vitalidze / traccar-web

Traccar Web UI mod
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"Remember me" option #174

Open Abyss777 opened 9 years ago

Abyss777 commented 9 years ago

It's given: I have to enter username and password in desktop browser only once until server reboot. I have to reenter username and password almost all times after i've reconnected from 3g to wifi and back (and even while moving along the city) in mobile phone.

I suppose web session connected to client IP. Is it possible to disconnect web session from client IP or add tick to logon screen like "Remember Me" ?

vitalidze commented 9 years ago

Actually it does exact same thing for authentication as the desktop version. It stores a special Cookie with session identification, which has Sesssion expiration, which means that it expires once you close the web browser. But yes, I think this can be updated by using a cookie with hard coded expiration date. Moreover, some time ago I thought about storing session information directly in Cookie so it will survive even server restarts.

Abyss777 commented 9 years ago

Hm. It's a feature of desktop Chrome. It doesn't clear "session" cookies on exit if it's configured as "Continue where you left off." But mobile Chrome sometimes looses session even if it is not closed. (i.e. I'm driving a car and watching device moving in mobile phone through 3G. At some point, device stops moving on map, I'm refreshing the page and have to enter credentials again.) May be mobile Chrome clear "session" cookies on loosing internet connection...(it's hard to debug)

Anyway, It would be nice to have two features:

crarchile commented 8 years ago
