vitalets / combodate

Dropdown date and time picker
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Leaving day and/or month blank is not possible #42

Open runarb opened 9 years ago

runarb commented 9 years ago

I would like it to be possible to select day, month and year, but let day and month be optional. If I leave date or month (or both) blank now, combodate('getValue') returns null.

It works if I change the input format like: data-format="MM-YYYY" data-template="MMM YYYY" or data-format="YYYY" data-template="YYYY", but I would like all options available at the same time.

Is it possible, or a new feature request?

mroesler commented 8 years ago

I would very much like this feature as well. There seems to be no library whatsoever that can handle this.

rinoldsimon commented 6 years ago

any work around on this?