vite-pwa / docs

Documentation: PWA integrations for Vite and the ecosystem
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is @vite-pwa/nuxt ssr-friendly? #58

Open prstwo opened 1 year ago

prstwo commented 1 year ago

hi, I'm using "@vite-pwa/nuxt": "^0.0.4", in my nuxt version 3 project. whenever I refresh the page, I see first the fallback page appeared and then the content of the website, here is the config:

pwa: {
  registerType: 'autoUpdate',
  registerWebManifestInRouteRules: true,
  manifest: {
    "name": "Fares bazar",
    "short_name": "Faresbazar",
    "start_url": "/",
    "display": "fullscreen",
    "background_color": "#ffffff",
    "lang": "fa",
    "scope": "",
    "theme_color": "#d71920",
    "icons": [
        "src": "faresbazar-192.png",
        "sizes": "192x192",
        "type": "image/png"
        "src": "faresbazar-512.png",
        "sizes": "512x512",
        "type": "image/png"
    "description": "جدیدترین و خوش‌نام‌ترین محصولات دیجیتال را براحتی از طریق نرم‌افزار فارِس بازار خرید نمایید.",
    "dir": "auto",
    "display_override": [
    "categories": [
    "screenshots": [
        "src": "screenshot.png",
        "sizes": "1280x800",
        "type": "image/png"
        "src": "screenshot.png",
        "sizes": "750x1334",
        "type": "image/png"
  workbox: {
    navigateFallback: 'fallback',
    globPatterns: ['**/*.{js,css,html,png,svg,ico}'
  client: {
    installPrompt: true,
    // you don't need to include this: only for testing purposes
    // if enabling periodic sync for update use 16 minutes or so (periodicSyncForUpdates: 60*15)
    periodicSyncForUpdates: 3600,

clearing site data didn't solve my problem. the project contains multiple routes and pages. showing fallback page is not specific to one page

Guito commented 1 year ago

Also happening to me. Did you find a solution @prstwo ?

userquin commented 1 year ago

When using a meta framework we need to deal with server pages. We need the context where the PWA will run in the client, for example:

A simple workaround for Nuxt will be an empty index.vue page (use it as the fallback for offline: navigateFallback: '/'), then add a simple middleware (only for client) to redirect/navigate to the home page (if you've protected pages, you can use the auth middleware redirecting to the protected home page when signed-in): check this middleware and the index.vue page in the repo.

Any api call and server page should be excluded from the sw interception: for server pages, you should add the required logic to avoid accessing those server pages if you're offline (you can also use a simple client middleware with offline logic redirecting to some page or just throw an error and handle it in a custom error page): check (you can use workbox.navigateFallbackDenylist if using generateSW strategy).

Guito commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your response @userquin

In my case I am deploying to Vercel and I have protected pages.

I'm not totally sure if I understand the middleware part. It seems you want to always get the user to a default page, but we wanted them to enter the page they navigated to. So, for example:

User enters /test and he gets redirected to / We want the user to enter /test and stay there

If we don't use PWA it works fine, but with PWA it goes to /

userquin commented 1 year ago

If we don't use PWA it works fine, but with PWA it goes to /

Because any server page is missing from sw precache and the sw will return the content of /, if you exclude /test from sw interception (add that route to workbox.navigateFallbackDenylist), it should work: beware, when offline browser offline page will be there when requesting /test.

For example, if you go to, enter aaa in the input, click the Go button and then refresh the page once in /hi/aaa page, you can check the response in the network tab, the request being intercepted by the sw returning the / page content.


userquin commented 1 year ago

In previous example, the hi route excluded in Nitro prerender, and so the html page will be missing and the entry in the sw precache manifest also missing:

Nuxt by default will exclude any page when using build command. In the example we exclude the hi route.

Guito commented 1 year ago

I confirm this works. Thank you again @userquin, you are very helpful

woldtwerk commented 12 months ago

When I include '@vite-pwa/nuxt' in modules I get data-ssr="false".

Is this related?

userquin commented 12 months ago
