vital-ultrasound / preprint2023

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Potential venues #9

Closed mxochicale closed 1 year ago

mxochicale commented 2 years ago

Machine Learning From Ground Truth: New Medical Imaging Datasets For Unsolved Medical Problems

Thirty-fifth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS | 2021)

Important Dates:

Sudden cardiac death. This year, 350,000 people will suddenly drop dead, the vast majority with no apparent warning signs—even in retrospect. If clinicians knew who was at high risk, based on electrophysiological signals in their ECG waveform, they could better understand why. More importantly, they could consider implanting a cardiac defibrillator in them, instead of someone else: the majority of the 100,000 implanted every year in the United States, at a cost of $35,000 each, either never fire or misfire. Linking electrocardiogram waveforms (ECG) to death certificates and electronic health records will allow the study and possible prediction of sudden cardiac death.

mxochicale commented 2 years ago

MedNeurIPS 2021


Overview 'Medical Imaging meets NeurIPS' is a satellite workshop established in 2017. The workshop aims to bring researchers together from the medical image computing and machine learning communities. The objective is to discuss the major challenges in the field and opportunities for joining forces. This year the workshop will feature online oral and poster sessions with an emphasis on audience interactions. In addition, there will be a series of high-profile invited speakers from industry, academia, engineering and medical sciences giving an overview of recent advances, challenges, latest technology and efforts for sharing clinical data.

Motivation Medical imaging is facing a major crisis with an ever increasing complexity and volume of data and immense economic pressure. The interpretation of medical images pushes human abilities to the limit with the risk that critical patterns of disease go undetected. Machine learning has emerged as a key technology for developing novel tools in computer aided diagnosis, therapy and intervention. Still, progress is slow compared to other fields of visual recognition which is mainly due to the domain complexity and constraints in clinical applications which require most robust, accurate, and reliable solutions. The workshop aims to raise the awareness of the unmet needs in machine learning for successful applications in medical imaging.

Machine Learning in Public Health

Tue Dec 14 05:55 AM -- 12:40 PM (PST) Rumi Chunara · Daniel Lizotte · Laura Rosella · Esra Suel · Marie Charpignon

Workshop on Human and Machine Decisions

Tue Dec 14 06:05 AM -- 03:20 PM (PST) Workshop on Human and Machine Decisions Daniel Reichman · Joshua Peterson · Kiran Tomlinson · Annie Liang · Tom Griffiths

Machine learning from ground truth: New medical imaging datasets for unsolved medical problems.

Tue Dec 14 07:00 AM -- 02:10 PM (PST) Machine learning from ground truth: New medical imaging datasets for unsolved medical problems. Katy Haynes · Ziad Obermeyer · Emma Pierson · Marzyeh Ghassemi · Matthew Lungren · Sendhil Mullainathan · Matthew McDermott

Data Centric AI

Tue Dec 14 08:30 AM -- 06:00 PM (PST) Data Centric AI Andrew Ng · Lora Aroyo · Greg Diamos · Cody Coleman · Vijay Janapa Reddi · Joaquin Vanschoren · Carole-Jean Wu · Sharon Zhou · Lynn He

mxochicale commented 2 years ago

NeurIPS 2021 Pricing Registration includes tutorials, main conference, workshops and access to the careers website. Main conference includes invited talks, oral poster presentations, poster sessions, competitions, datasets and benchmark track and demos. Prices are in USD. Academic: Full Registration = $100

mxochicale commented 2 years ago

5th edition of Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2022).

Short papers In addition to original work, authors can choose to submit a shortened version of a recently (within the year 2020 or 2021) published, or submitted, journal publication to foster dissemination of high-quality work. Submissions that are substantially similar to versions that have been accepted or submitted in parallel to other conferences with proceedings are not allowed. In both cases, dual submission of your paper to a non-peer reviewed website like arXiv is allowed. Similarly, submissions that have been presented at non-archival workshops (i.e., venues that do not have publication proceedings or publish only a very short abstract) do not violate the policy. The policy is enforced during the whole reviewing process period.

Important Dates; Full papers Paper registration deadline 10 December 2021, 17:00 UTC removed Paper submission deadline 17 December 2021, 23:59 UTC Reviews due 24 January 2022 Rebuttal period 1 February - 11 February 2022 Final decisions 27 February 2022 Short papers Paper submission deadline 22 April 2022, 17:00 UTC Final decisions 6 May 2022 latex template:

mxochicale commented 2 years ago


The 25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention,


1 April 2022: Open individual websites 25 June 2022: Paper submissions due 16 July 2022: Notification of paper decisions 30 July 2022: Camera ready papers due 6 August 2022: Workshop proceedings due 18 September & 22 September 2022: Workshop dates All workshops:


Summary of Important Dates for Submission to MICCAI 2022 Paper submission system open: 3rd January 2022 Intention to Submit: 15th February 2022 Full Paper Submission: 1st March 2022 Early Notification: 5th May 2022 Rebuttal Due: 12th May 2022 Final Decision Notification: 2nd June 2022

mxochicale commented 1 year ago

(ISBI 2023) 2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging(April 17-21, 2023; Location: Cartagena, Colombia)

4-pages paper Submission deadline 27-oct-2022 Notification: 19-Jan-2023 Camera-ready version: 23-Feb-2023 more:

mxochicale commented 1 year ago

Machine Learning for Health 2022 (ML4H2022)

The Call for Participation for ML4H2022 is now out! Due to the growing ML4H community, ML4H will be a separate symposium.

Important Dates

Sep 1st AoE: Submission Deadline Sep 30th : Author Response Period Starts Oct 5th : Author Response Period Ends Oct 21st: Final Decisions Released Nov 14th [tentative]: Camera Ready Deadline Nov 28th: Hybrid Event

Submission Instructions

Submissions (full papers and extended abstracts) are due on September 1st 11:59 PM AoE in the form of anonymized PDF files. There is no separate submission registration deadline. As part of the submission, authors are required to fill out a submission form that will be visible to reviewers to help them assess the work. Authors will also indicate whether they would like the submission to be in the proceedings track or the extended abstract track.

All submissions for ML4H 2022 will be managed through the OpenReview system. Submissions must be formatted using the ML4H 2022 LaTeX template; gross violations of formatting guidelines may be desk-rejected without review.

Submission Site:

ML4H 2022 LaTeX template: download link or Overleaf

Machine Learning for Health 2021 (ML4H2021):

Screenshot from 2022-07-26 01-29-09

mxochicale commented 1 year ago

Closing this one in favour of #13