vitalidze / traccar-web

Traccar Web UI mod
151 stars 145 forks source link

New release? #1131

Open netluca1 opened 7 years ago

netluca1 commented 7 years ago

Is there a new release coming out? Has the backend 3.11 compatibility been verified?

cesarserafim commented 7 years ago

i like to know too! i have 3.9 in production and Im testing 3.11 without mod

vitalidze commented 7 years ago

I don't have release date and I don't have time to check against 3.11. Maybe someone from community may help me with that? For example try using instructions from 3.9 for 3.11 (or even 3.10).

cesarserafim commented 7 years ago

I have tested over 3.11, until now i just have one problem with google maps that i resolved addin a API key in traccar.html.

joepr commented 7 years ago

Thanks cesarserafim for the update. Let us know if you find any other issues. I plan to upgrade during the next upcoming weeks.

vitalidze commented 7 years ago

@cesarserafim thanks for the information. Are there any changes in installation instructions steps?

cesarserafim commented 7 years ago

I followed the step-by-step instructions successfully

cesarserafim commented 7 years ago

Really so far everything is ok. I just do not know if this log contains anything serious. I was careful to delete and recreate an empty MySQL database. In fact a test device is apparently normal. image Maybe it's related to some new backend function.

Forgot the Wrapper image

joepr commented 7 years ago


MarceloMJM commented 6 years ago

Hello I upgraded from version 3.9 to 3.11 the error occurs to send commands. Stop the engine, restart the engine, test with the protocol: gps103 and suntech. In version 3.9, sending this command works perfectly.

I know that the web ui will have to be adapted to the new version of the traccar, this comment would be just for the knowledge. Anyone else with the same problem?

Sorry for bad English, greeting Brazil. error