vite-pwa / nuxt

Zero-config PWA Plugin for Nuxt 3
MIT License
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offline mode: when I navigate to another route, it shows nothing, but when I refresh then it shows the page from cache #140

Open tamanna-makkar opened 3 weeks ago

tamanna-makkar commented 3 weeks ago

Help needed! Am facing some issues, when I switched to offline via network tab (1) when I navigate to another route, initially it shows the blank page, it works only on refresh (2) Images are not showing, they are not from assets but hosted on another domain, like for ex -

and my configurations looks like this

pwa: {
    strategies: 'generateSW',
    injectRegister: 'auto',
    registerType: 'autoUpdate',
    manifest: {
      name: "Testing app",
      short_name: "Testing app",
      start_url: "/?pwa",
      scope: "/",
      icons: [
              src: "maskable_icon.png",
              sizes: "384x384",
              type: "image/png",
              purpose: "maskable"
              src: "android-chrome-192x192.png",
              sizes: "192x192",
              type: "image/png",
              purpose: "any"
              src: "android-chrome-256x256.png",
              sizes: "256x256",
              type: "image/png"
              src: "icon.png",
              sizes: "512x512",
              type: "image/png"
      theme_color: "#245BA7",
      background_color: "#000000",
      display: "standalone"
    workbox: {
      navigateFallback: '/',
      globPatterns: ['**/*.{js,css,html,png,PNG,svg,jpg,JPG,jpeg}']
    devOptions: {
      enabled: true,
      type: "module",
      navigateFallback: '/',

also I pre-rendered the nitro routes

// pre-render the routes

 async 'nitro:config'(nitroConfig) {
      if ( { return }
      const getMenuItem = useMenuNavigation()
      const response = await fetch(`${process.env.INTERNAL_API_URL}/api/globalMenuItems`)
      const { main_menu } = await response.json()
      if (nitroConfig.prerender && nitroConfig.prerender.routes) {
        nitroConfig.prerender.routes?.push( => getMenuItem(item).link))
      console.log(nitroConfig.prerender, 'nitroConfig.prerender')

Sorry, if something I missed or wrong, Can anybody please help ?

userquin commented 3 weeks ago

If using SSR app, you will need to prerender index.vue page (that's the fallback page /). Check .

tamanna-makkar commented 3 weeks ago

@userquin did you mean pre-render the / page ?

prerender: [
    routes: ['/']
userquin commented 3 weeks ago


tamanna-makkar commented 3 weeks ago

@userquin I already added the dynamic routes, so it will be pushed to prerender.routes

async 'nitro:config'(nitroConfig) {
   if ( { return }
   const getMenuItem = useMenuNavigation()
   const response = await fetch(`${process.env.INTERNAL_API_URL}/api/globalMenuItems`)
   const { main_menu } = await response.json()
   if (nitroConfig.prerender && nitroConfig.prerender.routes) {
     nitroConfig.prerender.routes?.push( => getMenuItem(item).link))
   console.log(nitroConfig.prerender, 'nitroConfig.prerender')

still no any changes, page is working on refresh but not when I navigate to another page

userquin commented 3 weeks ago

Create a minimal reproduction using @vite-pwa/create-pwa, I'll try to check it later...

Check : select Vue and then Nuxt when selecting the framework

tamanna-makkar commented 3 weeks ago

okay @userquin I will make it if I wanted it to redirect to simple offline.vue file which normally says( your are offline now ) instead of default offline page what should I do for that ? it would be very helpful if you can answer it my client needs it urgently for a quick fix

Much thanks @userquin

userquin commented 3 weeks ago

If you want to redirect to custom page (pages/offline.vue), you need to prerender the route, otherwise you will get infinite redirection when offline. In the runtime caching just redirect to that page route (/offline): you can add some logic in the callback, iirc you have the original request, or just add it to the context and use it (check callbacks params)