vitalets / combodate

Dropdown date and time picker
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make combodate disable-able #47

Closed jo-soft closed 8 years ago

jo-soft commented 8 years ago

hey guys

I stuck around with trying to disable a combodate input. as far as i can see ng-disabled only acts on the input. but not on the following selects inside the span. I cannot find any documentation or other bug report on this.

i'm using combodate 1.1.0

bg Johannes

jo-soft commented 8 years ago

I'm sorry for confusion. the project where in which this issue appeared did not use this library directly.

samionder commented 8 years ago

So is it possible enable / disable combodate?

jo-soft commented 8 years ago

@samionder you can have a look here:

It works if the element is disabled via disabled="foo". And i Implemented a function setDisabled to set the disabled status to true/false.

bg, Johannes