vitalidze / traccar-web

Traccar Web UI mod
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Two traccar services with common mysql database #1104

Open dhavalchikani opened 7 years ago

dhavalchikani commented 7 years ago


Thanks for such a nice UI changes.

I want to run two traccar services with same common mysql database with one having modified new UI provided by you and one original UI.

I have successfully run the two services on two different port. But as I have common two traccar services pointing to same database, it start misbehaving.

When I add the new device from one traccar, it didn't show in other traccar2 tab. Suddenly some time one service ask for authentication popup some time again.

When I refresh the page of any service it logout suddenly.

Please suggest good way to do this. I need to do this as new UI mobile view has not support for route and other report from mobile view.

Is it possible from mobile view to access all the traccar functionality with new UI? I need all support from mobile as supported in original traccar mobile view.

Need your help. Thanks in advance.

dhavalchikani commented 7 years ago

Hello Vitalidze,

Can you please help me out.

Thank you

vitalidze commented 7 years ago

To be honest I don't know how to make them working properly. This requires investing much time into investigation of the issues you are describing. Probably for now it's better to use either original UI or Traccar Web UI Mod if you need stability.

dhavalchikani commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your response.

I want to use new UI. But my main concern with new UI is I need more user functionality from mobile view not only current position on map from new traccar. As original traccar android/IOS app has all the traccar functionality on mobile also. Is it possible with new UI traccar also?

Can you please guide me what to do if I want all the feature of new UI traccar from my mobile?

vitalidze commented 7 years ago

Can you please guide me what to do if I want all the feature of new UI traccar from my mobile?

You need to implement this functionality in JavaScript/HTML from scratch. Also you can use "Desktop" version from your mobile, there is a link on the login page and in sidebar menu.