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Extended abstract to Machine Learning for Health 2022 (ML4H2022) #13

Closed mxochicale closed 2 years ago

mxochicale commented 2 years ago

Machine Learning for Health 2022 (ML4H2022)

The Call for Participation for ML4H2022 is now out! Due to the growing ML4H community, ML4H will be a separate symposium.

Important Dates

Sep 1st AoE: Submission Deadline Sep 30th : Author Response Period Starts Oct 5th : Author Response Period Ends Oct 21st: Final Decisions Released Nov 14th [tentative]: Camera Ready Deadline Nov 28th: Hybrid Event

Submission Instructions

Submissions (full papers and extended abstracts) are due on September 1st 11:59 PM AoE in the form of anonymized PDF files. There is no separate submission registration deadline. As part of the submission, authors are required to fill out a submission form that will be visible to reviewers to help them assess the work. Authors will also indicate whether they would like the submission to be in the proceedings track or the extended abstract track.

All submissions for ML4H 2022 will be managed through the OpenReview system. Submissions must be formatted using the ML4H 2022 LaTeX template; gross violations of formatting guidelines may be desk-rejected without review.

Submission Site:

ML4H 2022 LaTeX template: download link or Overleaf

Machine Learning for Health 2021 (ML4H2021):

Screenshot from 2022-07-26 01-29-09

mxochicale commented 2 years ago

Writing a good ML4H Paper

Extended Abstract

An excellent extended abstract is one that leads to insight at the symposium through interaction with other attendees. This can be through presenting new ideas/ways of thinking, leading to insightful discussion and feedback, dissemination of new valuable resources, or enabling new opportunities for collaborations.

Extended abstract submissions should demonstrate that the work will produce fruitful discussion when presented at the symposium. Highlight opportunities for insightful discussion and demonstrate that your work will contribute to a creative, engaging, and constructive poster session. Reviewers will be explicitly asked to gauge how valuable they feel this work could be to other attendees of the event, as well as how valuable attending the event could be to the author of the abstract. This is not a license to submit low quality or barely begun work -- while these submissions may garner constructive comments during the review process, they will not likely generate useful discussions or insightful feedback during the event.

Reviewers will be asked to answer specific questions regarding the relevance to healthcare in the review form. It may be beneficial for authors to explicitly discuss these points in the abstract.

Exemplar abstracts These abstracts from a prior year’s event presented preliminary, but promising ideas that served as good discussion points between the authors and other attendees.

Drug Repurposing for Cancer: An NLP Approach to Identify Low-Cost Therapies Transfusion: Understanding Transfer Learning for Medical Imaging (This is the submitted, extended abstract version -- the work has also been published separately as a full paper, and interested readers should see that here)

mxochicale commented 2 years ago

Few comments to address:

mxochicale commented 2 years ago
mxochicale commented 2 years ago
mxochicale commented 2 years ago
mxochicale commented 2 years ago

Feedback from our meeting on 23-Aug-2022



Leave real-time deployment for future work! So title has been amended:

%A Machine Learning Case Study for Real-time AI-empowered echocardiography of Intensive Care Unit Patients in low- and middle-income countries  %Wed 31 Aug 06:18:13 BST 2022
A Machine Learning Case Study for AI-empowered echocardiography of Intensive Care Unit Patients in low- and middle-income countries  %Fri  2 Sep 04:10:09 BST 2022

These are few words on RT AI for US

\subsection{Real-time AI-empowered echocardiography} %In terms of real-time analysis of echocardigraphy \subsubsection{State of the art} \label{subsec:State_of_the_art} \citet{woudenberg2018} trained an DenseNet-LSTM with 2000 clips of apical 4 chamber view in which the real-time system made use of 10 input frames and reported a latency of 352.91ms. \citet{toussaint2018-MICCAI} proposed ResNet18-SP trained with 85,000 frames of Fetal US imaging, reporting real-time performance at inference time of 40 m$s$ per image ($\sim$20Hz). \citet{ostvik2021-TMI} proposed Echo-PWC-Net trained with synthetic, simulated and clinical datasets, reporting real-time performance with 7 frames for the input. Recently, \citet{wu2022} applied baselines of UNET with temporal context-aware encoder (TCE) and bidirectional spatiotemporal semantics fusion (BSSF) modules to EchoDynamic %datasets %(10,030 video sequences with of 200 frames of 112x112 pixes) and CAMUS datasets %(450 video with 20 frames of 778x594 pixels) , reporting metrics of Dice score (DS), Hausdorff Distance (HD), and area under the curve (AUC). To ensure low latency and real-time performance, \citet{wu2022} presented a comparison of eight methods networks including FLOPS (G), number of parameters (M) and speed ($ms/f$) being their method with the lowest speed at 32 $ms/f$ and 56.359 $G$ FLOPS but network size was 74.79M parameters (join motion model with 237.592G FLOPS, 17.315M parameters and seep of 154 $ms/f$).

mxochicale commented 2 years ago

From: Sophie Yacoub <syacoub @> Sent: 26 August 2022 10:54

  • [x] Not sure about the format you were aiming for - but it seems a bit heavy on the intro/literature search and past studies and minimal on your results. Can you expand the results a bit more?
  • [x] And add the potential clinica application and clinical role in the conclusion?
mxochicale commented 2 years ago

Comments from Louise Thwaites <lthwaites @> Sent: 28 August 2022 18:37

mxochicale commented 2 years ago

Questions to Consider for "":

See reported answers

Livia Faes, Xiaoxuan Liu, Siegfried K. Wagner, Dun Jack Fu, Konstantinos Balaskas, Dawn A. Sim, Lucas M. Bachmann, Pearse A. Keane, Alastair K. Denniston; A Clinician's Guide to Artificial Intelligence: How to Critically Appraise Machine Learning Studies. Trans. Vis. Sci. Tech. 2020;9(2):7. doi:

mxochicale commented 2 years ago

Comments from alberto.gomez @ Sent: 30 August 2022 09:38

mxochicale commented 2 years ago

:fire: submitted abstract! Screenshot from 2022-09-02 13-05-02

mxochicale commented 2 years ago

I close this one as abstract was successfully submitted, however feel free to look previous comments as those might lead to refine what was submitted on Fri 2 Sep 12:59:26 BST 2022