vitalidze / traccar-web

Traccar Web UI mod
152 stars 145 forks source link

Install Instructions Don't Work with Latest 3.16-SNAPSHOT Build #1196

Open kelvinnn opened 6 years ago

kelvinnn commented 6 years ago

Hi @vitalidze ,

Firstly I would like to thank you for the amazing work with the mod. Played with the demo and it is indeed amazing what you have built.

I am trying to install your latest build, tried both compiling from source and also the latest pre-built .war file, and I followed your instructions in to the exact letter. I also deleted data folder and let it rebuild h2 database.

However, I noticed several issues.:

  1. <entry key='web.type'>old</entry> is now deprecated. I think the new parameters as per is <entry key='web.old'>true</entry>

  2. Inside Step 7 of your instructions, some of these keys no longer exist. Hence I just added your "new" entries: database.insertPosition, database.selectUsersAll, database.selectDevicePermissions, database.linkDevice, database.updateDeviceStatus

  3. Inside Step 7a and 8, nothing of what you mentioned is inside the config files?

I managed to start traccar but seems port 8082 is not open.

Also, logs show:

`2018-05-08 05:41:44 INFO: Operating system name: Linux version: 4.4.0-1055-aws architecture: amd64

2018-05-08 05:41:44 INFO: Java runtime name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM vendor: Oracle Corporation version: 25.162-b12

2018-05-08 05:41:44 INFO: Memory limit heap: 239mb non-heap: 0mb

2018-05-08 05:41:44 INFO: Character encoding: UTF-8 charset: UTF-8

2018-05-08 05:41:44 INFO: Version: 3.16-SNAPSHOT

2018-05-08 05:41:45 WARN: Table "USERS" not found; SQL statement: SELECT FROM users [42102-196] - JdbcSQLException (... < QueryBuilder:62 < :132 < DataManager:444 < BaseObjectManager:58 < ...)

2018-05-08 05:41:45 WARN: Table "USER_USER" not found; SQL statement: SELECT userId, managedUserId FROM user_user [42102-196] - JdbcSQLException (... < QueryBuilder:62 < *:132 < DataManager:425 < SimpleObjectManager:76 < ...)

2018-05-08 05:41:45 WARN: Table "GROUPS" not found; SQL statement: SELECT FROM groups [42102-196] - JdbcSQLException (... < QueryBuilder:62 < :132 < DataManager:444 < BaseObjectManager:58 < ...)

2018-05-08 05:41:45 WARN: Table "DEVICES" not found; SQL statement: SELECT FROM devices [42102-196] - JdbcSQLException (... < QueryBuilder:62 < :132 < DataManager:444 < BaseObjectManager:58 < ...)

2018-05-08 05:41:45 WARN: Table "POSITIONS" not found; SQL statement: SELECT id, protocol, device_id AS deviceId, serverTime, time AS deviceTime, time AS fixTime, valid, latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, course, address, other AS attributes FROM positions WHERE id IN (SELECT latestPosition_id FROM devices); [42102-196] - JdbcSQLException (... < QueryBuilder:62 < *:132 < DataManager:351 < DeviceManager:227 < ...)

2018-05-08 05:41:45 WARN: Table "APPLICATION_SETTINGS" not found; SQL statement: SELECT, s.bingMapsKey AS bingKey, us.speedUnit, us.centerLatitude AS latitude, us.centerLongitude AS longitude, us.zoomLevel AS zoom FROM application_settings AS s LEFT OUTER JOIN user_settings AS us ON = s.userSettings_id [42102-196] - JdbcSQLException (... < QueryBuilder:62 < *:132 < DataManager:370 < PermissionsManager:109 < ...)`

Any thoughts?

vitalidze commented 6 years ago

The database tables were not created in your case.

kelvinnn commented 6 years ago

Ah, do you have a database dump or schema which I can import or reference the creation from?

Or is there a way to trigger this?

vitalidze commented 6 years ago

Application should create necessary tables by itself if you will configure it properly. As an option you can get database dump from v. 3.9. I am not sure if it will work though.

kelvinnn commented 6 years ago

Thanks @vitalidze - I will try that and post my findings.

By the way, I have also sent you an e-mail in regards to some paid work on this project if you are keen :)

halie412 commented 5 years ago

Hello @kelvinn you get traccar mod work with traccar 3.16?