to load a heavy three.js canvas. Without lazy loading this component makes the first paint have to wait for the ~2MB three and rapier libraries.
Vite does successfully chunk this component and it works great. Until I add this vite config:
build: {
rollupOptions: {
output: {
manualChunks(id: string) {
const module = id.split("/node_modules/")[1];
if (!module) {
return; // void
if (module.match(/^@react-three\/drei\//)) return "drei";
if (module.match(/^@react-three\/fiber\//)) return "fiber";
if (module.match(/^@react-three\/rapier\//)) return "rapier";
if (module.match(/^leva\//)) return "leva";
if (module.match(/^meshline\//)) return "meshline";
if (module.match(/^three\//)) return "three";
return; // void
Now my vendor libraries are correctly split but, but all of the sudden my first paint is now dependent on loading the three (but not the rapier) chunks making first paint incredibly slow. I'm using the vercel 3d tag as an example with asset preloading. The first paint is delayed by 18,000ms in chrome's slow 3G preset
I did try returning a string instead of void in all non-matched returns without an improvement.
[X] Check that there isn't already an issue that reports the same bug to avoid creating a duplicate.
[X] Make sure this is a Vite issue and not a framework-specific issue. For example, if it's a Vue SFC related bug, it should likely be reported to vuejs/core instead.
Describe the bug
I'm using a react component like
to load a heavy three.js canvas. Without lazy loading this component makes the first paint have to wait for the ~2MB three and rapier libraries.
Vite does successfully chunk this component and it works great. Until I add this vite config:
Now my vendor libraries are correctly split but, but all of the sudden my first paint is now dependent on loading the three (but not the rapier) chunks making first paint incredibly slow. I'm using the vercel 3d tag as an example with asset preloading. The first paint is delayed by 18,000ms in chrome's slow 3G preset
I did try returning a string instead of void in all non-matched returns without an improvement.
Steps to reproduce
install, build and serve both variants of the showcase project.
one of them will show the spinner immediately, the other one only shows the spinner after loading the three.js library
see screenshots:
System Info
Used Package Manager
vite v5.3.3 building for production...