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New daily trending repos in Lua #76

Open vitalets opened 6 years ago

vitalets commented 6 years ago

Subscribe to this issue and stay notified about new daily trending repos in Lua.

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 month ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

koreader / koreader An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2 and many more formats, running on Cervantes, Kindle, Kobo, PocketBook and Android devices +9 stars today

LuaLS / lua-language-server A language server that offers Lua language support - programmed in Lua +6 stars today

craftzdog / dotfiles-public My personal dotfiles +6 stars today

nvim-neorg / neorg Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim. +2 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 4 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

echasnovski / mini.nvim Library of 40+ independent Lua modules improving overall Neovim (version 0.8 and higher) experience with minimal effort +11 stars today

nagadomi / waifu2x Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art +5 stars today

LunarVim / Neovim-from-scratch 📚 A Neovim config designed from scratch to be understandable +3 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 4 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

folke / lazydev.nvim Faster LuaLS setup for Neovim +40 stars today

folke / edgy.nvim Easily create and manage predefined window layouts, bringing a new edge to your workflow +4 stars today

ThePrimeagen / init.lua +3 stars today

awesomeWM / awesome awesome window manager +2 stars today

stevearc / aerial.nvim Neovim plugin for a code outline window

jitsi / docker-jitsi-meet Jitsi Meet on Docker

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

LazyVim / LazyVim Neovim config for the lazy +29 stars today

catppuccin / nvim 🍨 Soothing pastel theme for (Neo)vim +5 stars today

kenzok8 / small ssr passwall bypass依赖

ssr passwall bypass dependency

+1 stars today

chrisgrieser / nvim-various-textobjs Bundle of more than 30 new text objects for Neovim.

WhoIsSethDaniel / mason-tool-installer.nvim Install and upgrade third party tools automatically

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

folke / tokyonight.nvim 🏙 A clean, dark Neovim theme written in Lua, with support for lsp, treesitter and lots of plugins. Includes additional themes for Kitty, Alacritty, iTerm and Fish. +10 stars today

LunarVim / LunarVim 🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven. +6 stars today

stevearc / overseer.nvim A task runner and job management plugin for Neovim +3 stars today

Saecki / crates.nvim A neovim plugin that helps managing dependencies +1 stars today

ErinaSugino / Starbound-SBR-Mod Adult only modification "Sexbound Reborn" for the game Starbound.

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

Kong / kong 🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway and AI Gateway. +16 stars today

stevearc / oil.nvim Neovim file explorer: edit your filesystem like a buffer +11 stars today

wbthomason / packer.nvim A use-package inspired plugin manager for Neovim. Uses native packages, supports Luarocks dependencies, written in Lua, allows for expressive config +7 stars today

nvim-neotest / neotest An extensible framework for interacting with tests within NeoVim. +2 stars today

MunifTanjim / nui.nvim UI Component Library for Neovim. +2 stars today

xAranaktu / FC-24-Live-Editor Live Editor for FC 24 +1 stars today

tukui-org / ElvUI User Interface replacement AddOn for World of Warcraft.

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

lewis6991 / gitsigns.nvim Git integration for buffers +5 stars today

hrsh7th / nvim-cmp A completion plugin for neovim coded in Lua. +5 stars today

williamboman / mason-lspconfig.nvim Extension to mason.nvim that makes it easier to use lspconfig with mason.nvim. +4 stars today

AstroNvim / astrocommunity A community repository of common plugin specifications +2 stars today

xiaorouji / openwrt-passwall2 +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

stevearc / conform.nvim Lightweight yet powerful formatter plugin for Neovim +9 stars today

goolord / alpha-nvim a lua powered greeter like vim-startify / dashboard-nvim +2 stars today

kawre / leetcode.nvim A Neovim plugin enabling you to solve LeetCode problems. +2 stars today

overextended / ox_lib A FiveM resource and script library for Lua and JS. +1 stars today

David-Kunz / gen.nvim Neovim plugin to generate text using LLMs with customizable prompts +1 stars today

mikesmithgh / kitty-scrollback.nvim 😽 Open your Kitty scrollback buffer with Neovim. Ameowzing!

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

tris203 / precognition.nvim 💭👀precognition.nvim - Precognition uses virtual text and gutter signs to show available motions. +160 stars today

ThePrimeagen / harpoon +12 stars today

nvim-tree / nvim-tree.lua A file explorer tree for neovim written in lua +8 stars today

rafamadriz / friendly-snippets Set of preconfigured snippets for different languages. +4 stars today

jdhao / nvim-config A modern Neovim configuration with full battery for Python, Lua, C++, Markdown, LaTeX, and more... +3 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

lukas-reineke / indent-blankline.nvim Indent guides for Neovim +5 stars today

pwntester / octo.nvim Edit and review GitHub issues and pull requests from the comfort of your favorite editor +2 stars today

rktjmp / lush.nvim Create Neovim themes with real-time feedback, export anywhere. +1 stars today

numToStr / Comment.nvim 🧠 💪 // Smart and powerful comment plugin for neovim. Supports treesitter, dot repeat, left-right/up-down motions, hooks, and more

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

apache / apisix The Cloud-Native API Gateway +7 stars today

folke / todo-comments.nvim ✅ Highlight, list and search todo comments in your projects +2 stars today

dcampos / nvim-snippy Snippet plugin for Neovim written in Lua +1 stars today

SPDM-Team / Arceus-X-NEO-public

b0o / SchemaStore.nvim 🛍 JSON schemas for Neovim

overextended / ox_inventory Slot-based inventory with metadata.

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

folke / trouble.nvim 🚦 A pretty diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location list to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing. +6 stars today

folke / persistence.nvim 💾 Simple session management for Neovim +1 stars today

kevinhwang91 / nvim-hlslens Hlsearch Lens for Neovim +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

WeakAuras / WeakAuras2 World of Warcraft addon that provides a powerful framework to display customizable graphics on your screen. +1 stars today

FrSkyRC / ETHOS-Feedback-Community Feedback & suggestions are welcomed here for ETHOS by FrSky

koreader / koreader-base Base framework offering a Lua scriptable environment for creating document readers

zmartzone / lua-resty-openidc OpenID Connect Relying Party and OAuth 2.0 Resource Server implementation in Lua for NGINX / OpenResty

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

mikavilpas / yazi.nvim A Neovim Plugin for the yazi terminal file manager +40 stars today

danymat / neogen A better annotation generator. Supports multiple languages and annotation conventions. +3 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

face-hh / griddycode A code editor made with Godot. Code has never been more lit! +19 stars today

iDvel / rime-ice Rime 配置:雾凇拼音 | 长期维护的简体词库

Rime configuration: Rime Pinyin | Long-term maintenance of simplified thesaurus

+10 stars today

ellisonleao / gruvbox.nvim Lua port of the most famous vim colorscheme +4 stars today

mrcjkb / rustaceanvim Supercharge your Rust experience in Neovim! A heavily modified fork of rust-tools.nvim +3 stars today

scottmckendry / cyberdream.nvim 🤖💤 High-contrast, Futuristic & Vibrant Coloursheme for Neovim +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

nvim-telescope / telescope.nvim Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time. +17 stars today

ray-x / go.nvim A feature-rich Go development plugin, leveraging gopls, treesitter AST, Dap, and various Go tools to enhance the dev experience. +2 stars today

j-hui / fidget.nvim 💫 Extensible UI for Neovim notifications and LSP progress messages. +2 stars today

beyond-all-reason / Beyond-All-Reason +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 weeks ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

epwalsh / obsidian.nvim Obsidian 🤝 Neovim +4 stars today

SuperBo / fugit2.nvim Neovim git GUI powered by libgit2 +3 stars today

ThePrimeagen / refactoring.nvim The Refactoring library based off the Refactoring book by Martin Fowler +2 stars today

zbirenbaum / copilot-cmp Lua plugin to turn github copilot into a cmp source +1 stars today

esx-framework / esx_core Official Repo For core resources for esx-legacy

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

nvim-neorocks / rocks.nvim Neovim plugin management inspired by Cargo, powered by luarocks +6 stars today

hrsh7th / cmp-nvim-lsp nvim-cmp source for neovim builtin LSP client +5 stars today

nvimtools / none-ls.nvim null-ls.nvim reloaded / Use Neovim as a language server to inject LSP diagnostics, code actions, and more via Lua. +2 stars today

akinsho / bufferline.nvim A snazzy bufferline for Neovim +2 stars today

gaboolic / rime-shuangpin-fuzhuma 墨奇音形,打造最强双拼辅助码rime输入方案。基于雾凇词库,支持小鹤双拼、自然码双拼、搜狗双拼、微软双拼等多种双拼,辅助码支持墨奇码(原创拆分开源支持4万字)、自然码部首辅、小鹤音形(鹤形辅),支持整句/字词输入。不认识的字可以笔画、部件拆字、仓颉码反查。支持aw、aj模式输入英文、日文,支持双拼并击输入、emoji、快符、日期、大写数字、计算器等高级功能。雾凇鹤|雾凇自然|墨奇码|墨奇音形

Moqi sound shape creates the most powerful double spelling auxiliary code rime input solution. Based on the Rime Lexicon, it supports Xiaohe Shuangpin, Natural Code Shuangpin, Sogou Shuangpin, Microsoft Shuangpin and other Shuangpin. The auxiliary code supports Moqi Code (original split open source supports 40,000 words), and Natural Code Radical Assistant. , Xiaohe sound shape (Crane shape auxiliary), supports the input of whole sentences/words. Unrecognized characters can be reverse-checked by strokes, parts, and Cangjie codes. Supports English and Japanese input in aw and aj modes, and supports double-click input, emoji, quick symbols, dates, uppercase numbers, calculators and other advanced functions. Rime Crane|Rime Nature|Moqi Code|Moqi Sound Shape

huggingface / llm.nvim LLM powered development for Neovim

ggandor / flit.nvim Enhanced f/t motions for Leap

Hekili / hekili Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail)

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

nvim-lua / kickstart.nvim A launch point for your personal nvim configuration +29 stars today

akinsho / toggleterm.nvim A neovim lua plugin to help easily manage multiple terminal windows +7 stars today

folke / flash.nvim Navigate your code with search labels, enhanced character motions and Treesitter integration +4 stars today

rcarriga / nvim-notify A fancy, configurable, notification manager for NeoVim +2 stars today

ThePrimeagen / vim-be-good vim-be-good is a nvim plugin designed to make you better at Vim Movements. +2 stars today

phillipi / pix2pix Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial nets +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

sindrets / diffview.nvim Single tabpage interface for easily cycling through diffs for all modified files for any git rev. +7 stars today

nvim-treesitter / nvim-treesitter-context Show code context +3 stars today

NMAC427 / guess-indent.nvim Automatic indentation style detection for Neovim +2 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

folke / lazy.nvim 💤 A modern plugin manager for Neovim +9 stars today

jsdotlua / react-lua A comprehensive, but not exhaustive, translation of upstream ReactJS 17.x into Lua. +7 stars today

rcarriga / nvim-dap-ui A UI for nvim-dap +5 stars today

navarasu / onedark.nvim One dark and light colorscheme for neovim >= 0.5.0 written in lua based on Atom's One Dark and Light theme. Additionally, it comes with 5 color variant styles +4 stars today

tarantool / tarantool Get your data in RAM. Get compute close to data. Enjoy the performance.

Qbox-project / qbx_core

jfpedroza / neotest-elixir Neotest adapter for Elixir

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

nvim-lua / plenary.nvim plenary: full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified. All the lua functions I don't want to write twice. +4 stars today

jackMort / ChatGPT.nvim ChatGPT Neovim Plugin: Effortless Natural Language Generation with OpenAI's ChatGPT API +3 stars today

linkease / istore 一个 Openwrt 标准的软件中心,纯脚本实现,只依赖Openwrt标准组件。支持其它固件开发者集成到自己的固件里面。更方便入门用户搜索安装插件。The iStore is a app store for OpenWRT

An Openwrt standard software center, purely scripted, relying only on Openwrt standard components. Support other firmware developers to integrate into their own firmware. It is more convenient for entry-level users to search and install plug-ins. The iStore is an app store for OpenWRT

+3 stars today

ayamir / nvimdots A well configured and structured Neovim. +2 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

josean-dev / dev-environment-files +9 stars today

kylechui / nvim-surround Add/change/delete surrounding delimiter pairs with ease. Written with ❤️ in Lua. +4 stars today

windwp / nvim-autopairs autopairs for neovim written in lua +2 stars today

qbcore-framework / qb-inventory Slot Based Inventory System Used With QB-Core 🎒 +1 stars today

VonHeikemen / lsp-zero.nvim A starting point to setup some lsp related features in neovim. +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 week ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

nvimdev / dashboard-nvim vim dashboard +3 stars today

opentibiabr / canary Canary Server 13.x for OpenTibia community. +2 stars today

linux-cultist / venv-selector.nvim Allows selection of python virtual environment from within neovim +1 stars today

monaqa / dial.nvim enhanced increment/decrement plugin for Neovim.

github-trending-repos-bot commented 6 days ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

rebelot / kanagawa.nvim NeoVim dark colorscheme inspired by the colors of the famous painting by Katsushika Hokusai. +4 stars today

luarocks / luarocks LuaRocks is the package manager for the Lua programming language. +3 stars today

jmbuhr / otter.nvim Just ask an otter! 🦦 +2 stars today

akinsho / flutter-tools.nvim Tools to help create flutter apps in neovim using the native lsp +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 5 days ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

EdenEast / nightfox.nvim 🦊A highly customizable theme for vim and neovim with support for lsp, treesitter and a variety of plugins. +3 stars today

L3MON4D3 / LuaSnip Snippet Engine for Neovim written in Lua. +1 stars today

mfussenegger / nvim-lint An asynchronous linter plugin for Neovim complementary to the built-in Language Server Protocol support. +1 stars today

mfussenegger / nvim-dap-python An extension for nvim-dap, providing default configurations for python and methods to debug individual test methods or classes.

github-trending-repos-bot commented 4 days ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

lite-xl / lite-xl A lightweight text editor written in Lua +3 stars today

folke / zen-mode.nvim 🧘 Distraction-free coding for Neovim +3 stars today

rose-pine / neovim Soho vibes for Neovim +2 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 3 days ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

omerxx / dotfiles My dotfiles synced form localhost and remote machines +3 stars today

zbirenbaum / copilot.lua Fully featured & enhanced replacement for copilot.vim complete with API for interacting with Github Copilot +1 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 2 days ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

nvim-lualine / lualine.nvim A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua. +2 stars today

github-trending-repos-bot commented 1 day ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

brenoprata10 / nvim-highlight-colors Highlight colors for neovim +5 stars today

nvim-orgmode / orgmode Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.9+. +5 stars today

unified-naming-convention / NamingStandard The standard for the Unified Naming Convention. +2 stars today

garymjr / nvim-snippets Snippet support using native neovim snippets

github-trending-repos-bot commented 40 minutes ago

New daily trending repos in Lua!

mfussenegger / nvim-dap Debug Adapter Protocol client implementation for Neovim +6 stars today

junyanz / CycleGAN Software that can generate photos from paintings, turn horses into zebras, perform style transfer, and more. +3 stars today

Eandrju / cellular-automaton.nvim A useless plugin that might help you cope with stubbornly broken tests or overall lack of sense in life. It lets you execute aesthetically pleasing, cellular automaton animations based on the content of neovim buffer.