vite-pwa / vite-plugin-pwa

Zero-config PWA for Vite
MIT License
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Nuxt: caching routes runtime #579

Open tflx opened 11 months ago

tflx commented 11 months ago

I thought the default behavior would be that all routes was cached as the user visited them. I guess it's not because it seems no routes are cached at all not even the root. Is that in workbox.runtimeCaching I need to set that up?…and would that be something like?

runtimeCaching: [
    urlPattern: "/.*",
    handler: "NetworkFirst",
userquin commented 11 months ago

Here you can check an example , check also linked issues at bottom.

The problem about using runtime caching, you cannot create the cache when intercepting the request, the routes will be cached on second visit once the cache is created.

zguig52 commented 11 months ago

Hi @userquin,

Sorry to bother, but I cannot manage also to cache static external API ressources witn runtimeCache / urlPattern strategy.

Here is my configuration:

      mode: 'development',
      registerType: 'autoUpdate',
      includeAssets: ['favicon.ico', 'pwa/apple-180x180.png'],
      meta: {
        name: appName,
        author: appAuthor,
        description: appDescription,
      manifest: {
        name: appName,
        short_name: appNamePwa,
        description: appDescription,
        orientation: 'landscape',
        theme_color: '#ffffff',
        lang: "fr",
        icons: [
            src: 'pwa/edge-64x64.png',
            sizes: '64x64',
            type: 'image/png',
            src: 'pwa/android-chrome-192x192.png',
            sizes: '192x192',
            type: 'image/png',
            src: 'pwa/android-chrome-512x512.png',
            sizes: '512x512',
            type: 'image/png',
            src: 'pwa/android-chrome-512x512.png',
            sizes: '512x512',
            type: 'image/png',
            purpose: 'any',
            src: 'pwa/android-chrome-512x512.png',
            sizes: '512x512',
            type: 'image/png',
            purpose: 'maskeable',
      workbox: {
        // navigateFallback: '/',
        globPatterns: ['**/*.{js,json,css,html,svg,ico,png,jpg,pdf}'],
        globIgnores: ['manifest**.webmanifest'],
        runtimeCaching: [
            urlPattern: new RegExp(`^https:\/\/api\.congres\.dev\/uploads\/.*`, 'i'),
            handler: 'CacheFirst',
            options: {
              cacheName: "api-pwa-cache",
              expiration: {
                maxEntries: 10000,
                maxAgeSeconds: cacheDuration
              cacheableResponse: {
                statuses: [0, 200]
      devOptions: {
        enabled: true,
        suppressWarnings: false,
        navigateFallbackAllowlist: [/^\/$/],
        type: 'module',

I found also your post here:

What is strange, is that the regex is OK when launched with yarn dev:

Precaching did not find a match for
workbox-b7fccfec.js:45 workbox Router is responding to:
workbox-b7fccfec.js:45 workbox Found a cached response in 'api-pwa-cache'.

But as soon as I generate a static build for deployment (yarn clean && yarn generate && yarn preview):

workbox Precaching did not find a match for
workbox-b7fccfec.js:45 workbox No route found for:

Like if the regex did not match this time. The content is served currently for my tests from http://localhost:3000

Am I doing something wrong? Is it a limitation or bug in PWA module?

userquin commented 11 months ago

it is a limitation in workbox, try reopening the browser and request the pdf file again (should be added to the cache), if you request the pdf again, it should be served from cache.