vitalets / react-native-extended-stylesheet

Extended StyleSheets for React Native
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Recommendations for REM value on different devices #19

Open BANG88 opened 8 years ago

BANG88 commented 8 years ago

Hello. How can i set rem or scale make it display as expected on different screen. IOS 4S IOS 5 IOS 6 IOS 6S+


vitalets commented 8 years ago

Hi @bang88

currently not. I think it may depend on app itself but seems we can make a recommendation. It would be great if you share you experience!

ibussieres commented 8 years ago

Late for @bang88 perhaps, but for anyone who comes across this, here is a quick and dirty version I use. It uses iPhone breakpoints for dimensions, but renders just fine on Android the 5 or 6 different sized android devices I've tried.

"use strict";

import { Dimensions } from "react-native";

const width = Dimensions.get("window").width;

let rem = 14;

if (width > 768) {
  rem = 45;
} else if (width > 414) {
  rem = 26;
} else if (width > 375) {
  rem = 18;
} else if (width > 320) {
  rem = 16;

module.exports = rem;
esutton commented 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing.

What is definition of "rem" ?

ibussieres commented 8 years ago

I'm using it for font, padding and margin sizes.

esutton commented 8 years ago

@ibussieres Thanks for explaining.

I was looking for solutions to help me understand how to make an app behave like a Master/Detail app when running on a tablet.

As well as to handle fonts getting too large because users enlarge their devices text size.

ibussieres commented 8 years ago

To be honest, I'm not sure how well this plays with accessibility settings. I would guess not so well.

esutton commented 8 years ago

@ibussieres Yes I am struggling for a solution. Labels, vector icons, and such get all wonky when user accessibility settings sets to a large font.

I feel I should not try to fight accessibility settings. My tab bar text gets giant and forces tab bar icons off tab bar. Maybe flexbox can solve.

leggomuhgreggo commented 6 years ago

@ibussieres @esutton re: accessibility & rem

darekg11 commented 5 years ago

Bumping after long time but let's assume I use those:

import { Dimensions } from "react-native";

const width = Dimensions.get("window").width;

let rem = 14;

if (width > 768) {
  rem = 45;
} else if (width > 414) {
  rem = 26;
} else if (width > 375) {
  rem = 18;
} else if (width > 320) {
  rem = 16;
    $rem: rem

Wouldn't it need to rebuild every time that orientation of device changes? How can I achieve that? Asking because you might launch app in landscape with a big width value and after rotation to portrait everything will be too big due to basic rem value not being changed. Or am I doing something wrong?

vitalets commented 5 years ago

Your concerns are ok. Dynamic orientation change is long story being discussed in #9. You can call with new $rem value after orientation change, but also you'l need to re-render the whole app to apply new styles.

andreferi3 commented 4 years ago

@esutton you should set allowFontScalling: false on root of ur project, i set this in app.js.

render() { Text.defaultProps = { ...(Text.defaultProps || {}), allowFontScaling: false } return( .... ) }

efoken commented 4 years ago

rem values for Web should not be converted to pixels. React Native Web supports it 😄 #148