vitalets / x-editable

In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery
MIT License
6.51k stars 1.72k forks source link

Is this an abandoned project? #610

Open laurencei opened 10 years ago

laurencei commented 10 years ago


Is this an abandoned project? There have been no updates for 6 months, including no github activity from @vitalets for any project?

Is there a "fork" that is being actively maintained?

musiwei commented 10 years ago

As far as I know, vitalets is working full-time and can only spend spare time to develop this project. Although I agree with you the forking should be maintained regularly so it goes further, the project is free anyways, I got nothing but grateful.

laurencei commented 10 years ago

Dont get me wrong - I'm grafeful - the package is amazing.

But there should also be a clear direction for the package, as it is used by a large amount of people. So I just wanted to clarify which direction this is heading...

elbouillon commented 10 years ago

I totally agree this is a great package and I was also asking me if it was still maintained. Which fork is the most active, should the author pass the baton ?

chall8908 commented 10 years ago

Based on my quick scan of the Network graph, it doesn't look like there really is a 'most active' fork. They all seem to solve one or two problems and end in a PR against this repo. If anyone is particularly interested in trying to pick up the slack, I would see about sending @vitalets an email. Can't hurt to ask, right?

elbouillon commented 10 years ago

I agree with you, there is planty of little fix but everybody on his own. You can try to reach @vitalets, but I think he won't answer as he get emails for issues we create on his project.

I'm avaible to help centralizing the project, but I don't have time to take the lead

vitalets commented 10 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'm very-very sorry for getting x-editable unsupported for such a long time. There were some unpredicted circumstances in my life that caused such situation..

Anyway I would like to keep this project alive as there are many people who already using it and there are many amazing things that can be done.

I would appreciate if someone would help. Not spending a lot of time on it (as everyone is busy with own tasks) but if possible just check pull requests and merge. I'll provide any help and full access to the repo. Just let me know via email

Thank you!

stillnet commented 10 years ago

Hi vitalets, thanks for responding. I am brand new to Angular, just writing my first app now, so I can't be of much help. But I'm sure others will step up, this is such a valuable project. Thanks!

mazing commented 10 years ago

It is such great news that the project will be kept alive and supported. It's a really great project!

dennisroche commented 10 years ago

Hi @vitalets. I would like to help you maintain this project. It is excellent work and I found it incredibly useful on a recent job.

dimroc commented 9 years ago

So have we found a maintainer for this project? Would love to see it supported! I'm willing to volunteer some time as well.

assisrafael commented 9 years ago

I would like to help also. This project is awesome.

vitalets commented 9 years ago

Thanks @assisrafael! Added you as collaborator.

assisrafael commented 9 years ago

Thank you. I'm looking at the PRs and issues right now.

Akeru commented 9 years ago

Any news ?

dandv commented 9 years ago

Hey @nate-strauser, want to help maintain x-editable, since you've published the best Meteor wrapper for it?

CC @davidworkman9

nate-strauser commented 9 years ago

i'd be willing to help out with meteor specific integrations

tonglil commented 9 years ago

Checking the network graph, it looks like someone has taken the liberty of merging some useful PRs into the dev branch in their fork.

This is the most "advanced" fork I have been able to find and I would strongly recommend we include him/her and some others as collaborators to keep this going.

DiegoWtf commented 9 years ago

Really, did not find the new maintainer?

burzum commented 9 years ago

I agree with @tonglil, I was doing some research on this as well and agree that @geding has the most useful fork I could find. :+1:

jasondavis commented 9 years ago

I just came across this project and I am super impressed with the amount of work invested here! It's like the same projects was built for all these libraries and then a ton of t tests build and docs...this project should never die! I am about to use it on a Project Management application as it is simply PERFECT for that type of app, thanks for all the great work and I truly hope this project lives on for years to come!

kingharrison commented 9 years ago

Did this project ever find a new maintainer? @geding @assisrafael ??

I am not a javascript programmer but have found a few bugs to help report.

kjakah08 commented 9 years ago

@vitalets you should provide a donation link or some sort of low-end licensing, ie. $20-40 a license or related. I think this is a very valuable project and one that I was hoping to integrate into my application, but if unsupported it greatly falls by the wayside. If money is an issue I am sure allot of people, myself included, would donate/purchase a license for comfort of continued support

What are your thoughts group?

kingharrison commented 9 years ago

TBH this project is important enough I would pay an annual fee for consistent updates. $50 to me makes sense.

jasondavis commented 9 years ago

I would also pay to keep this going. I believe that applies to anyone capable of taking on the task really! If I was good enough in JavaScript, I could sell support for helping people with this library, just the way people sell there service to help with WordPress, Magento, SugarCRM, etc...

Of course the author of this project knows it best. However on the Readme he has posted this notice...

Project status Unfortunately, project is currently frozen, as I don't have enough time for it. You could try use it as is, but there may be some bugs with newer versions of dependend libraries (e.g. bootstrap). I would really appreciate if someone take care of it.. See #610. Vitalets.

I would love to pay someone to keep things updated and going though

jasondavis commented 9 years ago

@kingharrison @kjakah08 @tonglil @chall8908 @dandv and all others...I have made a quick blog post highlighting some of the features of X-Editable and requesting for someone (JavaScript Expert) to step up to the plate and help update/maintain this project. There has been no updates to code in over 2 years according to this repos last update date. There was a recent update of the Readme to add in that the project is abandoned but actual code update is 2 years now which is sad.

There are thousands of people using this project and I do not want to site on the sideline and watch it die. There really is no other competitor library that is even half as good so for that reason alone it should live on!

Please share my article on your social media to help get the word out also if you would like to add or chamnge the content of my article, I am all ears. I just want to get this project going again.

Majority of the recent issues are posted about Select2 support and I personally am having all sorts of nightmare with X-Editable and Select2 so I would love to get that working properly again too.

As some have mentioned, they would be willing to pay some money to keep this project going. I agree with that and I am certain that hundreds of others would contribute if they knew they could.

So hopefully the right person or persons (people) will see our plea to get this going again.

To start helping now, I think spreading this article is the first step in finding the right people to help with our project. Thanks and feel free to give your input.

leob commented 9 years ago

I'm already overloaded with side projects of my own but I'm supporting this, tweeted your article.

jasondavis commented 9 years ago

@leob great thanks for your support. If we could somehow get X-Editable updated to work with Select2 v4 it would solve majority of the recent posted issues. It would be nice if it;s really just a few simple modifications but I can't tell at this point

leob commented 9 years ago

You're welcome, this was my most popular post on Twitter ever, gained me 2 new followers! incredible response, sure that says something, this library is indeed important to a lot of people.

So the most pressing issues are when you combine it with this library right?

I have totally no idea how difficult it would be to fix it, if I have a spare hour (or two) I could have a look at the issues but I doubt that would get me very far.

(I have to say that after researching the alternatives I'm not really interested in using the library myself anymore at this point, I more or less decided to go for a more limited but simpler "in place editing" solution which integrates well with Ruby on Rails:

kevin-brown commented 9 years ago

For anyone looking to use Select2 4.0.0 with x-editable, it is possible. There are a few "glitches" you have to work around, mostly revolving around deprecated options, but it can be made to work.

I've covered some of those glitches (with fixes) in this Stack Overflow answer.

This is something I might invest some time in fixing (if I find some spare time).

jasondavis commented 9 years ago

@kevin-brown thanks for the contribution I look forward to playing with it

jasondavis commented 9 years ago

@kevin-brown Hey Kevin, you seem to know a bit about Select2 v4 so I wanted to ask if you by chance have had a chance to get any sort of X-Editable + Select2 integration working with Select2 custom templates? That seems to be the main thing that I have not found anyone succeed with yet and all my attempt have failed.

My end goal is I need to pull a list of users from the server and show there thumbnail avatar image + name in the Select2 selection.

At this point I don't even care if I can't get the X-Editable + Select2 integration to load the list of users from the server with AJAX as I can easily do that separately and then feed the list to Select2 as an array or object.

I have seen people get Select2 to work with a custom template to show thumbnail image + name of item but not while integrating with X-Editable.

I'm about to the point where I am going to have to just roll my own custom solution and not use X-Editable to build this user list but I wanted to ask you if you;ve had any experiences with it before giving up on it!

Facebook is a good example of what I am trying to do:

Appreciate any feedback

lorenscott commented 9 years ago

Following this conversation. I just started using X-editable with Bootstrap and, overall, I love it. However, the two main issues for me are (A) the problems with X-editable working well with Bootstrap's media-queries (for responsive design) when resizing a page (labels wrap incorrectly around input fields), and (B) the inability to adjust the size of inline editable fields, especially textareas.

If anyone at least has solutions to those two areas, I'd LOVE to hear from you. And, I'd also be willing to contribute some development time to keep this project alive.

stillnet commented 9 years ago

You should be able to size your elements with e-style. Not sure about textareas but I don't see why it wouldn't work.

lorenscott commented 9 years ago

@stillnet I've tried e-style and it has no effect.

stillnet commented 9 years ago

I've used e-style successfully, you might want to code up a simple page using it and work from there. Probably a CSS conflict.

lorenscott commented 9 years ago

Here is a jsFiddle with a snippet that shows the results I am seeing trying to use e-style on both a text field and a textarea field. Any advice is welcome.

stillnet commented 9 years ago

Ah, you are using the editable bootstrap library, I am using angular-xeditable, by the same author.

lorenscott commented 9 years ago

Oh, I see. So those e-* tags pertain to that angular-xeditable only, I presume? :)

althaus commented 9 years ago

@lorenscott @stillnet Would be great if you'd discuss this not here. I subbed the issue to be updated about the project's state. Thanks in advance.

lorvent commented 8 years ago

@vitalets I really love this work and i would like to become a collaborator so that i can make changes and accept PRs and fix issues.

please let me know, if you can add me as collaborator.

I really need this project for myself and you can see lots of love for this project in this thread.

vitalets commented 8 years ago

thanks @lorvent ! Added you as collaborator.

lorvent commented 8 years ago

Thanks for quick response, I will work on PRs first.

vitalets commented 8 years ago

You are welcome. Great thanks for your support!

ceesco53 commented 8 years ago

I see lots of outstanding PRs. We all get busy, I understand. I've begun to use this with Bootstrap 4 alpha 3 with great success. I just don't want to see such a fabulous project lose traction.

lorvent commented 8 years ago

I am not accepting old PRs because i am not sure whether they are perfect or not and many times PR creator not answering my questions... may be they are not using x-editables or github anymore

1e4 commented 8 years ago

How's the progress coming along? I was looking around for a solution for front end editing, writing my own would be fine, but x-editable meets pretty much every requirement, is the project still frozen as the readme states?

I've seen as an alternative, despite being good, it also looks like it is not being maintained, are there any alternatives that give what x-editable does?

ceesco53 commented 8 years ago

As a user and developer for a project using x-editable and BS4 alpha, I second a branch for bootstrap 4. It currently is working fine in my environment without any changes, but I'm not really using many BS4 specific features on the pages relevant to x-editable yet.

On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 1:42 AM Ian wrote:

How's the progress coming along? I was looking around for a solution for front end editing, writing my own would be fine, but x-editable meets pretty much every requirement, is the project still frozen as the readme states?

I've seen as an alternative, despite being good, it also looks like it is not being maintained, are there any alternatives that give what x-editable does?

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1e4 commented 8 years ago

@ceesco53 I wasn't going to bring up BS4, as it is still in Alpha, however from looking at the templates, the only thing that should need altering is the class names for the input fields as I'm pretty sure some have changed, for instance the Default class

Tweaking input-lg and a few of the old button classes.

Despite that, you say it worked out the box? So you're just using the bs3 template with alpha 4?

lorvent commented 8 years ago

bs4 adds more sizes but doesn't deprecate any existing classes so it should work out of box.

1e4 commented 8 years ago

Oh really @lorvent I thought it did, apologies. Thanks for the heads up :)