vitalidze / traccar-web

Traccar Web UI mod
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OSRM server v5 #1158

Open jolypas opened 7 years ago

jolypas commented 7 years ago

hello as the demo OSRM server is more and more often off line, I have create my own server.

It works fine when I test by curl example curl 'http://MYSERVER/route/v1/driving/52.517037;13.397634,52.529407;13.428555,52.523219'

but when I request from traccar I have an error 400. I have noticed that there are extra parameters in traccar request I cannot find into OSRM API v5: a timestamp for all location


could it be the issue ?

any experience with own OSRM server ?


jolypas commented 7 years ago

I found the mistake i added /match/ in the url and it is OK ('http://MYSERVER/match/route/v1/driving/')

now I have a more reliable "snap to road" function

I read in the documentation "There is a possibility to draw more precise track aligned to road using response from the server, which is not supported for now, but will be supported in future" Is it still in the roadmap ?


vitalidze commented 7 years ago

I read in the documentation "There is a possibility to draw more precise track aligned to road using response from the server, which is not supported for now, but will be supported in future" Is it still in the roadmap ?

Response from server returns track geometry, which is already used for drawing it on map.