vitalets / x-editable

In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery
MIT License
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Don't want to return any string ..or is there any way to validate multiple input field show error just below input field #1095

Open kamarshad opened 6 years ago

kamarshad commented 6 years ago

hi @vitalets i want to validate some input but dont want to return string, how i can do Actually i have multiple inputs fields and i want to show error just below the input field validate: function(value) { if (value === null || value === '') { here i want to create new css return ''; } }

vitalets commented 6 years ago

hi! The easiest way is to return space:

validate: function(value) {
   if (value === null || value === '') {
      // show custom error and return space to avoid embeded error
      return ' ';