vital-ultrasound / preprint2023

:page_facing_up: arxiv preprint 2023
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Adding better graphical results for model training and deployments #16

Closed mxochicale closed 1 year ago

mxochicale commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, Figure 2 only shows training for 5 subjects and results from 31 subjects need to be added. Also, results can be improved showing perhaps some curves per model: Screenshot from 2022-09-02 16-28-35

mxochicale commented 1 year ago

L. Pisani To Everyone 10:26:31 AM LP A FAIRsharing compliant CSV file containing the census data used in this evaluation is available at the following address ( For further information regarding the data and the CCA, please contact the CCA data access committee ( and quote the manuscript, your institution and provide return correspondence information. This is an example of what we are using in manuscripts, using figshare

mxochicale commented 1 year ago
mxochicale commented 1 year ago

Other relevant references

Shah, Pratik, Francis Kendall, Sean Khozin, Ryan Goosen, Jianying Hu, Jason Laramie, Michael Ringel, and Nicholas Schork. "Artificial intelligence and machine learning in clinical development: a translational perspective." NPJ digital medicine 2, no. 1 (2019): 1-5.,5&hl=en

mxochicale commented 1 year ago

Data Access Process

Robin Carpenter, Ethics & Governance Lead AI Centre, King's College London, presenting Data Access Process at What does robust governance of a learning healthcare system look like? YouTube Video

Screenshot from 2022-09-29 12-14-36

mxochicale commented 1 year ago

Close it due to limited bandwidth but feel free to open it for future work and discussions.