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New daily trending repos in PHP #10

Open vitalets opened 6 years ago

vitalets commented 6 years ago

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github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 month ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

msafadi / laravel-eloquent-join-with Laravel Eloquent JoinWith Relationships +15 stars today

apioo / fusio Open source API management platform +6 stars today

EasyCorp / EasyAdminBundle EasyAdmin is a fast, beautiful and modern admin generator for Symfony applications. +2 stars today

vimeo / psalm A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications +2 stars today

osTicket / osTicket The osTicket open source ticketing system official project repository, for versions 1.8 and later +1 stars today

yiisoft / yii2 Yii 2: The Fast, Secure and Professional PHP Framework

FriendsOfPHP / Goutte Goutte, a simple PHP Web Scraper

github-trending-repos-bot commented 4 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

freescout-helpdesk / freescout FreeScout — Free self-hosted help desk & shared mailbox (Zendesk / Help Scout alternative) +5 stars today

rectorphp / rector Instant Upgrades and Automated Refactoring of any PHP 5.3+ code +5 stars today

briannesbitt / Carbon A simple PHP API extension for DateTime. +3 stars today

YOURLS / YOURLS 🔗 The de facto standard self hosted URL shortener in PHP +3 stars today

mautic / mautic Mautic: Open Source Marketing Automation Software. +2 stars today

microsoftgraph / msgraph-sdk-php Microsoft Graph Library for PHP. +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 4 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

livewire / livewire A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs. +7 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

symfony / symfony The Symfony PHP framework +4 stars today

pimcore / pimcore Core Framework for the Open Source Data & Experience Management Platform (PIM, MDM, CDP, DAM, DXP/CMS & Digital Commerce) +1 stars today

Sylius / Sylius Open Source eCommerce Framework on Symfony +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

alexjustesen / speedtest-tracker Speedtest Tracker is a self-hosted internet performance tracking application that runs speedtest checks against Ookla's Speedtest service. +14 stars today

nikic / PHP-Parser A PHP parser written in PHP +2 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

openmediavault / openmediavault openmediavault is the next generation network attached storage (NAS) solution based on Debian Linux. Thanks to the modular design of the framework it can be enhanced via plugins. openmediavault is primarily designed to be used in home environments or small home offices. +6 stars today

monicahq / monica Personal CRM. Remember everything about your friends, family and business relationships. +6 stars today

pmmp / PocketMine-MP A server software for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition in PHP +3 stars today

roundcube / roundcubemail The Roundcube Webmail suite +2 stars today

flucont / btcloud PHP开发的宝塔面板第三方云端

Pagoda panel third-party cloud developed by PHP

+1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

linuxserver / Heimdall An Application dashboard and launcher +3 stars today

wallabag / wallabag wallabag is a self hostable application for saving web pages: Save and classify articles. Read them later. Freely. +2 stars today

v2board / v2board 🚀A multiple proxy protocol manage panel application interface +2 stars today

RSS-Bridge / rss-bridge The RSS feed for websites missing it +2 stars today

lunarphp / lunar An open-source package that brings the power of modern headless e-commerce functionality to Laravel. +2 stars today

pfsense / pfsense Main repository for pfSense +2 stars today

LaravelDaily / Test-Laravel-Routes

crater-invoice / crater Open Source Invoicing Solution for Individuals & Businesses

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

salesagility / SuiteCRM SuiteCRM - Open source CRM for the world +3 stars today

elementor / elementor The most advanced frontend drag & drop page builder. Create high-end, pixel perfect websites at record speeds. Any theme, any page, any design.

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

bagisto / bagisto Free and open source laravel eCommerce platform +23 stars today

krayin / laravel-crm Free & Opensource Laravel CRM solution for SMEs and Enterprises for complete customer lifecycle management. +18 stars today

opcodesio / log-viewer Fast and beautiful Log Viewer for Laravel +3 stars today

PHPCompatibility / PHPCompatibility PHP Compatibility check for PHP_CodeSniffer +2 stars today

tecnickcom / TCPDF Official clone of PHP library to generate PDF documents and barcodes +2 stars today

orangehrm / orangehrm OrangeHRM is a comprehensive Human Resource Management (HRM) System that captures all the essential functionalities required for any enterprise. +1 stars today

wp-media / wp-rocket Performance optimization plugin for WordPress +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

PrestaShop / PrestaShop PrestaShop is the universal open-source software platform to build your e-commerce solution. +20 stars today

phpstan / phpstan PHP Static Analysis Tool - discover bugs in your code without running it! +1 stars today

codeigniter4 / CodeIgniter4 Open Source PHP Framework (originally from EllisLab) +1 stars today

elastic / elasticsearch-php Official PHP client for Elasticsearch.

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

dompdf / dompdf HTML to PDF converter for PHP +3 stars today

WordPress / wordpress-develop WordPress Develop, Git-ified. Synced from git://, including branches and tags! This repository is just a mirror of the WordPress subversion repository. Please include a link to a pre-existing ticket on with every pull request. +2 stars today

php-amqplib / php-amqplib The most widely used PHP client for RabbitMQ +1 stars today

phpseclib / phpseclib PHP Secure Communications Library +1 stars today

mongodb / laravel-mongodb A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel (Moloquent) +1 stars today

sebastianbergmann / phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework. +1 stars today

timber / timber Create WordPress themes with beautiful OOP code and the Twig Template Engine

nelmio / NelmioApiDocBundle Generates documentation for your REST API from annotations

predis / predis A flexible and feature-complete Redis client for PHP.

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

FreshRSS / FreshRSS A free, self-hostable news aggregator… +12 stars today

assimon / dujiaoka 🦄独角数卡(自动售货系统)-开源站长自动化售货解决方案、高效、稳定、快速!🚀🚀🎉🎉

🦄Unicorn Digital Card (automatic vending system) - open source webmaster automated vending solution, efficient, stable and fast! 🚀🚀🎉🎉

+4 stars today

dr5hn / countries-states-cities-database 🌍 Discover our global repository of countries, states, and cities! 🏙️ Get comprehensive data in JSON, SQL, PSQL, XML, YAML, and CSV formats. Access ISO2, ISO3 codes, country code, capital, native language, timezones (for countries), and more. #countries #states #cities +4 stars today

slimphp / Slim Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs. +2 stars today

doctrine / orm Doctrine Object Relational Mapper (ORM) +2 stars today

typecho / typecho A PHP Blogging Platform. Simple and Powerful. +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

firefly-iii / firefly-iii Firefly III: a personal finances manager +13 stars today

spatie / laravel-query-builder Easily build Eloquent queries from API requests +7 stars today

JhumanJ / OpnForm Beautiful Open-Source Form Builder +6 stars today

rajkumardusad / IP-Tracer Track any ip address with IP-Tracer. IP-Tracer is developed for Linux and Termux. you can retrieve any ip address information using IP-Tracer. +5 stars today

PrivateBin / PrivateBin A minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES. +3 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

magicblack / maccms10 苹果cms官网,苹果cmsv10,maccmsv10,麦克cms,开源cms,内容管理系统,视频分享程序,分集剧情程序,网址导航程序,文章程序,漫画程序,图片程序

Apple cms official website, apple cmsv10, maccmsv10, Mike cms, open source cms, content management system, video sharing program, episode plot program, website navigation program, article program, comic program, picture program

+4 stars today

kimai / kimai Kimai is a web-based multi-user time-tracking application. Works great for everyone: freelancers, companies, organizations - everyone can track their times, generate reports, create invoices and do so much more. SaaS version available at +2 stars today

Intervention / image PHP Image Processing +2 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

Dolibarr / dolibarr Dolibarr ERP CRM is a modern software package to manage your company or foundation's activity (contacts, suppliers, invoices, orders, stocks, agenda, accounting, ...). it's an open source Web application (written in PHP) designed for businesses of any sizes, foundations and freelancers. +8 stars today

collabnix / dockerlabs Docker - Beginners | Intermediate | Advanced +2 stars today

doctrine-extensions / DoctrineExtensions Doctrine2 behavioral extensions, Translatable, Sluggable, Tree-NestedSet, Timestampable, Loggable, Sortable

librenms / librenms Community-based GPL-licensed network monitoring system

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

BookStackApp / BookStack A platform to create documentation/wiki content built with PHP & Laravel +10 stars today

liberu-genealogy / genealogy-laravel Full genealogy application using Laravel 11, PHP 8.3, Filament 3.2 and Livewire 3.5 +1 stars today

PHP-CS-Fixer / PHP-CS-Fixer A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

laravel / framework The Laravel Framework. +7 stars today

openai-php / client ⚡️ OpenAI PHP is a supercharged community-maintained PHP API client that allows you to interact with OpenAI API. +2 stars today

guzzle / guzzle Guzzle, an extensible PHP HTTP client +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

vitodeploy / vito The Ultimate Server Management Tool +15 stars today

adminerevo / adminerevo Database management in a single PHP file +14 stars today

composer / composer Dependency Manager for PHP +5 stars today

espocrm / espocrm EspoCRM – Open Source CRM Application +4 stars today

PHPMailer / PHPMailer The classic email sending library for PHP +3 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

filamentphp / filament A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS. +18 stars today

snipe / snipe-it A free open source IT asset/license management system +13 stars today

joomla / joomla-cms Home of the Joomla! Content Management System +2 stars today

statamic / cms The core Laravel CMS Composer package +2 stars today

drush-ops / drush Drush is a command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those who spend their working hours hacking away at the command prompt.

twigphp / Twig Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

coollabsio / coolify An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify / Vercel alternative. +83 stars today

opensourcepos / opensourcepos Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale application written in PHP using CodeIgniter framework. It uses MySQL as the data back end and has a Bootstrap 3 based user interface. +2 stars today

Licoy / wordpress-theme-puock 🎨 一款基于WordPress开发的高颜值的自适应主题,支持白天与黑夜模式/无刷新加载/第三方登录等众多功能 | A high-value adaptive theme based on WordPress, supports light and dark modes, no refresh loading, etc.

🎨 A high-value adaptive theme based on WordPress, supports light and dark modes, no refresh and many other functions | loading, etc.

+2 stars today

opencart / opencart A free shopping cart system. OpenCart is an open source PHP-based online e-commerce solution. +1 stars today

phpstan / phpstan-src PHPStan's source code. This is where development happens. Check for the distribution repository.

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

DenverCoder1 / readme-typing-svg ⚡ Dynamically generated, customizable SVG that gives the appearance of typing and deleting text for use on your profile page, repositories, or website. +9 stars today

bezhanSalleh / filament-shield The easiest and most intuitive way to add access management to your Filament Admin Resources, Pages & Widgets through spatie/laravel-permission +3 stars today

koel / koel 🐦 A personal music streaming server that works. +2 stars today

barryvdh / laravel-ide-helper IDE Helper for Laravel +2 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

nextcloud / all-in-one 📦 The official Nextcloud installation method. Provides easy deployment and maintenance with most features included in this one Nextcloud instance. +9 stars today

openemr / openemr The most popular open source electronic health records and medical practice management solution. +5 stars today

barryvdh / laravel-dompdf A DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel +4 stars today

larastan / larastan ⚗️ Adds code analysis to Laravel improving developer productivity and code quality. +4 stars today

ramsey / uuid ❄️ A PHP library for generating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). +1 stars today

archtechx / tenancy Automatic multi-tenancy for Laravel. No code changes needed. +1 stars today

thephpleague / flysystem Abstraction for local and remote filesystems +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

zabbix / zabbix Real-time monitoring of IT components and services, such as networks, servers, VMs, applications and the cloud. +12 stars today

nextcloud / server ☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data +12 stars today

barryvdh / laravel-debugbar Debugbar for Laravel (Integrates PHP Debug Bar) +10 stars today

matomo-org / matomo Empowering People Ethically with the leading open source alternative to Google Analytics that gives you full control over your data. Matomo lets you easily collect data from websites & apps and visualise this data and extract insights. Privacy is built-in. Liberating Web Analytics. Star us on Github? +1. And we love Pull Requests! +7 stars today

beikeshop / beikeshop 🔥🔥🔥 Laravel Ecommerce Laravel Shop BeikeShop商城 多语言商城 多货币商城 100%全开源 ChatGPT OpenAI B2C商城系统 H5商城 PHP商城系统 商城源码 PC商城 跨境电商系统 跨境商城系统 电商商城系统 Laravel 10 框架开发系统,支持插件市场。 Event 机制实现Hook功能,自定义可视化装修。BeikeShop一款开源好用的跨境电商系统,由成都光大网络科技开发维护 QQ交流群 639108380

🔥🔥🔥 Laravel Ecommerce Laravel Shop BeikeShop Mall Multi-language mall Multi-currency mall 100% fully open source ChatGPT OpenAI B2C mall system H5 mall PHP mall system mall source code PC mall cross-border e-commerce system cross-border mall system e-commerce mall system Laravel 10 framework development The system supports the plug-in market. The Event mechanism implements the Hook function and customizes visual decoration. BeikeShop is an open source and easy-to-use cross-border e-commerce system developed and maintained by Chengdu Everbright Network Technology QQ communication group 639108380

+4 stars today

magento / magento2 Prior to making any Submission(s), you must sign an Adobe Contributor License Agreement, available here at: All Submissions you make to Adobe Inc. and its affiliates, assigns and subsidiaries (collectively “Adobe”) are subject to the terms of the Adobe Contributor License Agreement. +2 stars today

WordPress / WordPress-Coding-Standards PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

hyperf / hyperf 🚀 A coroutine framework that focuses on hyperspeed and flexibility. Building microservice or middleware with ease. +4 stars today

aonez / Keka The macOS & iOS file archiver +3 stars today

kuaifan / dootask DooTask是一款开源在线项目任务管理工具,提供各类文档协作工具、在线思维导图、在线流程图、项目管理、任务分发、即时IM,文件管理等工具;同时消息功能使用非对称加密技术让你的沟通更安全。

DooTask is an open source online project task management tool that provides various document collaboration tools, online mind maps, online flow charts, project management, task distribution, instant IM, file management and other tools; at the same time, the messaging function uses asymmetric encryption technology to allow Your communication is more secure.

+2 stars today

cweagans / composer-patches Simple patches plugin for Composer

github-trending-repos-bot commented 6 days ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

corcel / corcel Use WordPress backend with Laravel or any PHP application +81 stars today

mike42 / escpos-php PHP library for printing to ESC/POS-compatible thermal and impact printers +2 stars today

SpartnerNL / Laravel-Excel 🚀 Supercharged Excel exports and imports in Laravel +2 stars today

chillerlan / php-qrcode A PHP QR Code generator and reader with a user-friendly API. +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 5 days ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

danielmiessler / SecLists SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data patterns, fuzzing payloads, web shells, and many more. +11 stars today

api-platform / core The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes +2 stars today

fuzzdb-project / fuzzdb Dictionary of attack patterns and primitives for black-box application fault injection and resource discovery. +1 stars today

Seldaek / monolog Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services +1 stars today

Automattic / jetpack Security, performance, marketing, and design tools — Jetpack is made by WordPress experts to make WP sites safer and faster, and help you grow your traffic.

composer / installers A Multi-Framework Composer Library Installer

github-trending-repos-bot commented 4 days ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

MlgmXyysd / Xiaomi-HyperOS-BootLoader-Bypass A PoC that exploits a vulnerability to bypass the Xiaomi HyperOS community restrictions of BootLoader unlocked account bindings. +7 stars today

getgrav / grav Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS powered by PHP, Markdown, Twig, and Symfony

drupal-composer / drupal-scaffold 🚧 Composer Plugin for updating the Drupal scaffold files when using drupal/core

hechoendrupal / drupal-console-extend-plugin Drupal Console Extend Composer Plugin

alchemy-fr / Zippy PHP zip/tar/bz2 archives (de)compression library with commandline or extensions

hechoendrupal / drupal-console-core This project contains commands and features to be shared across DrupalConsole projects.

stecman / symfony-console-completion Automatic tab-key completion for Symfony console application options, arguments and parameters

jcalderonzumba / MinkPhantomJSDriver PhantomJS driver for Mink Framework

hechoendrupal / drupal-console The Drupal CLI. A tool to generate boilerplate code, interact with and debug Drupal.

jhedstrom / DrupalDriver A collection of drivers for controlling Drupal.

symfony-cmf / Routing Routing component building on the Symfony Routing component

minkphp / MinkBrowserKitDriver Symfony2 BrowserKit driver for Mink framework

jhedstrom / drupalextension An integration layer between Behat, Mink Extension, and Drupal.

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 days ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

pixelfed / pixelfed Photo Sharing. For Everyone. +5 stars today

phpmyadmin / phpmyadmin A web interface for MySQL and MariaDB +2 stars today

ratchetphp / Ratchet Asynchronous WebSocket server +1 stars today

antonkomarev / github-profile-views-counter It counts how many times your GitHub profile has been viewed. Free cloud micro-service.

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 days ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

glpi-project / glpi GLPI is a Free Asset and IT Management Software package, Data center management, ITIL Service Desk, licenses tracking and software auditing. +6 stars today

woocommerce / woocommerce A customizable, open-source ecommerce platform built on WordPress. Build any commerce solution you can imagine. +5 stars today

thephpleague / oauth2-server A spec compliant, secure by default PHP OAuth 2.0 Server +2 stars today

Bubka / 2FAuth A Web app to manage your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) accounts and generate their security codes +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 day ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

shopware / shopware Shopware 6 is an open commerce platform based on Symfony Framework and Vue and supported by a worldwide community and more than 1.500 community extensions +1 stars today

MISP / MISP MISP (core software) - Open Source Threat Intelligence and Sharing Platform +1 stars today

DenverCoder1 / github-readme-streak-stats 🔥 Stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! 🌟 Display your total contributions, current streak, and longest streak on your GitHub profile README

github-trending-repos-bot commented 4 hours ago

New daily trending repos in PHP!

laravel / laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things. +23 stars today

invoiceninja / invoiceninja Invoices, Expenses and Tasks built with Laravel, Flutter and React +6 stars today

simplesamlphp / simplesamlphp SimpleSAMLphp is an application written in native PHP that deals with authentication.