vitalets / combodate

Dropdown date and time picker
207 stars 82 forks source link

does not work with jquery validation? #60

Open jinfang1234 opened 8 years ago

jinfang1234 commented 8 years ago

This plugin seems not working with the jquery validation. Below is an sample codes showing that validation does not take effect. Can you please advise?

Thanks! Jin Fang test1

bipin244 commented 7 years ago

i think combodate is hidden fields and jquery validate by default ignore combodate so add ignore: [], in validate example link is here : []

dnasir commented 7 years ago

@bipin244 I don't think that's a good solution because there are situations where a field may be hidden because it's irrelevant to the current state of the form, and only becomes relevant based on the value of another field.

I propose using the .sr-only technique introduced in Bootstrap to hide the actual input field. This way the field will not be considered hidden by jQuery (the default ignore value is :hidden) and validation will kick in.