vitalii-andriiovskyi / ngx-owl-carousel-o

owl-carousel for Angular >=6
MIT License
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Responsive not working #277

Open Andrew-Samir opened 1 month ago

Andrew-Samir commented 1 month ago

I have an issue working with responsive option and items option in owl carousel i use owl carousel in a container as follow

<div class="container">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-10 p-0 offset-1">
                    <owl-carousel-o [options]="customOptions">
                        <ng-container *ngFor="let theme of themes; let i = index">
                            <ng-template carouselSlide [width]="140" [id]="setCarouselID()">
                            <div class="theme-thumb" 
                                [ngClass]="{ selected: selected_theme && ===}" 
                                [ngStyle]="{ backgroundImage: 'url(' + theme.file_preview + ')'}">
    i set a fixed width for 140 px and used autoWidth to true and i set items to 4 to show only 4 slides for large screens 
    here is my options

customOptions: OwlOptions = { autoWidth: true, loop: false, margin: 16, rewind: false, dots: false, navText: [ '<', '>' ], mouseDrag: true, touchDrag: true, pullDrag: true, navSpeed: 700, nav: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1 }, 200: { items: 2 }, 400: { items: 3 }, 600: { items: 4 } }, }

  although considering the responsive is calculated from the parent width, its not working and the carousel showed 6 items for bigger screens and when resize it shrinks not using responsive