] # balancer_tags="datacenter=dc1" # balancer_tags="datacenter=dc1" # balancer_tags="datacenter=dc1"
# balancer_tags="datacenter=dc2"
# balancer_tags="datacenter=dc2" new_node=true

# PostgreSQL nodes
[master] hostname=pgnode01 postgresql_exists=false # patroni_tags="datacenter=dc1"

[replica] hostname=pgnode02 postgresql_exists=false # patroni_tags="datacenter=dc1" hostname=pgnode03 postgresql_exists=false # patroni_tags="datacenter=dc1"
# hostname=pgnode04 postgresql_exists=false patroni_tags="datacenter=dc2"
# hostname=pgnode04 postgresql_exists=false patroni_tags="datacenter=dc2" new_node=true


# If pgbackrest_install: true and "repo_host" is set
[pgbackrest]  # Optional (Dedicated Repository Host)

I created a mock database and inserted data.


Then, I connected to the backup server ( and took a backup using the following command: pgbackrest --stanza=postgres-cluster backup --delta --type=full

I can see the stanza backup as follows:

postgres@psqlbackup:~$ pgbackrest --stanza=postgres-cluster info
P00   WARN: configuration file contains invalid option 'include-path'
stanza: postgres-cluster
    status: ok
    cipher: none

    db (current)
        wal archive min/max (16): 00000005000000000000000B/000000070000000000000014

        full backup: 20240813-113330F
            timestamp start/stop: 2024-08-13 11:33:30+00 / 2024-08-13 11:33:33+00
            wal start/stop: 000000070000000000000012 / 000000070000000000000013
            database size: 22.4MB, database backup size: 22.4MB
            repo1: backup size: 3MB


I updated the inventory file and main.yml.

In the inventory file, I changed postgresql_exists to true:

# PostgreSQL nodes
[master] hostname=pgnode01 postgresql_exists=true # patroni_tags="datacenter=dc1"

[replica] hostname=pgnode02 postgresql_exists=true # patroni_tags="datacenter=dc1" hostname=pgnode03 postgresql_exists=true # patroni_tags="datacenter=dc1"

In the main.yml file, I made the following changes:

# Changed from initdb to pgbackrest
patroni_cluster_bootstrap_method: "pgbackrest"  # Other options: "wal-g", "pg_probackup", "initdb"

# Uncommented pgbackrest
  - pgbackrest
#  - wal_g
#  - pg_probackup
  - basebackup

# Commented out 'cd .' and uncommented '{{ pgbackrest_archive_command }}'
# - { option: "archive_command", value: "cd ." }  # Placeholder for WALs
#  - { option: "archive_command", value: "{{ wal_g_archive_command }}" }  # Archive WALs using WAL-G
  - { option: "archive_command", value: "{{ pgbackrest_archive_command }}" }  # Archive WALs using pgbackrest

I ran the Ansible playbook with the following command: ansible-playbook deploy_pgcluster.yml --tags point_in_time_recovery. However, the database didn't change. Interestingly, if I make changes to the database and rerun this command, the restore works fine.

I didn't delete the database. I want to restore the existing database.

What am I doing wrong?

vitabaks commented 1 month ago

Hello @halilerisen

However, the database didn't change.

I don't quite understand what exactly is the problem?

Which pgbackrest_patroni_cluster_restore_command do you use? Perhaps you are interested in Point-in-Time Recovery (recovery to a specific time, example)? By default, it is set to restore from a backup and apply all WAL files, which means the database state will be fully restored to the point of the last WAL.

halilerisen commented 1 month ago

Hello @vitabaks

Here my senerio;

  1. Install cluster
  2. Create mock table image
  3. Take a backup on the psql_backup server with the following command: pgbackrest backup --stanza=postgres-cluster --delta --type=full
    postgres@psqlbackup:~$ pgbackrest backup --stanza=postgres-cluster --type=full --delta
    P00   WARN: configuration file contains invalid option 'include-path'
    2024-08-14 08:11:06.355 P00   INFO: backup command begin 2.53: --archive-check --no-archive-copy --backup-standby --delta --exec-id=9080-b4c67e22 --log-level-console=info --log-level-file=detail --log-path=/var/log/pgbackrest --pg1-host= --pg2-host= --pg3-host= --pg1-path=/var/lib/postgresql/16/main --pg2-path=/var/lib/postgresql/16/main --pg3-path=/var/lib/postgresql/16/main --pg1-port=5432 --pg2-port=5432 --pg3-port=5432 --pg1-socket-path=/var/run/postgresql --pg2-socket-path=/var/run/postgresql --pg3-socket-path=/var/run/postgresql --repo1-block --repo1-bundle --repo1-path=/var/lib/pgbackrest --repo1-retention-archive=4 --repo1-retention-full=4 --repo1-type=posix --no-resume --stanza=postgres-cluster --start-fast --stop-auto --type=full
    2024-08-14 08:11:09.053 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup start: backup begins after the requested immediate checkpoint completes
    2024-08-14 08:11:09.675 P00   INFO: backup start archive = 000000010000000000000006, lsn = 0/6000060
    2024-08-14 08:11:09.675 P00   INFO: wait for replay on the standby to reach 0/6000060
    2024-08-14 08:11:09.982 P00   INFO: replay on the standby reached 0/6000060
    2024-08-14 08:11:09.982 P00   INFO: check archive for prior segment 000000010000000000000005
    2024-08-14 08:11:12.764 P00   INFO: execute non-exclusive backup stop and wait for all WAL segments to archive
    2024-08-14 08:11:12.976 P00   INFO: backup stop archive = 000000010000000000000006, lsn = 0/6000138
    2024-08-14 08:11:12.977 P00   INFO: check archive for segment(s) 000000010000000000000006:000000010000000000000006
    2024-08-14 08:11:13.704 P00   INFO: new backup label = 20240814-081108F
    2024-08-14 08:11:13.734 P00   INFO: full backup size = 22.4MB, file total = 975
    2024-08-14 08:11:13.734 P00   INFO: backup command end: completed successfully (7384ms)
    2024-08-14 08:11:13.734 P00   INFO: expire command begin 2.53: --exec-id=9080-b4c67e22 --log-level-console=info --log-level-file=detail --log-path=/var/log/pgbackrest --repo1-path=/var/lib/pgbackrest --repo1-retention-archive=4 --repo1-retention-full=4 --repo1-type=posix --stanza=postgres-cluster
    2024-08-14 08:11:13.879 P00   INFO: expire command end: completed successfully (145ms)
  4. Check the backup:

    postgres@psqlbackup:~$ pgbackrest info --stanza=postgres-cluster
    P00   WARN: configuration file contains invalid option 'include-path'
    stanza: postgres-cluster
    status: ok
    cipher: none
    db (current)
        wal archive min/max (16): 000000010000000000000001/000000010000000000000006
        full backup: 20240814-081108F
            timestamp start/stop: 2024-08-14 08:11:08+00 / 2024-08-14 08:11:12+00
            wal start/stop: 000000010000000000000006 / 000000010000000000000006
            database size: 22.4MB, database backup size: 22.4MB
            repo1: backup size: 3MB
  5. Update the database image
  6. Restore the database using Ansible, I tried both commands:
    • ansible-playbook deploy_pgcluster.yml --tags point_in_time_recovery
    • ansible-playbook deploy_pgcluster.yml image
  7. The database did not change: image
  8. Updated the database again: image
  9. Restored the database again using Ansible, Again, I tried both commands:
    • ansible-playbook deploy_pgcluster.yml --tags point_in_time_recovery
    • ansible-playbook deploy_pgcluster.yml image
  10. The restore operation changed the value to 999: image

However, I took the backup when Jessica Davis's age was 30.

Here my pgbackrest_patroni_cluster_restore_command command.

pgbackrest_patroni_cluster_restore_command: '/usr/bin/pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --delta restore --set=20240814-081108F'

I'm adding my main.yml and inventory files. I haven't made any changes except to these two files. My goal is simple: I want to take a backup of the database and be able to restore it exactly as it was when the backup was taken. I'm a beginner, not an expert, so I appreciate the help.

Here my main.yml file.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Proxy variables (optional) for download packages using a proxy server
proxy_env: {}  # yamllint disable rule:braces
#  http_proxy:
#  https_proxy:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# Cluster variables
cluster_vip: ""  # IP address for client access to the databases in the cluster (optional).
vip_interface: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.interface }}"  # interface name (e.g., "ens32").
# Note: VIP-based solutions such as keepalived or vip-manager may not function correctly in cloud environments like AWS.

patroni_cluster_name: "postgres-cluster"  # the cluster name (must be unique for each cluster)
patroni_install_version: "3.3.2"  # or 'latest'

patroni_superuser_username: "postgres"
patroni_superuser_password: "pass"  # please change password
patroni_replication_username: "replicator"
patroni_replication_password: "pass"  # please change password

synchronous_mode: true  # or 'true' for enable synchronous database replication
synchronous_mode_strict: true  # if 'true' then block all client writes to the master, when a synchronous replica is not available
synchronous_node_count: 1  # number of synchronous standby databases

# Load Balancing
with_haproxy_load_balancing: true  # or 'true' if you want to install and configure the load-balancing
  master: 31285
  replicas: 5001
  replicas_sync: 5002
  replicas_async: 5003
# The following ('_direct') ports are used for direct connections to the PostgreSQL database,
# bypassing the PgBouncer connection pool (if 'pgbouncer_install' is 'true').
# Uncomment the relevant lines if you need to set up direct connections.
#  master_direct: 6000
#  replicas_direct: 6001
#  replicas_sync_direct: 6002
#  replicas_async_direct: 6003
  stats: 7000
  global: 100000
  master: 10000
  replica: 10000
  client: "60m"
  server: "60m"
# Optionally declare log format for haproxy.
# Uncomment following lines (and remove extra space in front of variable definition) for JSON structured log format.
# haproxy_log_format: "{
#  \"pid\":%pid,\
#  \"haproxy_frontend_type\":\"tcp\",\
#  \"haproxy_process_concurrent_connections\":%ac,\
#  \"haproxy_frontend_concurrent_connections\":%fc,\
#  \"haproxy_backend_concurrent_connections\":%bc,\
#  \"haproxy_server_concurrent_connections\":%sc,\
#  \"haproxy_backend_queue\":%bq,\
#  \"haproxy_server_queue\":%sq,\
#  \"haproxy_queue_wait_time\":%Tw,\
#  \"haproxy_server_wait_time\":%Tc,\
#  \"response_time\":%Td,\
#  \"session_duration\":%Tt,\
#  \"request_termination_state\":\"%tsc\",\
#  \"haproxy_server_connection_retries\":%rc,\
#  \"remote_addr\":\"%ci\",\
#  \"remote_port\":%cp,\
#  \"frontend_addr\":\"%fi\",\
#  \"frontend_port\":%fp,\
#  \"frontend_ssl_version\":\"%sslv\",\
#  \"frontend_ssl_ciphers\":\"%sslc\",\
#  \"haproxy_frontend_name\":\"%f\",\
#  \"haproxy_backend_name\":\"%b\",\
#  \"haproxy_server_name\":\"%s\",\
#  \"response_size\":%B,\
#  \"request_size\":%U\
#  }"

# keepalived (if 'cluster_vip' is specified and 'with_haproxy_load_balancing' is 'true')
keepalived_virtual_router_id: "{{ cluster_vip.split('.')[3] | int }}" # The last octet of 'cluster_vip' IP address is used by default.
# virtual_router_id - must be unique in the network (available values are 0..255).

# vip-manager (if 'cluster_vip' is specified and 'with_haproxy_load_balancing' is 'false')
vip_manager_version: "2.6.0"  # version to install
vip_manager_conf: "/etc/patroni/vip-manager.yml"
vip_manager_interval: "1000"  # time (in milliseconds) after which vip-manager wakes up and checks if it needs to register or release ip addresses.
vip_manager_iface: "{{ vip_interface }}"  # interface to which the virtual ip will be added
vip_manager_ip: "{{ cluster_vip }}"  # the virtual ip address to manage
vip_manager_mask: "24"  # netmask for the virtual ip

# DCS (Distributed Consensus Store)
dcs_exists: false  # or 'true' if you don't want to deploy a new etcd cluster
dcs_type: "etcd"  # or 'consul'

# if dcs_type: "etcd" and dcs_exists: false
etcd_version: "3.5.15"  # version for deploy etcd cluster
etcd_data_dir: "/var/lib/etcd"
etcd_cluster_name: "etcd-{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"  # ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_TOKEN

# if dcs_type: "etcd" and dcs_exists: true
patroni_etcd_hosts: []  # list of servers of an existing etcd cluster
#  - { host: "", port: "2379" }
#  - { host: "", port: "2379" }
#  - { host: "", port: "2379" }
patroni_etcd_namespace: "service"  # (optional) etcd namespace (prefix)
patroni_etcd_username: "" # (optional) username for etcd authentication
patroni_etcd_password: "" # (optional) password for etcd authentication
patroni_etcd_protocol: "" # (optional) http or https, if not specified http is used

# more options you can specify in the roles/patroni/templates/patroni.yml.j2

# if dcs_type: "consul"
consul_version: "1.15.8"
consul_config_path: "/etc/consul"
consul_configd_path: "{{ consul_config_path }}/conf.d"
consul_data_path: "/var/lib/consul"
consul_domain: "consul"  # Consul domain name
consul_datacenter: "dc1"  # Datacenter label (can be specified for each host in the inventory)
consul_disable_update_check: true  # Disables automatic checking for security bulletins and new version releases
consul_enable_script_checks: true  # This controls whether health checks that execute scripts are enabled on this agent
consul_enable_local_script_checks: true  # Enable them when they are defined in the local configuration files
consul_ui: false  # Enable the consul UI?
consul_syslog_enable: true  # Enable logging to syslog
consul_iface: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.interface }}"  # specify the interface name with a Private IP (ex. "enp7s0")
# You can enable TLS encryption by dropping a CA certificate, server certificate, and server key in roles/consul/files/
consul_tls_enable: false
consul_tls_ca_crt: "ca.crt"
consul_tls_server_crt: "server.crt"
consul_tls_server_key: "server.key"
consul_recursors: []  # List of upstream DNS servers
consul_dnsmasq_enable: true  # Enable DNS forwarding with Dnsmasq
consul_dnsmasq_cache: 0  # dnsmasq cache-size (0 - disable caching)
consul_dnsmasq_servers: "{{ nameservers }}" # Upstream DNS servers used by dnsmasq
consul_join: []  # List of LAN servers of an existing consul cluster, to join.
# - ""
# - ""
# - ""

  - name: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
    id: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}-master"
    tags: ['master', 'primary']
    port: "{{ pgbouncer_listen_port }}"  # or "{{ postgresql_port }}" if pgbouncer_install: false
      - { http: "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ patroni_restapi_port }}/primary", interval: "2s" }
      - { args: ["systemctl", "status", "pgbouncer"], interval: "5s" }  # comment out this check if pgbouncer_install: false
  - name: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
    id: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}-replica"
    tags: ['replica']
    port: "{{ pgbouncer_listen_port }}"
      - { http: "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ patroni_restapi_port }}/replica?lag={{ patroni_maximum_lag_on_replica }}", interval: "2s" }
      - { args: ["systemctl", "status", "pgbouncer"], interval: "5s" }
#  - name: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
#    id: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}-sync-replica"
#    tags: ['sync-replica']
#    port: "{{ pgbouncer_listen_port }}"
#    checks:
#      - { http: "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ patroni_restapi_port }}/sync", interval: "2s" }
#      - { args: ["systemctl", "status", "pgbouncer"], interval: "5s" }
#  - name: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
#    id: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}-async-replica"
#    tags: ['async-replica']
#    port: "{{ pgbouncer_listen_port }}"
#    checks:
#      - { http: "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ patroni_restapi_port }}/async?lag={{ patroni_maximum_lag_on_replica }}", interval: "2s" }
#      - { args: ["systemctl", "status", "pgbouncer"], interval: "5s" }

# PostgreSQL variables
postgresql_version: "16"
# postgresql_data_dir: see vars/Debian.yml or vars/RedHat.yml
postgresql_listen_addr: "" # Listen on all interfaces. Or use "{{ inventory_hostname }}," to listen on a specific IP address.
postgresql_port: "5432"
postgresql_encoding: "UTF8"  # for bootstrap only (initdb)
postgresql_locale: "en_US.UTF-8"  # for bootstrap only (initdb)
postgresql_data_checksums: true  # for bootstrap only (initdb)
postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm: "scram-sha-256"  # or "md5" if your clients do not work with passwords encrypted with SCRAM-SHA-256

# (optional) list of users to be created (if not already exists)
  - { name: "{{ pgbouncer_auth_username }}", password: "{{ pgbouncer_auth_password }}", flags: "LOGIN", role: "" }
#  - { name: "monitoring_auth_username", password: "monitoring_user_password", flags: "LOGIN", role: "pg_monitor" } # monitoring Service Account
#  - { name: "mydb-user", password: "mydb-user-pass", flags: "SUPERUSER" }
#  - { name: "", password: "", flags: "NOSUPERUSER" }
#  - { name: "", password: "", flags: "NOSUPERUSER" }
#  - { name: "", password: "", flags: "NOLOGIN" }

# (optional) list of databases to be created (if not already exists)
postgresql_databases: []
#  - { db: "mydatabase", encoding: "UTF8", lc_collate: "ru_RU.UTF-8", lc_ctype: "ru_RU.UTF-8", owner: "mydb-user" }
#  - { db: "mydatabase2", encoding: "UTF8", lc_collate: "ru_RU.UTF-8", lc_ctype: "ru_RU.UTF-8", owner: "mydb-user", conn_limit: "50" }
#  - { db: "", encoding: "UTF8", lc_collate: "en_US.UTF-8", lc_ctype: "en_US.UTF-8", owner: "" }
#  - { db: "", encoding: "UTF8", lc_collate: "en_US.UTF-8", lc_ctype: "en_US.UTF-8", owner: "" }

# (optional) list of schemas to be created (if not already exists)
postgresql_schemas: []
#  - { schema: "myschema", db: "mydatabase", owner: "mydb-user" }

# (optional) list of database extensions to be created (if not already exists)
postgresql_extensions: []
#  - { ext: "pg_stat_statements", db: "postgres" }
#  - { ext: "pg_stat_statements", db: "mydatabase" }
#  - { ext: "pg_stat_statements", db: "mydatabase", schema: "myschema" }
#  - { ext: "pg_stat_statements", db: "" }
#  - { ext: "pg_stat_statements", db: "" }
#  - { ext: "pg_repack", db: "" }  # postgresql-<version>-repack package is required
#  - { ext: "pg_stat_kcache", db: "" }  # postgresql-<version>-pg-stat-kcache package is required
#  - { ext: "", db: "" }
#  - { ext: "", db: "" }

# postgresql parameters to bootstrap dcs (are parameters for example)
  - { option: "max_connections", value: "500" }
  - { option: "superuser_reserved_connections", value: "5" }
  - { option: "password_encryption", value: "{{ postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm }}" }
  - { option: "max_locks_per_transaction", value: "512" }
  - { option: "max_prepared_transactions", value: "0" }
  - { option: "huge_pages", value: "try" }  # "vm.nr_hugepages" is auto-configured for shared_buffers >= 8GB (if huge_pages_auto_conf is true)
  - { option: "shared_buffers", value: "{{ (ansible_memtotal_mb * 0.25) | int }}MB" }  # by default, 25% of RAM
  - { option: "effective_cache_size", value: "{{ (ansible_memtotal_mb * 0.75) | int }}MB" }  # by default, 75% of RAM
  - { option: "work_mem", value: "128MB" }  # please change this value
  - { option: "maintenance_work_mem", value: "256MB" }  # please change this value
  - { option: "checkpoint_timeout", value: "15min" }
  - { option: "checkpoint_completion_target", value: "0.9" }
  - { option: "min_wal_size", value: "2GB" }
  - { option: "max_wal_size", value: "8GB" }  # or 16GB/32GB
  - { option: "wal_buffers", value: "32MB" }
  - { option: "default_statistics_target", value: "1000" }
  - { option: "seq_page_cost", value: "1" }
  - { option: "random_page_cost", value: "1.1" }  # or "4" for HDDs with slower random access
  - { option: "effective_io_concurrency", value: "200" }  # or "2" for traditional HDDs with lower I/O parallelism
  - { option: "synchronous_commit", value: "on" }  # or 'off' if you can you lose single transactions in case of a crash
  - { option: "autovacuum", value: "on" }  # never turn off the autovacuum!
  - { option: "autovacuum_max_workers", value: "5" }
  - { option: "autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor", value: "0.01" }  # or 0.005/0.001
  - { option: "autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor", value: "0.01" }
  - { option: "autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit", value: "500" }  # or 1000/5000
  - { option: "autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay", value: "2" }
  - { option: "autovacuum_naptime", value: "1s" }
  - { option: "max_files_per_process", value: "4096" }
  - { option: "archive_mode", value: "on" }
  - { option: "archive_timeout", value: "1800s" }
  # - { option: "archive_command", value: "cd ." }  # not doing anything yet with WAL-s
#  - { option: "archive_command", value: "{{ wal_g_archive_command }}" }  # archive WAL-s using WAL-G
  - { option: "archive_command", value: "{{ pgbackrest_archive_command }}" }  # archive WAL-s using pgbackrest
  - { option: "wal_level", value: "logical" }
  - { option: "wal_keep_size", value: "2GB" }
  - { option: "max_wal_senders", value: "10" }
  - { option: "max_replication_slots", value: "10" }
  - { option: "hot_standby", value: "on" }
  - { option: "wal_log_hints", value: "on" }
  - { option: "wal_compression", value: "on" }
  - { option: "shared_preload_libraries", value: "pg_stat_statements,auto_explain" }
  - { option: "pg_stat_statements.max", value: "10000" }
  - { option: "pg_stat_statements.track", value: "all" }
  - { option: "pg_stat_statements.track_utility", value: "false" }
  - { option: "", value: "true" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_min_duration", value: "10s" }  # enable auto_explain for 10-second logging threshold. Decrease this value if necessary
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_analyze", value: "true" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_buffers", value: "true" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_timing", value: "false" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_triggers", value: "true" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_verbose", value: "true" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_nested_statements", value: "true" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.sample_rate", value: "0.01" }  # enable auto_explain for 1% of queries logging threshold
  - { option: "track_io_timing", value: "on" }
  - { option: "log_lock_waits", value: "on" }
  - { option: "log_temp_files", value: "0" }
  - { option: "track_activities", value: "on" }
  - { option: "track_activity_query_size", value: "4096" }
  - { option: "track_counts", value: "on" }
  - { option: "track_functions", value: "all" }
  - { option: "log_checkpoints", value: "on" }
  - { option: "logging_collector", value: "on" }
  - { option: "log_truncate_on_rotation", value: "on" }
  - { option: "log_rotation_age", value: "1d" }
  - { option: "log_rotation_size", value: "0" }
  - { option: "log_line_prefix", value: "'%t [%p-%l] %r %q%u@%d '" }
  - { option: "log_filename", value: "postgresql-%a.log" }
  - { option: "log_directory", value: "{{ postgresql_log_dir }}" }
  - { option: "hot_standby_feedback", value: "on" }  # allows feedback from a hot standby to the primary that will avoid query conflicts
  - { option: "max_standby_streaming_delay", value: "30s" }
  - { option: "wal_receiver_status_interval", value: "10s" }
  - { option: "idle_in_transaction_session_timeout", value: "10min" }  # reduce this timeout if possible
  - { option: "jit", value: "off" }
  - { option: "max_worker_processes", value: "24" }
  - { option: "max_parallel_workers", value: "8" }
  - { option: "max_parallel_workers_per_gather", value: "2" }
  - { option: "max_parallel_maintenance_workers", value: "2" }
  - { option: "tcp_keepalives_count", value: "10" }
  - { option: "tcp_keepalives_idle", value: "300" }
  - { option: "tcp_keepalives_interval", value: "30" }
#  - { option: "old_snapshot_threshold", value: "60min" }
#  - { option: "", value: "" }
#  - { option: "", value: "" }

# Set this variable to 'true' if you want the cluster to be automatically restarted
# after changing the 'postgresql_parameters' variable that requires a restart in the 'config_pgcluster.yml' playbook.
# By default, the cluster will not be automatically restarted.
pending_restart: true

# specify additional hosts that will be added to the pg_hba.conf
  - { type: "local", database: "all", user: "{{ patroni_superuser_username }}", address: "", method: "trust" }
  - { type: "local", database: "all", user: "{{ pgbouncer_auth_username }}", address: "", method: "trust" } # required for pgbouncer auth_user
  - { type: "local", database: "replication", user: "{{ patroni_superuser_username }}", address: "", method: "trust" }
  - { type: "local", database: "all", user: "all", address: "", method: "{{ postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm }}" }
  - { type: "host", database: "all", user: "all", address: "", method: "{{ postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm }}" }
  - { type: "host", database: "all", user: "all", address: "::1/128", method: "{{ postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm }}" }
#  - { type: "host", database: "mydatabase", user: "mydb-user", address: "", method: "{{ postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm }}" }
#  - { type: "host", database: "all", user: "all", address: "", method: "ident", options: "map=main" }  # use pg_ident

# list of lines that Patroni will use to generate pg_ident.conf
postgresql_pg_ident: []
#  - { mapname: "main", system_username: "postgres", pg_username: "backup" }
#  - { mapname: "", system_username: "", pg_username: "" }

# the password file (~/.pgpass)
  - "localhost:{{ postgresql_port }}:*:{{ patroni_superuser_username }}:{{ patroni_superuser_password }}"
  - "{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ postgresql_port }}:*:{{ patroni_superuser_username }}:{{ patroni_superuser_password }}"
  - "*:{{ pgbouncer_listen_port }}:*:{{ patroni_superuser_username }}:{{ patroni_superuser_password }}"
#  - hostname:port:database:username:password

# PgBouncer parameters
pgbouncer_install: true  # or 'false' if you do not want to install and configure the pgbouncer service
pgbouncer_processes: 1  # Number of pgbouncer processes to be used. Multiple processes use the so_reuseport option for better performance.
pgbouncer_conf_dir: "/etc/pgbouncer"
pgbouncer_log_dir: "/var/log/pgbouncer"
pgbouncer_listen_addr: "" # Listen on all interfaces. Or use "{{ inventory_hostname }}" to listen on a specific IP address.
pgbouncer_listen_port: 6432
pgbouncer_max_client_conn: 10000
pgbouncer_max_db_connections: 1000
pgbouncer_max_prepared_statements: 1024
pgbouncer_default_pool_size: 20
pgbouncer_query_wait_timeout: 120
pgbouncer_default_pool_mode: "session"
pgbouncer_admin_users: "{{ patroni_superuser_username }}"  # comma-separated list of users, who are allowed to change settings
pgbouncer_stats_users: "{{ patroni_superuser_username }}"  # comma-separated list of users who are just allowed to use SHOW command
pgbouncer_ignore_startup_parameters: "extra_float_digits,geqo,search_path"
pgbouncer_auth_type: "{{ postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm }}"
pgbouncer_auth_user: true # or 'false' if you want to manage the list of users for authentication in the database via userlist.txt
pgbouncer_auth_username: pgbouncer # user who can query the database via the user_search function
pgbouncer_auth_password: "pass" # please change password
pgbouncer_auth_dbname: "postgres"
pgbouncer_client_tls_sslmode: "disable"
pgbouncer_client_tls_key_file: ""
pgbouncer_client_tls_cert_file: ""
pgbouncer_client_tls_ca_file: ""
pgbouncer_client_tls_protocols: "secure" # allowed values: tlsv1.0, tlsv1.1, tlsv1.2, tlsv1.3, all, secure (tlsv1.2,tlsv1.3)
pgbouncer_client_tls_ciphers: "default" # allowed values: default, secure, fast, normal, all (not recommended)

  - { name: "postgres", dbname: "postgres", pool_parameters: "" }
#  - { name: "mydatabase", dbname: "mydatabase", pool_parameters: "pool_size=20 pool_mode=transaction" }
#  - { name: "", dbname: "", pool_parameters: "" }
#  - { name: "", dbname: "", pool_parameters: "" }

# Extended variables (optional)
patroni_restapi_listen_addr: "" # Listen on all interfaces. Or use "{{ inventory_hostname }}" to listen on a specific IP address.
patroni_restapi_port: 8008
patroni_restapi_username: "patroni"
patroni_restapi_password: "pass"  # please change password
patroni_ttl: 30
patroni_loop_wait: 10
patroni_retry_timeout: 10
patroni_master_start_timeout: 300
patroni_maximum_lag_on_failover: 1048576 # (1MB) the maximum bytes a follower may lag to be able to participate in leader election.
patroni_maximum_lag_on_replica: "100MB" # the maximum of lag that replica can be in order to be available for read-only queries.

patroni_callbacks: []
#  - {action: "on_role_change", script: ""}
#  - {action: "on_stop", script: ""}
#  - {action: "on_restart", script: ""}
#  - {action: "on_reload", script: ""}
#  - {action: "on_role_change", script: ""}

# Requirements:
# 1. the cluster name for Standby Cluster must be unique ('patroni_cluster_name' variable)
# 2. the IP addresses (or network) of the Standby Cluster servers must be added to the pg_hba.conf of the Main Cluster ('postgresql_pg_hba' variable).
  host: ""  # an address of remote master
  port: "5432"  # a port of remote master
#  primary_slot_name: ""  # which slot on the remote master to use for replication (optional)
#  restore_command: ""  # command to restore WAL records from the remote master to standby leader (optional)
#  recovery_min_apply_delay: ""  # how long to wait before actually apply WAL records on a standby leader (optional)

# Permanent replication slots.
# These slots will be preserved during switchover/failover.
patroni_slots: []
#  - slot: "logical_replication_slot" # the name of the permanent replication slot.
#    type: "logical" # the type of slot. Could be 'physical' or 'logical' (if the slot is logical, you have to define 'database' and 'plugin').
#    plugin: "pgoutput" # the plugin name for the logical slot.
#    database: "postgres" # the database name where logical slots should be created.
#  - slot: "test_logical_replication_slot"
#    type: "logical"
#    plugin: "pgoutput"
#    database: "test"

patroni_log_destination: stderr  # or 'logfile'
# if patroni_log_destination: logfile
patroni_log_dir: /var/log/patroni
patroni_log_level: info
patroni_log_traceback_level: error
patroni_log_format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
patroni_log_dateformat: ""
patroni_log_max_queue_size: 1000
patroni_log_file_num: 4
patroni_log_file_size: 25000000  # bytes
patroni_log_loggers_patroni_postmaster: warning
patroni_log_loggers_urllib3: warning  # or 'debug'

patroni_watchdog_mode: automatic  # or 'off', 'required'
patroni_watchdog_device: /dev/watchdog

patroni_postgresql_use_pg_rewind: true  # or 'false'
# try to use pg_rewind on the former leader when it joins cluster as a replica.

patroni_remove_data_directory_on_rewind_failure: false  # or 'true' (if use_pg_rewind: 'true')
# avoid removing the data directory on an unsuccessful rewind
# if 'true', Patroni will remove the PostgreSQL data directory and recreate the replica.

patroni_remove_data_directory_on_diverged_timelines: false  # or 'true'
# if 'true', Patroni will remove the PostgreSQL data directory and recreate the replica
# if it notices that timelines are diverging and the former master can not start streaming from the new master.

patroni_cluster_bootstrap_method: "pgbackrest"  # or "wal-g", "pgbackrest", "pg_probackup", "initdb"

  - pgbackrest
#  - wal_g
#  - pg_probackup
  - basebackup

  - { option: "command", value: "/usr/bin/pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --delta restore" }
  - { option: "keep_data", value: "True" }
  - { option: "no_params", value: "True" }
  - { option: "command", value: "{{ wal_g_path }} backup-fetch {{ postgresql_data_dir }} LATEST" }
  - { option: "no_params", value: "True" }
  - { option: "max-rate", value: "100M" }
  - { option: "checkpoint", value: "fast" }
#  - { option: "waldir", value: "{{ postgresql_wal_dir }}" }
  - { option: "command", value: "{{ pg_probackup_restore_command }}" }
  - { option: "no_params", value: "true" }

# "restore_command" written to recovery.conf when configuring follower (create replica)
postgresql_restore_command: ""
# postgresql_restore_command: "{{ wal_g_path }} wal-fetch %f %p"  # restore WAL-s using WAL-G
# postgresql_restore_command: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} archive-get %f %p"  # restore WAL-s using pgbackrest

# postgresql_restore_command: "pg_probackup-{{ pg_probackup_version }} archive-get -B
# {{ pg_probackup_dir }} --instance {{ pg_probackup_instance }} --wal-file-path=%p
# --wal-file-name=%f"  # restore WAL-s using pg_probackup

# pg_probackup
pg_probackup_install: false  # or 'true'
pg_probackup_install_from_postgrespro_repo: true  # or 'false'
pg_probackup_version: "{{ postgresql_version }}"
pg_probackup_instance: "pg_probackup_instance_name"
pg_probackup_dir: "/mnt/backup_dir"
pg_probackup_threads: "4"
pg_probackup_add_keys: "--recovery-target=latest --skip-external-dirs --no-validate"
# ⚠️ Ensure there is a space at the beginning of each part to prevent commands from concatenating.
  - "pg_probackup-{{ pg_probackup_version }}"
  - " restore -B {{ pg_probackup_dir }}"
  - " --instance {{ pg_probackup_instance }}"
  - " -j {{ pg_probackup_threads }}"
  - " {{ pg_probackup_add_keys }}"
pg_probackup_restore_command: "{{ pg_probackup_command_parts | join('') }}"
pg_probackup_patroni_cluster_bootstrap_command: "{{ pg_probackup_command_parts | join('') }}"

wal_g_install: false  # or 'true'
wal_g_version: "3.0.2"
wal_g_path: "/usr/local/bin/wal-g --config {{ postgresql_home_dir }}/.walg.json"
wal_g_json:  # config
  - { option: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", value: "{{ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | default('') }}" }  # define values or pass via --extra-vars
  - { option: "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", value: "{{ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | default('') }}" }  # define values or pass via --extra-vars
  - { option: "WALG_S3_PREFIX", value: "{{ WALG_S3_PREFIX | default('') }}" } # define values or pass via --extra-vars
  - { option: "WALG_COMPRESSION_METHOD", value: "brotli" }  # or "lz4", "lzma", "zstd"
  - { option: "WALG_DELTA_MAX_STEPS", value: "6" }  # determines how many delta backups can be between full backups
  - { option: "PGDATA", value: "{{ postgresql_data_dir }}" }
  - { option: "PGHOST", value: "{{ postgresql_unix_socket_dir }}" }
  - { option: "PGPORT", value: "{{ postgresql_port }}" }
  - { option: "PGUSER", value: "{{ patroni_superuser_username }}" }
#  - { option: "AWS_S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE", value: "true" }  # to use S3-compatible storage
#  - { option: "AWS_ENDPOINT", value: "http://minio:9000" }  # to use S3-compatible storage
#  - { option: "", value: "" }
wal_g_archive_command: "{{ wal_g_path }} wal-push %p"
wal_g_patroni_cluster_bootstrap_command: "{{ wal_g_path }} backup-fetch {{ postgresql_data_dir }} LATEST"

# Define job_parts outside of wal_g_cron_jobs
# ⚠️ Ensure there is a space at the beginning of each part to prevent commands from concatenating.
  - "curl -I -s http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ patroni_restapi_port }} | grep 200"
  - " && {{ wal_g_path }} backup-push {{ postgresql_data_dir }} > {{ postgresql_log_dir }}/walg_backup.log 2>&1"
  - "curl -I -s http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ patroni_restapi_port }} | grep 200"
  - " && {{ wal_g_path }} delete retain FULL 4 --confirm > {{ postgresql_log_dir }}/walg_delete.log 2>&1"

  - name: "WAL-G: Create daily backup"
    user: "postgres"
    file: /etc/cron.d/walg
    minute: "30"
    hour: "3"
    day: "*"
    month: "*"
    weekday: "*"
    job: "{{ wal_g_backup_command | join('') }}"
  - name: "WAL-G: Delete old backups" # retain 4 full backups (adjust according to your company's backup retention policy)
    user: "postgres"
    file: /etc/cron.d/walg
    minute: "30"
    hour: "6"
    day: "*"
    month: "*"
    weekday: "*"
    job: "{{ wal_g_delete_command | join('') }}"

# pgBackRest
pgbackrest_install: true  # or 'true'
pgbackrest_install_from_pgdg_repo: true  # or 'false'
pgbackrest_stanza: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"  # specify your --stanza
pgbackrest_repo_type: "posix"  # or "s3", "gcs", "azure"
pgbackrest_repo_host: ""  # dedicated repository host (optional)
pgbackrest_repo_user: "postgres"
pgbackrest_conf_file: "/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf"
# config
  global:  # [global] section
    - { option: "log-level-file", value: "detail" }
    - { option: "log-path", value: "/var/log/pgbackrest" }
#    - { option: "repo1-host", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_host }}" }
#    - { option: "repo1-host-user", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_user }}" }
    - { option: "repo1-type", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_type | lower }}" }
    - { option: "repo1-path", value: "/var/lib/pgbackrest" }
    - { option: "repo1-retention-full", value: "4" }
    - { option: "repo1-retention-archive", value: "4" }
    - { option: "start-fast", value: "y" }
    - { option: "stop-auto", value: "y" }
    - { option: "resume", value: "n" }
    - { option: "link-all", value: "y" }
    - { option: "spool-path", value: "/var/spool/pgbackrest" }
    - { option: "archive-async", value: "y" } # Enables asynchronous WAL archiving (details:
    - { option: "archive-get-queue-max", value: "1GiB" }
#    - { option: "archive-push-queue-max", value: "100GiB" }
#    - { option: "backup-standby", value: "y" } # When set to 'y', standby servers will be automatically added to the stanza section.
#    - { option: "", value: "" }
  stanza:  # [stanza_name] section
    - { option: "process-max", value: "4" }
    - { option: "log-level-console", value: "info" }
    - { option: "recovery-option", value: "recovery_target_action=promote" }
    - { option: "pg1-socket-path", value: "{{ postgresql_unix_socket_dir }}" }
    - { option: "pg1-path", value: "{{ postgresql_data_dir }}" }
#    - { option: "", value: "" }
# (optional) dedicated backup server config (if "repo_host" is set)
    - { option: "log-level-file", value: "detail" }
    - { option: "log-level-console", value: "info" }
    - { option: "log-path", value: "/var/log/pgbackrest" }
    - { option: "repo1-type", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_type | lower }}" }
    - { option: "repo1-path", value: "/var/lib/pgbackrest" }
    - { option: "repo1-retention-full", value: "4" }
    - { option: "repo1-retention-archive", value: "4" }
    - { option: "repo1-bundle", value: "y" }
    - { option: "repo1-block", value: "y" }
    - { option: "start-fast", value: "y" }
    - { option: "stop-auto", value: "y" }
    - { option: "resume", value: "n" }
    - { option: "link-all", value: "y" }
    - { option: "archive-check", value: "y" }
    - { option: "archive-copy", value: "n" }
    - { option: "backup-standby", value: "y" }
#    - { option: "", value: "" }
# the stanza section will be generated automatically

pgbackrest_archive_command: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} archive-push %p"

  '/usr/bin/pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --delta restore --set=20240813-074133F'  # restore from latest backup  --set=20240807-115137F
#  '/usr/bin/pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --type=time "--target=2020-06-01 11:00:00+03" --delta restore'  # Point-in-Time Recovery (example)

# By default, the cron jobs is created on the database server.
# If 'repo_host' is defined, the cron jobs will be created on the pgbackrest server.
  - name: "pgBackRest: Full Backup"
    file: "/etc/cron.d/pgbackrest-{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
    user: "postgres"
    minute: "30"
    hour: "6"
    day: "*"
    month: "*"
    weekday: "0"
    job: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --type=full backup"
    # job: "if [ $(psql -tAXc 'select pg_is_in_recovery()') = 'f' ]; then pgbackrest --type=full --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} backup; fi"
  - name: "pgBackRest: Diff Backup"
    file: "/etc/cron.d/pgbackrest-{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
    user: "postgres"
    minute: "30"
    hour: "6"
    day: "*"
    month: "*"
    weekday: "1-6"
    job: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --type=diff backup"
    # job: "if [ $(psql -tAXc 'select pg_is_in_recovery()') = 'f' ]; then pgbackrest --type=diff --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} backup; fi"

# PITR mode (if patroni_cluster_bootstrap_method: "pgbackrest" or "wal-g"):
# 1) The database cluster directory will be cleaned (for "wal-g") or overwritten (for "pgbackrest" --delta restore).
# 2) And also the patroni cluster "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}" will be removed from the DCS (if exist) before recovery.

disable_archive_command: true  # or 'false' to not disable archive_command after restore
keep_patroni_dynamic_json: true  # or 'false' to remove patroni.dynamic.json after restore (if exists)

# Netdata -
netdata_install: false  # or 'true' for install Netdata on postgresql cluster nodes (with
netdata_install_options: "--stable-channel --disable-telemetry --dont-wait"
  web_bind_to: "*"
  memory_mode: "dbengine"  # The long-term metrics storage with efficient RAM and disk usage.
  page_cache_size: 64  # Determines the amount of RAM in MiB that is dedicated to caching Netdata metric values.
  dbengine_disk_space: 1024  # Determines the amount of disk space in MiB that is dedicated to storing Netdata metric values.


Here my inventory file.

# if dcs_exists: false and dcs_type: "etcd"
[etcd_cluster]  # recommendation: 3, or 5-7 nodes

# if dcs_exists: false and dcs_type: "consul"
[consul_instances]  # recommendation: 3 or 5-7 nodes
; consul_node_role=server consul_bootstrap_expect=true consul_datacenter=dc1
; consul_node_role=server consul_bootstrap_expect=true consul_datacenter=dc1
; consul_node_role=server consul_bootstrap_expect=true consul_datacenter=dc1
# consul_node_role=client consul_datacenter=dc2
# consul_node_role=client consul_datacenter=dc2

# if with_haproxy_load_balancing: true
[balancers] # balancer_tags="datacenter=dc1" # balancer_tags="datacenter=dc1" # balancer_tags="datacenter=dc1"
# balancer_tags="datacenter=dc2"
# balancer_tags="datacenter=dc2" new_node=true

# PostgreSQL nodes
[master] hostname=pgnode01 postgresql_exists=true # patroni_tags="datacenter=dc1"

[replica] hostname=pgnode02 postgresql_exists=true # patroni_tags="datacenter=dc1" hostname=pgnode03 postgresql_exists=true # patroni_tags="datacenter=dc1"
# hostname=pgnode04 postgresql_exists=false patroni_tags="datacenter=dc2"
# hostname=pgnode04 postgresql_exists=false patroni_tags="datacenter=dc2" new_node=true


# if pgbackrest_install: true and "repo_host" is set
[pgbackrest]  # optional (Dedicated Repository Host)
SDV109 commented 1 month ago

@halilerisen, Hi, you're making a mistake, you didn't fix postgresql_restore_command: ""

If you read it then it is described here that postgresql_restore_command needs to be changed.

Try to fix and repeat the recovery procedure

halilerisen commented 1 month ago

@SDV109, Hi, I read it at least 50 times, but I missed it. I corrected it and tried again, but the same issue persists. Where else am I making a mistake?

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Proxy variables (optional) for download packages using a proxy server
proxy_env: {}  # yamllint disable rule:braces
#  http_proxy:
#  https_proxy:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# Cluster variables
cluster_vip: ""  # IP address for client access to the databases in the cluster (optional).
vip_interface: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.interface }}"  # interface name (e.g., "ens32").
# Note: VIP-based solutions such as keepalived or vip-manager may not function correctly in cloud environments like AWS.

patroni_cluster_name: "postgres-cluster"  # the cluster name (must be unique for each cluster)
patroni_install_version: "3.3.2"  # or 'latest'

patroni_superuser_username: "postgres"
patroni_superuser_password: "pass"  # please change password
patroni_replication_username: "replicator"
patroni_replication_password: "pass"  # please change password

synchronous_mode: true  # or 'true' for enable synchronous database replication
synchronous_mode_strict: true  # if 'true' then block all client writes to the master, when a synchronous replica is not available
synchronous_node_count: 1  # number of synchronous standby databases

# Load Balancing
with_haproxy_load_balancing: true  # or 'true' if you want to install and configure the load-balancing
  master: 31285
  replicas: 5001
  replicas_sync: 5002
  replicas_async: 5003
# The following ('_direct') ports are used for direct connections to the PostgreSQL database,
# bypassing the PgBouncer connection pool (if 'pgbouncer_install' is 'true').
# Uncomment the relevant lines if you need to set up direct connections.
#  master_direct: 6000
#  replicas_direct: 6001
#  replicas_sync_direct: 6002
#  replicas_async_direct: 6003
  stats: 7000
  global: 100000
  master: 10000
  replica: 10000
  client: "60m"
  server: "60m"
# Optionally declare log format for haproxy.
# Uncomment following lines (and remove extra space in front of variable definition) for JSON structured log format.
# haproxy_log_format: "{
#  \"pid\":%pid,\
#  \"haproxy_frontend_type\":\"tcp\",\
#  \"haproxy_process_concurrent_connections\":%ac,\
#  \"haproxy_frontend_concurrent_connections\":%fc,\
#  \"haproxy_backend_concurrent_connections\":%bc,\
#  \"haproxy_server_concurrent_connections\":%sc,\
#  \"haproxy_backend_queue\":%bq,\
#  \"haproxy_server_queue\":%sq,\
#  \"haproxy_queue_wait_time\":%Tw,\
#  \"haproxy_server_wait_time\":%Tc,\
#  \"response_time\":%Td,\
#  \"session_duration\":%Tt,\
#  \"request_termination_state\":\"%tsc\",\
#  \"haproxy_server_connection_retries\":%rc,\
#  \"remote_addr\":\"%ci\",\
#  \"remote_port\":%cp,\
#  \"frontend_addr\":\"%fi\",\
#  \"frontend_port\":%fp,\
#  \"frontend_ssl_version\":\"%sslv\",\
#  \"frontend_ssl_ciphers\":\"%sslc\",\
#  \"haproxy_frontend_name\":\"%f\",\
#  \"haproxy_backend_name\":\"%b\",\
#  \"haproxy_server_name\":\"%s\",\
#  \"response_size\":%B,\
#  \"request_size\":%U\
#  }"

# keepalived (if 'cluster_vip' is specified and 'with_haproxy_load_balancing' is 'true')
keepalived_virtual_router_id: "{{ cluster_vip.split('.')[3] | int }}" # The last octet of 'cluster_vip' IP address is used by default.
# virtual_router_id - must be unique in the network (available values are 0..255).

# vip-manager (if 'cluster_vip' is specified and 'with_haproxy_load_balancing' is 'false')
vip_manager_version: "2.6.0"  # version to install
vip_manager_conf: "/etc/patroni/vip-manager.yml"
vip_manager_interval: "1000"  # time (in milliseconds) after which vip-manager wakes up and checks if it needs to register or release ip addresses.
vip_manager_iface: "{{ vip_interface }}"  # interface to which the virtual ip will be added
vip_manager_ip: "{{ cluster_vip }}"  # the virtual ip address to manage
vip_manager_mask: "24"  # netmask for the virtual ip

# DCS (Distributed Consensus Store)
dcs_exists: false  # or 'true' if you don't want to deploy a new etcd cluster
dcs_type: "etcd"  # or 'consul'

# if dcs_type: "etcd" and dcs_exists: false
etcd_version: "3.5.15"  # version for deploy etcd cluster
etcd_data_dir: "/var/lib/etcd"
etcd_cluster_name: "etcd-{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"  # ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER_TOKEN

# if dcs_type: "etcd" and dcs_exists: true
patroni_etcd_hosts: []  # list of servers of an existing etcd cluster
#  - { host: "", port: "2379" }
#  - { host: "", port: "2379" }
#  - { host: "", port: "2379" }
patroni_etcd_namespace: "service"  # (optional) etcd namespace (prefix)
patroni_etcd_username: "" # (optional) username for etcd authentication
patroni_etcd_password: "" # (optional) password for etcd authentication
patroni_etcd_protocol: "" # (optional) http or https, if not specified http is used

# more options you can specify in the roles/patroni/templates/patroni.yml.j2

# if dcs_type: "consul"
consul_version: "1.15.8"
consul_config_path: "/etc/consul"
consul_configd_path: "{{ consul_config_path }}/conf.d"
consul_data_path: "/var/lib/consul"
consul_domain: "consul"  # Consul domain name
consul_datacenter: "dc1"  # Datacenter label (can be specified for each host in the inventory)
consul_disable_update_check: true  # Disables automatic checking for security bulletins and new version releases
consul_enable_script_checks: true  # This controls whether health checks that execute scripts are enabled on this agent
consul_enable_local_script_checks: true  # Enable them when they are defined in the local configuration files
consul_ui: false  # Enable the consul UI?
consul_syslog_enable: true  # Enable logging to syslog
consul_iface: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.interface }}"  # specify the interface name with a Private IP (ex. "enp7s0")
# You can enable TLS encryption by dropping a CA certificate, server certificate, and server key in roles/consul/files/
consul_tls_enable: false
consul_tls_ca_crt: "ca.crt"
consul_tls_server_crt: "server.crt"
consul_tls_server_key: "server.key"
consul_recursors: []  # List of upstream DNS servers
consul_dnsmasq_enable: true  # Enable DNS forwarding with Dnsmasq
consul_dnsmasq_cache: 0  # dnsmasq cache-size (0 - disable caching)
consul_dnsmasq_servers: "{{ nameservers }}" # Upstream DNS servers used by dnsmasq
consul_join: []  # List of LAN servers of an existing consul cluster, to join.
# - ""
# - ""
# - ""

  - name: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
    id: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}-master"
    tags: ['master', 'primary']
    port: "{{ pgbouncer_listen_port }}"  # or "{{ postgresql_port }}" if pgbouncer_install: false
      - { http: "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ patroni_restapi_port }}/primary", interval: "2s" }
      - { args: ["systemctl", "status", "pgbouncer"], interval: "5s" }  # comment out this check if pgbouncer_install: false
  - name: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
    id: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}-replica"
    tags: ['replica']
    port: "{{ pgbouncer_listen_port }}"
      - { http: "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ patroni_restapi_port }}/replica?lag={{ patroni_maximum_lag_on_replica }}", interval: "2s" }
      - { args: ["systemctl", "status", "pgbouncer"], interval: "5s" }
#  - name: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
#    id: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}-sync-replica"
#    tags: ['sync-replica']
#    port: "{{ pgbouncer_listen_port }}"
#    checks:
#      - { http: "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ patroni_restapi_port }}/sync", interval: "2s" }
#      - { args: ["systemctl", "status", "pgbouncer"], interval: "5s" }
#  - name: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
#    id: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}-async-replica"
#    tags: ['async-replica']
#    port: "{{ pgbouncer_listen_port }}"
#    checks:
#      - { http: "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ patroni_restapi_port }}/async?lag={{ patroni_maximum_lag_on_replica }}", interval: "2s" }
#      - { args: ["systemctl", "status", "pgbouncer"], interval: "5s" }

# PostgreSQL variables
postgresql_version: "16"
# postgresql_data_dir: see vars/Debian.yml or vars/RedHat.yml
postgresql_listen_addr: "" # Listen on all interfaces. Or use "{{ inventory_hostname }}," to listen on a specific IP address.
postgresql_port: "5432"
postgresql_encoding: "UTF8"  # for bootstrap only (initdb)
postgresql_locale: "en_US.UTF-8"  # for bootstrap only (initdb)
postgresql_data_checksums: true  # for bootstrap only (initdb)
postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm: "scram-sha-256"  # or "md5" if your clients do not work with passwords encrypted with SCRAM-SHA-256

# (optional) list of users to be created (if not already exists)
  - { name: "{{ pgbouncer_auth_username }}", password: "{{ pgbouncer_auth_password }}", flags: "LOGIN", role: "" }
#  - { name: "monitoring_auth_username", password: "monitoring_user_password", flags: "LOGIN", role: "pg_monitor" } # monitoring Service Account
#  - { name: "mydb-user", password: "mydb-user-pass", flags: "SUPERUSER" }
#  - { name: "", password: "", flags: "NOSUPERUSER" }
#  - { name: "", password: "", flags: "NOSUPERUSER" }
#  - { name: "", password: "", flags: "NOLOGIN" }

# (optional) list of databases to be created (if not already exists)
postgresql_databases: []
#  - { db: "mydatabase", encoding: "UTF8", lc_collate: "ru_RU.UTF-8", lc_ctype: "ru_RU.UTF-8", owner: "mydb-user" }
#  - { db: "mydatabase2", encoding: "UTF8", lc_collate: "ru_RU.UTF-8", lc_ctype: "ru_RU.UTF-8", owner: "mydb-user", conn_limit: "50" }
#  - { db: "", encoding: "UTF8", lc_collate: "en_US.UTF-8", lc_ctype: "en_US.UTF-8", owner: "" }
#  - { db: "", encoding: "UTF8", lc_collate: "en_US.UTF-8", lc_ctype: "en_US.UTF-8", owner: "" }

# (optional) list of schemas to be created (if not already exists)
postgresql_schemas: []
#  - { schema: "myschema", db: "mydatabase", owner: "mydb-user" }

# (optional) list of database extensions to be created (if not already exists)
postgresql_extensions: []
#  - { ext: "pg_stat_statements", db: "postgres" }
#  - { ext: "pg_stat_statements", db: "mydatabase" }
#  - { ext: "pg_stat_statements", db: "mydatabase", schema: "myschema" }
#  - { ext: "pg_stat_statements", db: "" }
#  - { ext: "pg_stat_statements", db: "" }
#  - { ext: "pg_repack", db: "" }  # postgresql-<version>-repack package is required
#  - { ext: "pg_stat_kcache", db: "" }  # postgresql-<version>-pg-stat-kcache package is required
#  - { ext: "", db: "" }
#  - { ext: "", db: "" }

# postgresql parameters to bootstrap dcs (are parameters for example)
  - { option: "max_connections", value: "500" }
  - { option: "superuser_reserved_connections", value: "5" }
  - { option: "password_encryption", value: "{{ postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm }}" }
  - { option: "max_locks_per_transaction", value: "512" }
  - { option: "max_prepared_transactions", value: "0" }
  - { option: "huge_pages", value: "try" }  # "vm.nr_hugepages" is auto-configured for shared_buffers >= 8GB (if huge_pages_auto_conf is true)
  - { option: "shared_buffers", value: "{{ (ansible_memtotal_mb * 0.25) | int }}MB" }  # by default, 25% of RAM
  - { option: "effective_cache_size", value: "{{ (ansible_memtotal_mb * 0.75) | int }}MB" }  # by default, 75% of RAM
  - { option: "work_mem", value: "128MB" }  # please change this value
  - { option: "maintenance_work_mem", value: "256MB" }  # please change this value
  - { option: "checkpoint_timeout", value: "15min" }
  - { option: "checkpoint_completion_target", value: "0.9" }
  - { option: "min_wal_size", value: "2GB" }
  - { option: "max_wal_size", value: "8GB" }  # or 16GB/32GB
  - { option: "wal_buffers", value: "32MB" }
  - { option: "default_statistics_target", value: "1000" }
  - { option: "seq_page_cost", value: "1" }
  - { option: "random_page_cost", value: "1.1" }  # or "4" for HDDs with slower random access
  - { option: "effective_io_concurrency", value: "200" }  # or "2" for traditional HDDs with lower I/O parallelism
  - { option: "synchronous_commit", value: "on" }  # or 'off' if you can you lose single transactions in case of a crash
  - { option: "autovacuum", value: "on" }  # never turn off the autovacuum!
  - { option: "autovacuum_max_workers", value: "5" }
  - { option: "autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor", value: "0.01" }  # or 0.005/0.001
  - { option: "autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor", value: "0.01" }
  - { option: "autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit", value: "500" }  # or 1000/5000
  - { option: "autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay", value: "2" }
  - { option: "autovacuum_naptime", value: "1s" }
  - { option: "max_files_per_process", value: "4096" }
  - { option: "archive_mode", value: "on" }
  - { option: "archive_timeout", value: "1800s" }
  # - { option: "archive_command", value: "cd ." }  # not doing anything yet with WAL-s
#  - { option: "archive_command", value: "{{ wal_g_archive_command }}" }  # archive WAL-s using WAL-G
  - { option: "archive_command", value: "{{ pgbackrest_archive_command }}" }  # archive WAL-s using pgbackrest
  - { option: "wal_level", value: "logical" }
  - { option: "wal_keep_size", value: "2GB" }
  - { option: "max_wal_senders", value: "10" }
  - { option: "max_replication_slots", value: "10" }
  - { option: "hot_standby", value: "on" }
  - { option: "wal_log_hints", value: "on" }
  - { option: "wal_compression", value: "on" }
  - { option: "shared_preload_libraries", value: "pg_stat_statements,auto_explain" }
  - { option: "pg_stat_statements.max", value: "10000" }
  - { option: "pg_stat_statements.track", value: "all" }
  - { option: "pg_stat_statements.track_utility", value: "false" }
  - { option: "", value: "true" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_min_duration", value: "10s" }  # enable auto_explain for 10-second logging threshold. Decrease this value if necessary
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_analyze", value: "true" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_buffers", value: "true" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_timing", value: "false" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_triggers", value: "true" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_verbose", value: "true" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.log_nested_statements", value: "true" }
  - { option: "auto_explain.sample_rate", value: "0.01" }  # enable auto_explain for 1% of queries logging threshold
  - { option: "track_io_timing", value: "on" }
  - { option: "log_lock_waits", value: "on" }
  - { option: "log_temp_files", value: "0" }
  - { option: "track_activities", value: "on" }
  - { option: "track_activity_query_size", value: "4096" }
  - { option: "track_counts", value: "on" }
  - { option: "track_functions", value: "all" }
  - { option: "log_checkpoints", value: "on" }
  - { option: "logging_collector", value: "on" }
  - { option: "log_truncate_on_rotation", value: "on" }
  - { option: "log_rotation_age", value: "1d" }
  - { option: "log_rotation_size", value: "0" }
  - { option: "log_line_prefix", value: "'%t [%p-%l] %r %q%u@%d '" }
  - { option: "log_filename", value: "postgresql-%a.log" }
  - { option: "log_directory", value: "{{ postgresql_log_dir }}" }
  - { option: "hot_standby_feedback", value: "on" }  # allows feedback from a hot standby to the primary that will avoid query conflicts
  - { option: "max_standby_streaming_delay", value: "30s" }
  - { option: "wal_receiver_status_interval", value: "10s" }
  - { option: "idle_in_transaction_session_timeout", value: "10min" }  # reduce this timeout if possible
  - { option: "jit", value: "off" }
  - { option: "max_worker_processes", value: "24" }
  - { option: "max_parallel_workers", value: "8" }
  - { option: "max_parallel_workers_per_gather", value: "2" }
  - { option: "max_parallel_maintenance_workers", value: "2" }
  - { option: "tcp_keepalives_count", value: "10" }
  - { option: "tcp_keepalives_idle", value: "300" }
  - { option: "tcp_keepalives_interval", value: "30" }
#  - { option: "old_snapshot_threshold", value: "60min" }
#  - { option: "", value: "" }
#  - { option: "", value: "" }

# Set this variable to 'true' if you want the cluster to be automatically restarted
# after changing the 'postgresql_parameters' variable that requires a restart in the 'config_pgcluster.yml' playbook.
# By default, the cluster will not be automatically restarted.
pending_restart: true

# specify additional hosts that will be added to the pg_hba.conf
  - { type: "local", database: "all", user: "{{ patroni_superuser_username }}", address: "", method: "trust" }
  - { type: "local", database: "all", user: "{{ pgbouncer_auth_username }}", address: "", method: "trust" } # required for pgbouncer auth_user
  - { type: "local", database: "replication", user: "{{ patroni_superuser_username }}", address: "", method: "trust" }
  - { type: "local", database: "all", user: "all", address: "", method: "{{ postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm }}" }
  - { type: "host", database: "all", user: "all", address: "", method: "{{ postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm }}" }
  - { type: "host", database: "all", user: "all", address: "::1/128", method: "{{ postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm }}" }
#  - { type: "host", database: "mydatabase", user: "mydb-user", address: "", method: "{{ postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm }}" }
#  - { type: "host", database: "all", user: "all", address: "", method: "ident", options: "map=main" }  # use pg_ident

# list of lines that Patroni will use to generate pg_ident.conf
postgresql_pg_ident: []
#  - { mapname: "main", system_username: "postgres", pg_username: "backup" }
#  - { mapname: "", system_username: "", pg_username: "" }

# the password file (~/.pgpass)
  - "localhost:{{ postgresql_port }}:*:{{ patroni_superuser_username }}:{{ patroni_superuser_password }}"
  - "{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ postgresql_port }}:*:{{ patroni_superuser_username }}:{{ patroni_superuser_password }}"
  - "*:{{ pgbouncer_listen_port }}:*:{{ patroni_superuser_username }}:{{ patroni_superuser_password }}"
#  - hostname:port:database:username:password

# PgBouncer parameters
pgbouncer_install: true  # or 'false' if you do not want to install and configure the pgbouncer service
pgbouncer_processes: 1  # Number of pgbouncer processes to be used. Multiple processes use the so_reuseport option for better performance.
pgbouncer_conf_dir: "/etc/pgbouncer"
pgbouncer_log_dir: "/var/log/pgbouncer"
pgbouncer_listen_addr: "" # Listen on all interfaces. Or use "{{ inventory_hostname }}" to listen on a specific IP address.
pgbouncer_listen_port: 6432
pgbouncer_max_client_conn: 10000
pgbouncer_max_db_connections: 1000
pgbouncer_max_prepared_statements: 1024
pgbouncer_default_pool_size: 20
pgbouncer_query_wait_timeout: 120
pgbouncer_default_pool_mode: "session"
pgbouncer_admin_users: "{{ patroni_superuser_username }}"  # comma-separated list of users, who are allowed to change settings
pgbouncer_stats_users: "{{ patroni_superuser_username }}"  # comma-separated list of users who are just allowed to use SHOW command
pgbouncer_ignore_startup_parameters: "extra_float_digits,geqo,search_path"
pgbouncer_auth_type: "{{ postgresql_password_encryption_algorithm }}"
pgbouncer_auth_user: true # or 'false' if you want to manage the list of users for authentication in the database via userlist.txt
pgbouncer_auth_username: pgbouncer # user who can query the database via the user_search function
pgbouncer_auth_password: "pass" # please change password
pgbouncer_auth_dbname: "postgres"
pgbouncer_client_tls_sslmode: "disable"
pgbouncer_client_tls_key_file: ""
pgbouncer_client_tls_cert_file: ""
pgbouncer_client_tls_ca_file: ""
pgbouncer_client_tls_protocols: "secure" # allowed values: tlsv1.0, tlsv1.1, tlsv1.2, tlsv1.3, all, secure (tlsv1.2,tlsv1.3)
pgbouncer_client_tls_ciphers: "default" # allowed values: default, secure, fast, normal, all (not recommended)

  - { name: "postgres", dbname: "postgres", pool_parameters: "" }
#  - { name: "mydatabase", dbname: "mydatabase", pool_parameters: "pool_size=20 pool_mode=transaction" }
#  - { name: "", dbname: "", pool_parameters: "" }
#  - { name: "", dbname: "", pool_parameters: "" }

# Extended variables (optional)
patroni_restapi_listen_addr: "" # Listen on all interfaces. Or use "{{ inventory_hostname }}" to listen on a specific IP address.
patroni_restapi_port: 8008
patroni_restapi_username: "patroni"
patroni_restapi_password: "pass"  # please change password
patroni_ttl: 30
patroni_loop_wait: 10
patroni_retry_timeout: 10
patroni_master_start_timeout: 300
patroni_maximum_lag_on_failover: 1048576 # (1MB) the maximum bytes a follower may lag to be able to participate in leader election.
patroni_maximum_lag_on_replica: "100MB" # the maximum of lag that replica can be in order to be available for read-only queries.

patroni_callbacks: []
#  - {action: "on_role_change", script: ""}
#  - {action: "on_stop", script: ""}
#  - {action: "on_restart", script: ""}
#  - {action: "on_reload", script: ""}
#  - {action: "on_role_change", script: ""}

# Requirements:
# 1. the cluster name for Standby Cluster must be unique ('patroni_cluster_name' variable)
# 2. the IP addresses (or network) of the Standby Cluster servers must be added to the pg_hba.conf of the Main Cluster ('postgresql_pg_hba' variable).
  host: ""  # an address of remote master
  port: "5432"  # a port of remote master
#  primary_slot_name: ""  # which slot on the remote master to use for replication (optional)
#  restore_command: ""  # command to restore WAL records from the remote master to standby leader (optional)
#  recovery_min_apply_delay: ""  # how long to wait before actually apply WAL records on a standby leader (optional)

# Permanent replication slots.
# These slots will be preserved during switchover/failover.
patroni_slots: []
#  - slot: "logical_replication_slot" # the name of the permanent replication slot.
#    type: "logical" # the type of slot. Could be 'physical' or 'logical' (if the slot is logical, you have to define 'database' and 'plugin').
#    plugin: "pgoutput" # the plugin name for the logical slot.
#    database: "postgres" # the database name where logical slots should be created.
#  - slot: "test_logical_replication_slot"
#    type: "logical"
#    plugin: "pgoutput"
#    database: "test"

patroni_log_destination: stderr  # or 'logfile'
# if patroni_log_destination: logfile
patroni_log_dir: /var/log/patroni
patroni_log_level: info
patroni_log_traceback_level: error
patroni_log_format: "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
patroni_log_dateformat: ""
patroni_log_max_queue_size: 1000
patroni_log_file_num: 4
patroni_log_file_size: 25000000  # bytes
patroni_log_loggers_patroni_postmaster: warning
patroni_log_loggers_urllib3: warning  # or 'debug'

patroni_watchdog_mode: automatic  # or 'off', 'required'
patroni_watchdog_device: /dev/watchdog

patroni_postgresql_use_pg_rewind: true  # or 'false'
# try to use pg_rewind on the former leader when it joins cluster as a replica.

patroni_remove_data_directory_on_rewind_failure: false  # or 'true' (if use_pg_rewind: 'true')
# avoid removing the data directory on an unsuccessful rewind
# if 'true', Patroni will remove the PostgreSQL data directory and recreate the replica.

patroni_remove_data_directory_on_diverged_timelines: false  # or 'true'
# if 'true', Patroni will remove the PostgreSQL data directory and recreate the replica
# if it notices that timelines are diverging and the former master can not start streaming from the new master.

patroni_cluster_bootstrap_method: "pgbackrest"  # or "wal-g", "pgbackrest", "pg_probackup", "initdb"

  - pgbackrest
#  - wal_g
#  - pg_probackup
  - basebackup

  - { option: "command", value: "/usr/bin/pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --delta restore" }
  - { option: "keep_data", value: "True" }
  - { option: "no_params", value: "True" }
  - { option: "command", value: "{{ wal_g_path }} backup-fetch {{ postgresql_data_dir }} LATEST" }
  - { option: "no_params", value: "True" }
  - { option: "max-rate", value: "100M" }
  - { option: "checkpoint", value: "fast" }
#  - { option: "waldir", value: "{{ postgresql_wal_dir }}" }
  - { option: "command", value: "{{ pg_probackup_restore_command }}" }
  - { option: "no_params", value: "true" }

# "restore_command" written to recovery.conf when configuring follower (create replica)
# postgresql_restore_command: ""
# postgresql_restore_command: "{{ wal_g_path }} wal-fetch %f %p"  # restore WAL-s using WAL-G
postgresql_restore_command: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} archive-get %f %p"  # restore WAL-s using pgbackrest

# postgresql_restore_command: "pg_probackup-{{ pg_probackup_version }} archive-get -B
# {{ pg_probackup_dir }} --instance {{ pg_probackup_instance }} --wal-file-path=%p
# --wal-file-name=%f"  # restore WAL-s using pg_probackup

# pg_probackup
pg_probackup_install: false  # or 'true'
pg_probackup_install_from_postgrespro_repo: true  # or 'false'
pg_probackup_version: "{{ postgresql_version }}"
pg_probackup_instance: "pg_probackup_instance_name"
pg_probackup_dir: "/mnt/backup_dir"
pg_probackup_threads: "4"
pg_probackup_add_keys: "--recovery-target=latest --skip-external-dirs --no-validate"
# ⚠️ Ensure there is a space at the beginning of each part to prevent commands from concatenating.
  - "pg_probackup-{{ pg_probackup_version }}"
  - " restore -B {{ pg_probackup_dir }}"
  - " --instance {{ pg_probackup_instance }}"
  - " -j {{ pg_probackup_threads }}"
  - " {{ pg_probackup_add_keys }}"
pg_probackup_restore_command: "{{ pg_probackup_command_parts | join('') }}"
pg_probackup_patroni_cluster_bootstrap_command: "{{ pg_probackup_command_parts | join('') }}"

wal_g_install: false  # or 'true'
wal_g_version: "3.0.2"
wal_g_path: "/usr/local/bin/wal-g --config {{ postgresql_home_dir }}/.walg.json"
wal_g_json:  # config
  - { option: "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", value: "{{ AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID | default('') }}" }  # define values or pass via --extra-vars
  - { option: "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", value: "{{ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY | default('') }}" }  # define values or pass via --extra-vars
  - { option: "WALG_S3_PREFIX", value: "{{ WALG_S3_PREFIX | default('') }}" } # define values or pass via --extra-vars
  - { option: "WALG_COMPRESSION_METHOD", value: "brotli" }  # or "lz4", "lzma", "zstd"
  - { option: "WALG_DELTA_MAX_STEPS", value: "6" }  # determines how many delta backups can be between full backups
  - { option: "PGDATA", value: "{{ postgresql_data_dir }}" }
  - { option: "PGHOST", value: "{{ postgresql_unix_socket_dir }}" }
  - { option: "PGPORT", value: "{{ postgresql_port }}" }
  - { option: "PGUSER", value: "{{ patroni_superuser_username }}" }
#  - { option: "AWS_S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE", value: "true" }  # to use S3-compatible storage
#  - { option: "AWS_ENDPOINT", value: "http://minio:9000" }  # to use S3-compatible storage
#  - { option: "", value: "" }
wal_g_archive_command: "{{ wal_g_path }} wal-push %p"
wal_g_patroni_cluster_bootstrap_command: "{{ wal_g_path }} backup-fetch {{ postgresql_data_dir }} LATEST"

# Define job_parts outside of wal_g_cron_jobs
# ⚠️ Ensure there is a space at the beginning of each part to prevent commands from concatenating.
  - "curl -I -s http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ patroni_restapi_port }} | grep 200"
  - " && {{ wal_g_path }} backup-push {{ postgresql_data_dir }} > {{ postgresql_log_dir }}/walg_backup.log 2>&1"
  - "curl -I -s http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ patroni_restapi_port }} | grep 200"
  - " && {{ wal_g_path }} delete retain FULL 4 --confirm > {{ postgresql_log_dir }}/walg_delete.log 2>&1"

  - name: "WAL-G: Create daily backup"
    user: "postgres"
    file: /etc/cron.d/walg
    minute: "30"
    hour: "3"
    day: "*"
    month: "*"
    weekday: "*"
    job: "{{ wal_g_backup_command | join('') }}"
  - name: "WAL-G: Delete old backups" # retain 4 full backups (adjust according to your company's backup retention policy)
    user: "postgres"
    file: /etc/cron.d/walg
    minute: "30"
    hour: "6"
    day: "*"
    month: "*"
    weekday: "*"
    job: "{{ wal_g_delete_command | join('') }}"

# pgBackRest
pgbackrest_install: true  # or 'true'
pgbackrest_install_from_pgdg_repo: true  # or 'false'
pgbackrest_stanza: "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"  # specify your --stanza
pgbackrest_repo_type: "posix"  # or "s3", "gcs", "azure"
pgbackrest_repo_host: ""  # dedicated repository host (optional)
pgbackrest_repo_user: "postgres"
pgbackrest_conf_file: "/etc/pgbackrest/pgbackrest.conf"
# config
  global:  # [global] section
    - { option: "log-level-file", value: "detail" }
    - { option: "log-path", value: "/var/log/pgbackrest" }
#    - { option: "repo1-host", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_host }}" }
#    - { option: "repo1-host-user", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_user }}" }
    - { option: "repo1-type", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_type | lower }}" }
    - { option: "repo1-path", value: "/var/lib/pgbackrest" }
    - { option: "repo1-retention-full", value: "4" }
    - { option: "repo1-retention-archive", value: "4" }
    - { option: "start-fast", value: "y" }
    - { option: "stop-auto", value: "y" }
    - { option: "resume", value: "n" }
    - { option: "link-all", value: "y" }
    - { option: "spool-path", value: "/var/spool/pgbackrest" }
    - { option: "archive-async", value: "y" } # Enables asynchronous WAL archiving (details:
    - { option: "archive-get-queue-max", value: "1GiB" }
#    - { option: "archive-push-queue-max", value: "100GiB" }
#    - { option: "backup-standby", value: "y" } # When set to 'y', standby servers will be automatically added to the stanza section.
#    - { option: "", value: "" }
  stanza:  # [stanza_name] section
    - { option: "process-max", value: "4" }
    - { option: "log-level-console", value: "info" }
    - { option: "recovery-option", value: "recovery_target_action=promote" }
    - { option: "pg1-socket-path", value: "{{ postgresql_unix_socket_dir }}" }
    - { option: "pg1-path", value: "{{ postgresql_data_dir }}" }
#    - { option: "", value: "" }
# (optional) dedicated backup server config (if "repo_host" is set)
    - { option: "log-level-file", value: "detail" }
    - { option: "log-level-console", value: "info" }
    - { option: "log-path", value: "/var/log/pgbackrest" }
    - { option: "repo1-type", value: "{{ pgbackrest_repo_type | lower }}" }
    - { option: "repo1-path", value: "/var/lib/pgbackrest" }
    - { option: "repo1-retention-full", value: "4" }
    - { option: "repo1-retention-archive", value: "4" }
    - { option: "repo1-bundle", value: "y" }
    - { option: "repo1-block", value: "y" }
    - { option: "start-fast", value: "y" }
    - { option: "stop-auto", value: "y" }
    - { option: "resume", value: "n" }
    - { option: "link-all", value: "y" }
    - { option: "archive-check", value: "y" }
    - { option: "archive-copy", value: "n" }
    - { option: "backup-standby", value: "y" }
#    - { option: "", value: "" }
# the stanza section will be generated automatically

pgbackrest_archive_command: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} archive-push %p"

  '/usr/bin/pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --delta restore'  # restore from latest backup  --set=20240807-115137F
#  '/usr/bin/pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --type=time "--target=2020-06-01 11:00:00+03" --delta restore'  # Point-in-Time Recovery (example)

# By default, the cron jobs is created on the database server.
# If 'repo_host' is defined, the cron jobs will be created on the pgbackrest server.
  - name: "pgBackRest: Full Backup"
    file: "/etc/cron.d/pgbackrest-{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
    user: "postgres"
    minute: "30"
    hour: "6"
    day: "*"
    month: "*"
    weekday: "0"
    job: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --type=full backup"
    # job: "if [ $(psql -tAXc 'select pg_is_in_recovery()') = 'f' ]; then pgbackrest --type=full --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} backup; fi"
  - name: "pgBackRest: Diff Backup"
    file: "/etc/cron.d/pgbackrest-{{ patroni_cluster_name }}"
    user: "postgres"
    minute: "30"
    hour: "6"
    day: "*"
    month: "*"
    weekday: "1-6"
    job: "pgbackrest --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} --type=diff backup"
    # job: "if [ $(psql -tAXc 'select pg_is_in_recovery()') = 'f' ]; then pgbackrest --type=diff --stanza={{ pgbackrest_stanza }} backup; fi"

# PITR mode (if patroni_cluster_bootstrap_method: "pgbackrest" or "wal-g"):
# 1) The database cluster directory will be cleaned (for "wal-g") or overwritten (for "pgbackrest" --delta restore).
# 2) And also the patroni cluster "{{ patroni_cluster_name }}" will be removed from the DCS (if exist) before recovery.

disable_archive_command: true  # or 'false' to not disable archive_command after restore
keep_patroni_dynamic_json: true  # or 'false' to remove patroni.dynamic.json after restore (if exists)

# Netdata -
netdata_install: false  # or 'true' for install Netdata on postgresql cluster nodes (with
netdata_install_options: "--stable-channel --disable-telemetry --dont-wait"
  web_bind_to: "*"
  memory_mode: "dbengine"  # The long-term metrics storage with efficient RAM and disk usage.
  page_cache_size: 64  # Determines the amount of RAM in MiB that is dedicated to caching Netdata metric values.
  dbengine_disk_space: 1024  # Determines the amount of disk space in MiB that is dedicated to storing Netdata metric values.

SDV109 commented 1 month ago

@halilerisen, After the change, did you run ansible-playbook config_pgcluster.yml? This is necessary in order for the change to be included in the patroni config vars/main looks right now

halilerisen commented 1 month ago

I finally figured it out. I had forgotten to update the hostname. Thank you so much for your help @vitabaks @SDV109 . Have a great day!

[master] hostname=pgnode01