Open gitToSantosh opened 2 days ago
I will definitely enrich error message with more details. In upcoming playwright-bdd v8 this part was changed, so the error should gone. Is that error appears on every test run or it's a floating one?
I think I am still using 7.5.0. It does not appear on every test though. But often when I run multiple tests I see this, have no idea why it happens
I think I am still using 7.5.0.
Yes, v8 is not released yet.
It does not appear on every test though.
Could you show the content of your playwright.config.ts (if possible)?
Sometimes I also see below error.
Error in reporter Error: Attachment without body and url
at toEmbeddedAttachment (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\attachments\external.ts:16:30)
at HtmlReporter.handleAttachment (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\html.ts:87:29)
at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\html.ts:59:14)
at EventEmitter.emit (node:events:519:28)
at C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\messagesBuilder\index.ts:109:54
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\messagesBuilder\index.ts:109:16
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at MessagesBuilder.emitMessages (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\messagesBuilder\index.ts:106:32)
at CucumberReporterAdapter.onEnd (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\index.ts:70:37)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at ReporterV2Wrapper.onEnd (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\reporters\reporterV2.js:91:12)
at wrapAsync (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\reporters\multiplexer.js:79:12)
at Multiplexer.onEnd (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\reporters\multiplexer.js:51:25)
at InternalReporter.onEnd (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\reporters\internalReporter.js:70:12)
at Runner.runAllTests (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\runner\runner.js:77:28)
at runTests (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\program.js:218:18)
at t.<anonymous> (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\program.js:55:7)
Error in reporter Error: Attachment without body and url
at toEmbeddedAttachment (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\attachments\external.ts:16:30)
at C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\json.ts:342:56
at (<anonymous>)
at JsonReporter.getStepData (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\json.ts:341:44)
at C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\json.ts:199:23
at (<anonymous>)
at C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\json.ts:197:58
at (<anonymous>)
at C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\json.ts:193:30
at (<anonymous>)
at JsonReporter.onTestRunFinished (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\json.ts:186:59)
at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\json.ts:136:14)
at EventEmitter.emit (node:events:519:28)
at C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\messagesBuilder\index.ts:109:54
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\messagesBuilder\index.ts:109:16
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at MessagesBuilder.emitMessages (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\messagesBuilder\index.ts:106:32)
at CucumberReporterAdapter.onEnd (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright-bdd\src\reporter\cucumber\index.ts:70:37)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at ReporterV2Wrapper.onEnd (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\reporters\reporterV2.js:91:12)
at wrapAsync (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\reporters\multiplexer.js:79:12)
at Multiplexer.onEnd (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\reporters\multiplexer.js:51:25)
at InternalReporter.onEnd (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\reporters\internalReporter.js:70:12)
at Runner.runAllTests (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\runner\runner.js:77:28)
at runTests (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\program.js:218:18)
at t.<anonymous> (C:\Users\ADMIN\Desktop\sample-automation\node_modules\playwright\lib\program.js:55:7)
here is my playwright config file
/* eslint-disable no-undef */
import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';
import { defineBddConfig, cucumberReporter } from 'playwright-bdd';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import type { GitHubActionOptions } from '@estruyf/github-actions-reporter';
// Load environment variables from the root .env file
dotenv.config( { path: './.env' } );
// Distinguish shard runs from regular local runs and merge-reports run
const isShardRun = process.argv.some( ( a ) => a.startsWith( '--shard' ) );
const isCiRun = process.env.CI === 'true' ? true : false;
const isLogVideo = process.env.LOG_VIDEO === 'true' ? true : false;
const isE2ERun = process.env.IS_E2E_RUN === 'true' ? true : false;
const testDir = defineBddConfig( {
features: 'tests/features/**/*.feature',
steps: [ 'tests/steps/*.ts', 'tests/fixtures/*.ts' ],
tags: process.env.TAGS,
} );
export default defineConfig( {
name: `Execute tests ${ process.env.MARKET } ${ process.env.ENV }`,
globalSetup: require.resolve( './tests/fixtures/global-setup' ),
// testDir: './tests',
outputDir: './reports/test-results',
preserveOutput: 'always',
maxFailures: isE2ERun ? 1 : 3,
fullyParallel: false,
workers: 1,
timeout: 50 * 60 * 1000,
globalTimeout: 50 * 60 * 1000,
expect: {
timeout: isCiRun ? 30_000 : 60_000,
reporter: isShardRun
? 'blob'
: [
cucumberReporter( 'html', {
outputFile: 'reports/cucumber-report/index.html',
externalAttachments: false,
// attachmentsBaseURL: '',
// skipAttachments: [ 'video/webm', 'application/zip' ],
} ),
cucumberReporter( 'json', {
outputFile: 'reports/cucumber-report/report.json',
// skipAttachments: [ 'video/webm', 'application/zip' ],
} ),
[ 'html', { open: 'always', outputFolder: 'reports/playwright-report' } ],
// [ 'html', { open: 'always', outputFolder: 'playwright-report' } ],
[ 'list', { printSteps: true } ],
// [ './tests/fixtures/myCustomReporter.ts' ],
// [ '@estruyf/github-actions-reporter', <GitHubActionOptions> {
// title: `Execute tests ${ process.env.MARKET } ${ process.env.ENV }`,
// showError: true,
// showAnnotations: false,
// // useDetails: true,
// includeResults: [ 'pass', 'skipped', 'fail', 'flaky' ]
// } ],
// [ 'monocart-reporter', {
// name: 'My Test Report',
// outputFile: 'reports/monocart-report/index.html',
// } ]
use: {
actionTimeout: 30_000,
// navigationTimeout: 30_000,
navigationTimeout: 60_000,
launchOptions: {
args: [ '--start-maximized' ],
screenshot: 'on',
trace: 'on',
video: {
mode: isLogVideo ? 'on' : 'off',
size: { height: 720, width: 1280 }
projects: [
// name: 'chromium',
use: {
viewport: isCiRun ? { width: 1920, height: 1080 } : null,
} );
When will the v8 get released ??
Also , any idea why we see the other error posted above ??
Error in reporter Error: Attachment without body and url
When will the v8 get released ??
Within this or next week.
Also , any idea why we see the other error posted above ?? Error in reporter Error: Attachment without body and url
Do you add any attachments manually in tests?
Yes I am adding attachments manually, (2 attachments, hence twice the error ? )
This is within my custom fixture, I use testInfo to attach to the report. I used both testInfo and $testInfo but i get same error
await $testInfo.attach( 'logs.txt', {
body: logsContent,
contentType: 'text/plain'
} );
await testInfo.attach( 'logs.txt', {
body: logsContent,
contentType: 'text/plain'
} );
Nope, even when I commented out the attachments, I still see the error twice , no idea why
I think I am able to reproduce the error now .
I have jar file which i run in a child process. It takes an argument and return a string. Every time this piece of code runs, I get the error "Error in reporter Error: Attachment without body and url"
Then( 'I see in title {string}', async ( { page }, pageTitle: string ) => {
// Verify the page title
await expect( page ).toHaveTitle( pageTitle );
try {
// Run the child process command
const output = execSync( 'java -jar library.jar "XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX"' ).toString();
// Log the output or perform further actions
console.log( 'Java Help Output:', output );
} catch ( error ) {
// Handle potential errors
console.error( 'Error running command:', error.message );
} );
Also even When you run a simple command like "java -help" in a child process, you can see stderr attachment in playwright html report
I often get below error post test case(s) execution, while generation of cucumber report. The json report file also remains empty.