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Add validation on lfw, cfp_fp and agedb_30 #14

Closed vitalwarley closed 2 years ago

vitalwarley commented 2 years ago

The .bins are in MS1M_v3. How they are read and used is here and here.

vitalwarley commented 2 years ago

In configs/ we have

config.val_targets = ['lfw', 'cfp_fp', "agedb_30"]

This is the flow

  1. Init validation datasets:
class CallBackVerification(object):

    def __init__(self, val_targets, rec_prefix, summary_writer=None, image_size=(112, 112)):
        self.rank: int = distributed.get_rank()
        self.highest_acc: float = 0.0
        self.highest_acc_list: List[float] = [0.0] * len(val_targets)
        self.ver_list: List[object] = []
        self.ver_name_list: List[str] = []
        if self.rank is 0:
            self.init_dataset(val_targets=val_targets, data_dir=rec_prefix, image_size=image_size)  # <-- here

        self.summary_writer = summary_writer

where val_targets is config.val_targets.

  1. init_dataset calls load_bin

    def init_dataset(self, val_targets, data_dir, image_size):
        for name in val_targets:
            path = os.path.join(data_dir, name + ".bin")
            if os.path.exists(path):
                data_set = verification.load_bin(path, image_size)

where load_bin basically loads .bins in tensors

def load_bin(path, image_size):
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            bins, issame_list = pickle.load(f)  # py2
    except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            bins, issame_list = pickle.load(f, encoding='bytes')  # py3
    data_list = []
    for flip in [0, 1]:
        data = torch.empty((len(issame_list) * 2, 3, image_size[0], image_size[1]))
    for idx in range(len(issame_list) * 2):
        _bin = bins[idx]
        img = mx.image.imdecode(_bin)
        if img.shape[1] != image_size[0]:
            img = mx.image.resize_short(img, image_size[0])
        img = nd.transpose(img, axes=(2, 0, 1))
        for flip in [0, 1]:
            if flip == 1:
                img = mx.ndarray.flip(data=img, axis=2)
            data_list[flip][idx][:] = torch.from_numpy(img.asnumpy())
        if idx % 1000 == 0:
            print('loading bin', idx)
    return data_list, issame_list
  1. Then every call to the callback instance do
  def __call__(self, num_update, backbone: torch.nn.Module):
        if self.rank is 0 and num_update > 0:
            self.ver_test(backbone, num_update)

where ver_test is

   def ver_test(self, backbone: torch.nn.Module, global_step: int):
        results = []
        for i in range(len(self.ver_list)):
            acc1, std1, acc2, std2, xnorm, embeddings_list = verification.test(
                self.ver_list[i], backbone, 10, 10)
  '[%s][%d]XNorm: %f' % (self.ver_name_list[i], global_step, xnorm))
  '[%s][%d]Accuracy-Flip: %1.5f+-%1.5f' % (self.ver_name_list[i], global_step, acc2, std2))

            self.summary_writer: SummaryWriter
            self.summary_writer.add_scalar(tag=self.ver_name_list[i], scalar_value=acc2, global_step=global_step, )

            if acc2 > self.highest_acc_list[i]:
                self.highest_acc_list[i] = acc2
                '[%s][%d]Accuracy-Highest: %1.5f' % (self.ver_name_list[i], global_step, self.highest_acc_list[i]))

This is what we see in the training logs from insightface. verification.test is called for each dataset.

  1. In verification.test we don't have a classification task, but instead face verification.
    for i in range(len(data_list)):
        data = data_list[i]
        embeddings = None
        ba = 0
        while ba < data.shape[0]:
            bb = min(ba + batch_size, data.shape[0])
            count = bb - ba
            _data = data[bb - batch_size: bb]
            time0 =
            img = ((_data / 255) - 0.5) / 0.5
            net_out: torch.Tensor = backbone(img)
            _embeddings = net_out.detach().cpu().numpy()
            time_now =
            diff = time_now - time0
            time_consumed += diff.total_seconds()
            if embeddings is None:
                embeddings = np.zeros((data.shape[0], _embeddings.shape[1]))
            embeddings[ba:bb, :] = _embeddings[(batch_size - count):, :]
            ba = bb
    • The embeddings (last linear layer output) are computed from the given dataset (self.ver_name_list[i]) for [no_flip, flip] images): normalize the input (which can be batched; they used bs=10) and pass it into the backbone. In the end, we have an embeddings list composed of arrays of no_flip images embeddings and flip image embeddings.
    • For each array of embeddings, the norm for each embedding is computed (np.linalg.norm(_em), where _em seems to be a 1x512 vector). This norm is aggregated and averaged outside the loop (_xnorm /= _xnorm_count). That is, _xnorm is the sum of all embeddings for the given dataset, and _xnorm_count the total of norms computed.
    • The embeddings arrays (no_flip and flip) are summed and then normalized with sklearn.preprocessing.normalize).
  embeddings = embeddings_list[0] + embeddings_list[1]
  embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings)

At last, this happens

     _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=nfolds)
    acc2, std2 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)
    return acc1, std1, acc2, std2, _xnorm, embeddings_list  # acc1 = std1 = 0.0, but aren't used...
vitalwarley commented 2 years ago
  1. In evaluate, they compute the Accuracy, FAR (False Acceptance Rate), and VAL (?, I don't know what it is), but only Accuracy is used (see the previous comment, step 5.4) 6.1. Accuracy is computed as follows
    thresholds = np.arange(0, 4, 0.01)
    embeddings1 = embeddings[0::2]
    embeddings2 = embeddings[1::2]
    tpr, fpr, accuracy = calculate_roc(thresholds,

wherein calculate_roc an LFold evaluation takes place.

    nrof_pairs = min(len(actual_issame), embeddings1.shape[0])
    nrof_thresholds = len(thresholds)
    k_fold = LFold(n_splits=nrof_folds, shuffle=False)

    tprs = np.zeros((nrof_folds, nrof_thresholds))
    fprs = np.zeros((nrof_folds, nrof_thresholds))
    accuracy = np.zeros((nrof_folds))
    indices = np.arange(nrof_pairs)

    if pca == 0:  # pca == 0, then the code below is executed
        diff = np.subtract(embeddings1, embeddings2)
        dist = np.sum(np.square(diff), 1)


    for fold_idx, (train_set, test_set) in enumerate(k_fold.split(indices)):
        # Find the best threshold for the fold
        acc_train = np.zeros((nrof_thresholds))
        for threshold_idx, threshold in enumerate(thresholds):
            _, _, acc_train[threshold_idx] = calculate_accuracy(
                threshold, dist[train_set], actual_issame[train_set])
        best_threshold_index = np.argmax(acc_train)
        for threshold_idx, threshold in enumerate(thresholds):
            tprs[fold_idx, threshold_idx], fprs[fold_idx, threshold_idx], _ = calculate_accuracy(
                threshold, dist[test_set],
        _, _, accuracy[fold_idx] = calculate_accuracy(
            thresholds[best_threshold_index], dist[test_set],

    tpr = np.mean(tprs, 0)
    fpr = np.mean(fprs, 0)
    return tpr, fpr, accuracy

At last, remember that we have at the end of test

    embeddings = embeddings_list[0].copy()
    embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings)
    acc1 = 0.0
    std1 = 0.0
    embeddings = embeddings_list[0] + embeddings_list[1]
    embeddings = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(embeddings)
    print('infer time', time_consumed)
    _, _, accuracy, val, val_std, far = evaluate(embeddings, issame_list, nrof_folds=nfolds)
    acc2, std2 = np.mean(accuracy), np.std(accuracy)
    return acc1, std1, acc2, std2, _xnorm, embeddings_list

This accuracy is of shape (nfolds,).

vitalwarley commented 2 years ago
vitalwarley commented 2 years ago

Since these validation sets are for face verification, each sample must be a pair of images. Below is how they did

def evaluate(embeddings, actual_issame, nrof_folds=10, pca=0):
    # Calculate evaluation metrics
    thresholds = np.arange(0, 4, 0.01)
    embeddings1 = embeddings[0::2]
    embeddings2 = embeddings[1::2]

where embeddings1 and embeddings2 are the embeddings for each pair. I think this can be improved by loading the data differently from how they did. That is, instead of populating one array with all images, I will populate two arrays, each for an image of the pair.

vitalwarley commented 2 years ago

In DDP all external validation datasets are copied to each process, so the memory goes brrr and the training becomes too slow. To solve it, I moved cfp_fp and agedb_30 from validation to test.