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Vite duplicates code across main bundle and web worker bundle #16719

Open gabrielecirulli opened 1 month ago

gabrielecirulli commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

Please refer to this repository for a way to reproduce the issue:

When bundling Web Worker code with Vite, some of the dependencies that are used by both the worker and the page context are duplicated in the final bundle, even though they should be shared because they are virtually the same code.

In the provided repository, pixi.js is used to render to two instances of canvas, once within the page context and once within a Web Worker.

To do this, we have a file canvas.ts which imports pixi.js and exports a class called Canvas. We also have a worker.ts script that will run as a web worker. Both the worker script and main.ts import the Canvas class and set it up. Other than this they virtually do the same thing.

Intuitively, all of pixi.js should just be bundled once and shared across the two page context and web worker scripts which import it. However, the code ends up duplicated and bloating the bundle size (see build logs)

As far as I can tell, there is nothing in the Vite or Rollup docs that helps with this. I have tried various combinations of manualChunks and other options to no avail.


Steps to reproduce

Comparing the build output

The repository includes a branch called with-manual-chunks. This branch forces Rollup to bundle all code belonging to pixi.js into a manual chunk called pixi.js. This way, you can compare the two bundles to see the (lack of) differences:

System Info

    OS: macOS 14.0
    CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M2
    Memory: 236.97 MB / 24.00 GB
    Shell: 3.6.1 - /opt/homebrew/bin/fish
    Node: 21.5.0 - ~/.local/share/nvm/v21.5.0/bin/node
    Yarn: 1.22.21 - /opt/homebrew/bin/yarn
    npm: 10.2.4 - ~/.local/share/nvm/v21.5.0/bin/npm
    pnpm: 8.14.0 - ~/Library/pnpm/pnpm
    Chrome: 124.0.6367.60
    Chrome Canary: 125.0.6422.0
    Firefox Nightly: 128.0a1
    Safari: 17.0
    Safari Technology Preview: 17.4
    vite: ^5.2.11 => 5.2.11

Used Package Manager



`vite build --debug` ```shell 2024-05-19T19:25:38.250Z vite:config bundled config file loaded in 13.52ms 2024-05-19T19:25:38.266Z vite:config using resolved config: { server: { preTransformRequests: true, host: true, sourcemapIgnoreList: [Function: isInNodeModules$1], middlewareMode: false, fs: { strict: true, allow: [Array], deny: [Array], cachedChecks: undefined } }, worker: { format: 'es', plugins: '() => plugins', rollupOptions: {} }, build: { target: [ 'es2020', 'edge88', 'firefox78', 'chrome87', 'safari14' ], cssTarget: [ 'es2020', 'edge88', 'firefox78', 'chrome87', 'safari14' ], outDir: 'dist', assetsDir: 'assets', assetsInlineLimit: 4096, cssCodeSplit: true, sourcemap: false, rollupOptions: {}, minify: 'esbuild', terserOptions: {}, write: true, emptyOutDir: null, copyPublicDir: true, manifest: false, lib: false, ssr: false, ssrManifest: false, ssrEmitAssets: false, reportCompressedSize: true, chunkSizeWarningLimit: 500, watch: null, commonjsOptions: { include: [Array], extensions: [Array] }, dynamicImportVarsOptions: { warnOnError: true, exclude: [Array] }, modulePreload: { polyfill: true }, cssMinify: true }, configFile: '/dir/to/vite-pixi-bundling/vite.config.ts', configFileDependencies: [ '/dir/to/vite-pixi-bundling/vite.config.ts' ], inlineConfig: { root: undefined, base: undefined, mode: undefined, configFile: undefined, logLevel: undefined, clearScreen: undefined, build: {} }, root: '/dir/to/vite-pixi-bundling', base: '/', rawBase: '/', resolve: { mainFields: [ 'browser', 'module', 'jsnext:main', 'jsnext' ], conditions: [], extensions: [ '.mjs', '.js', '.mts', '.ts', '.jsx', '.tsx', '.json' ], dedupe: [], preserveSymlinks: false, alias: [ [Object], [Object] ] }, publicDir: '/dir/to/vite-pixi-bundling/public', cacheDir: '/dir/to/vite-pixi-bundling/node_modules/.vite', command: 'build', mode: 'production', ssr: { target: 'node', optimizeDeps: { noDiscovery: true, esbuildOptions: [Object] } }, isWorker: false, mainConfig: null, bundleChain: [], isProduction: true, plugins: [ 'vite:build-metadata', 'vite:watch-package-data', 'vite:pre-alias', 'alias', 'vite:modulepreload-polyfill', 'vite:resolve', 'vite:html-inline-proxy', 'vite:css', 'vite:esbuild', 'vite:json', 'vite:wasm-helper', 'vite:worker', 'vite:asset', 'vite:wasm-fallback', 'vite:define', 'vite:css-post', 'vite:build-html', 'vite:worker-import-meta-url', 'vite:asset-import-meta-url', 'vite:force-systemjs-wrap-complete', 'commonjs', 'vite:data-uri', 'vite:dynamic-import-vars', 'vite:import-glob', 'vite:build-import-analysis', 'vite:esbuild-transpile', 'vite:terser', 'vite:reporter', 'vite:load-fallback' ], css: { lightningcss: undefined }, esbuild: { jsxDev: false }, preview: { port: undefined, strictPort: undefined, host: true, https: undefined, open: undefined, proxy: undefined, cors: undefined, headers: undefined }, envDir: '/dir/to/vite-pixi-bundling', env: { BASE_URL: '/', MODE: 'production', DEV: false, PROD: true }, assetsInclude: [Function: assetsInclude], logger: { hasWarned: false, info: [Function: info], warn: [Function: warn], warnOnce: [Function: warnOnce], error: [Function: error], clearScreen: [Function: clearScreen], hasErrorLogged: [Function: hasErrorLogged] }, packageCache: Map(1) { 'fnpd_/dir/to/vite-pixi-bundling' => { dir: '/dir/to/vite-pixi-bundling', data: [Object], hasSideEffects: [Function: hasSideEffects], webResolvedImports: {}, nodeResolvedImports: {}, setResolvedCache: [Function: setResolvedCache], getResolvedCache: [Function: getResolvedCache] }, set: [Function (anonymous)] }, createResolver: [Function: createResolver], optimizeDeps: { holdUntilCrawlEnd: true, esbuildOptions: { preserveSymlinks: false } }, appType: 'spa', experimental: { importGlobRestoreExtension: false, hmrPartialAccept: false }, getSortedPlugins: [Function: getSortedPlugins], getSortedPluginHooks: [Function: getSortedPluginHooks] } vite v5.2.11 building for production... transforming... ✓ 616 modules transformed. rendering chunks... computing gzip size... dist/assets/batchSamplersUniformGroup-esTw4NqZ.js 0.23 kB dist/index.html 0.38 kB │ gzip: 0.27 kB dist/assets/CanvasPool-DAAltsjf.js 0.69 kB dist/assets/colorToUniform-PMjxk6y4.js 24.37 kB dist/assets/WebGPURenderer-C4GTSOc9.js 35.19 kB dist/assets/browserAll-s_Odv2Zz.js 37.24 kB dist/assets/SharedSystems-Dmf2ic5s.js 43.80 kB dist/assets/WebGLRenderer-DSs9dsMu.js 59.35 kB dist/assets/webworkerAll-CBdqNP-U.js 77.34 kB dist/assets/worker-wXglRUk2.js 228.69 kB dist/assets/batchSamplersUniformGroup-BJBcGol3.js 0.23 kB │ gzip: 0.21 kB dist/assets/CanvasPool-P9anc0rq.js 0.69 kB │ gzip: 0.38 kB dist/assets/colorToUniform-DdNNl6bf.js 24.37 kB │ gzip: 7.84 kB dist/assets/WebGPURenderer-D2rAnSo4.js 35.19 kB │ gzip: 9.73 kB dist/assets/browserAll-Qg6UHUQs.js 37.24 kB │ gzip: 9.96 kB dist/assets/SharedSystems-DviRLSqg.js 43.79 kB │ gzip: 12.25 kB dist/assets/WebGLRenderer-D69Oodqk.js 59.35 kB │ gzip: 16.33 kB dist/assets/webworkerAll-B3O_29JZ.js 77.34 kB │ gzip: 22.81 kB dist/assets/index-DaWpJUK9.js 174.57 kB │ gzip: 55.57 kB ✓ built in 3.09s ```


cyan-2048 commented 3 weeks ago

the plot thickens, workers with the same module import would also make duplicates image

also why is it only es or iife? systemjs and amd has solutions for workers as well (as a workaround I would set format to systemjs even though it would make the typescript emit an error, however with this issue open I would rather use iife anyways)

edit: i guess to give it more details(?, although this should be a different issue really) there's 2 web workers which both use comlink as that's a common thing to use, making 2 comlink bundles should not be necessary.