vitalets / combodate

Dropdown date and time picker
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31 day in November #82

Open Igor-Art opened 6 years ago

Igor-Art commented 6 years ago

jQuery: v3.2 Combodate v1.0.7 Chrome: 65.0.3325.181

smartDays: true after ready: select any month -> select November -> display 31 day, need 30

in fillDay():

 var month = parseInt(this.$month.val(), 10); // is NaN
 if (!isNaN(month) && !isNaN(year)) {

if November is default then good (30 days). If reselect -> month is NaN in this.$month option[value="10"] not selected this.$month.val() //empty or this.$month.find('option:selected').val() // empty

Temp solution: var month = parseInt(this.$month.val(), 10); replace to var month = parseInt(this.$month.find('option[selected="selected"]').val(), 10);

may be $(select).val() is not correct workly in jQuery