vitelabs / bounties

The Bounty program is to help the community take part in the development of the Vite ecosystem.
MIT License
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Open Task - Propose And Create Your Own Project - Up To $20,000 In Reward! #13

Open joelyangxyz opened 2 years ago

joelyangxyz commented 2 years ago

Participants can define their own tasks. We broadly categorize all tasks into the following 3 types. Below are a few examples for each type as a reference. Prizes will depend on the usefulness, quality, and creativity of the completed projects.

Infrastructure Category (Example projects below - feel free to propose your own)

Prize Guidelines:

Application Category (Example projects below - feel free to propose your own)

Prize Guidelines:

ViteX Category (Example projects below - feel free to propose your own)

Prize Guidelines:

All prizes will be awarded based on the quality of submissions. If no submission meets the expectations of a certain prize tier (for instance, the Top Prize), Vite Labs reserves the right to withhold rewarding a prize for that tier.

In general, we evaluate a submission from three angles, aside from basic requirements such as {working code, successful demo}:





Prize Tiers | Prize Amount | Criteria -- | -- | -- Top Prize | $20,000 in VITE | Exceptional in all three angels: Usability, Rigor and Creativity Second Prize | $2,000 in VITE | Great MVP, demonstrated usability, disciplined tech rigor and thoughtful creativity Third Prize | $500 in VITE | Viable concept and usability, disciplined tech rigor and thoughtful creativity


Submission Requirements

Judging Criteria

Winner Announcement


Follow Vite on social media

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 20000.0 USD (19992.0 USD @ $1.0/USD) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 8 months, 2 weeks ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) duongsky96 has started work.

dfgdf dfgfdg 2) madilraza has started work.


FiniteYFI(FYFI) is the BEP-20 deflationary Cryptocurrency with the Aiming to Build a new Farming Concept to reward the holders. FiniteYFI is Building the Decentralized Uber dAPP on the ETHEREUM

FiniteYFI is a Deflationary Token FiniteYFI is a Deflationary Token by 2% on every transaction until 41% of the total supply burn.

D-Ride-Hailing DAPP There’s huge potential not only for a decentralized ride-sharing app, or a blockchain-based company, but a company that can work more ethically for the betterment of this whole ecosystem.

Farming with PoS As FiniteYFI is to create reward its holders so we come with a new revolutionary concept of Farming through Proof of Reward(PoR). The complete and detailed article on Framing will be out after the listing.

                               Decentralized Uber dAPP on the Binance Smart Chain

FiniteYFI(FYI) is the BEP-20 deflationary Cryptocurrency with the Aiming to Build a new Farming Concept to reward the holders. FiniteYFI is Building a Decentralized Uber dAPP on the ETHEREUM. EVM Solidity. AWS EC2.

                                                     Reward For Gitcoin Contributors 

every Gitcoin Contributor will be Early Beta Tester for Finiteyfi Ride Sharing Dapp and will have Support Access to share their ideas and Improvements in the project. Gitcoin contributors can also participate in the Private Sale of Token Gitcoin contributor with a grant of > 50 USD can also participate in our Live AMA and Token Generation Event

Decentralization t's all decentralized. and distributed with a Fair platform and encryption.

Polymerized mine TT, PALA, and Finiteyfi build mines without bubbles..

No private placement distribution mechanism In order to avoid the issuer monopolizing the trading market, finiteYfi circulation right is decided by participants

cross-platform app development Cross-platform app development frameworks allow developers to create mobile applications that are compatible with more than one operating system.

                                     what Makes us Different From the world ??What is your project's unique value proposition? What makes you different from alternative solutions/competitors? What is your project's unique value proposition? What makes you different from alternative solutions/competitors?

What is your project's unique value proposition? What makes you different from alternative solutions/competitors?

We have Done a one year of R&D process Studying the major Flows and Problems in Ride Hailing Industry and after working on almost 300 Different Datasets containing more then 10 Million Entries and Multi issue Stuffs we Have Concluded the problem First and Our Development and Problem Solving Capabilities Make us Always Proud. basically we Don't Have any competition in the market and we are not here to compete also . we are here to ensure the security and major Ride hailing industry concerns and that's our vision


The Ride-Sharing industry's a Tempting target for disruptors many have sprung up around the world making bold claims about using decentralized technology ( distributed ledger technology) such as Blockchain to give Drivers and users a great degree of control but as always they failed Sharing a Ride with a centralized system is a big headache. Censorship and high-end user fair costs have made Ride Sharing so complex. Most of the Ridesharing app due to centralized control is banned in multiple countries and cities. A centralized system containing big loop wholes in simulations and obstacles finding. Peer To Peer (Driver to User ) system is completely controlled and regulated by the big Hands Could decentralized Ride-sharing apps with their promise of greater control on drivers and users topple the incumbent Ride-sharing giants like Uber and Lyft? For the First time, Non censored, Decentralized easy to use Peer Peer-Based Ride Sharing Dapp is Introduced By FiniteYFI.

Solution Ridesharing is an important component of sustainable urban transportation as it increases vehicle utilization while reducing road utilization. By sharing rides, drivers offer free seats in their vehicles to passengers who want to travel in similar directions. Traditional ridesharing approaches are suitable for long-distance travel, especially inter-city travel, yet they are not flexible enough for short routes within cities. The aim of our research is to develop a service that enables dynamic ridesharing as part of sustainable urban mobility. Dynamic ridesharing refers to a service that automatically matches ride requests and ride offers on short notice without prior agreement between driver and passenger. We present the implementation and evaluation of a dynamic ridesharing service. The implementation part requires an automated matching algorithm that checks whether a driver can take a passenger with him without violating the maximum detour constraint he has set

FiniteYFI is one such app Built on Binance smart chain
Completely Decentralized with no censorship control of big giant or third party behind. It's a decentralized net

work that enables riders and drivers to connect directly with each other Driver can get 100% of the fair without any cut of the third party. Driver self organize in Peer to Peer Guilds with Making Graph with an easy interface showing the complete immutable data tokenized using BEP 20 FiniteYFI (FYFI) they keep 100 % fares and charge low fares to end-users

Features and Benefits

P2P Peer to peer working Decentralized system : Crypto in payment :99% fair directly to the driver no cut off : Reduced Fair for end-user : Driver data validation with Hyperledger fabric protocol : Immutable data for GPS/Payment : Easy repayment and fund transferring : Hyper deflationary crypto-based reward system (stacking and pool) Simulation algorithms to find the closet path and avoid obstacles : No county Banning culture : No censorship : Blockchain-based Rating Systems

Proof of Staked Authority Cross-Chain Transfer Block time ~5 seconds D-Ride-Hailing DAPP

Tokenomics and Supply Details

Total Supply 1 Million ICO and Presale: 0.5 Million Listing on DEX: 0.3 Million Development, Marketing, Research: 0.15 Million including (Gitcoin Developers, Supporters, Private investors ) Bug Hunter and community support: 30000 Airdrop and Proposal: 100000/100 per claimer for 2$ to claim.

Token Use case and Support

1000 FYFI hold for one month -> 20% off on every Ride-on FYFI Ride Dapp 1000 FYFI hold for two months -> 40% off on every Ride-on FYFI Ride Dapp 5000 FYFI hold for one month -> 80% off on every Ride-on FYFI Ride Dapp

Stacking and Farming details

1000 FYFI hold for one month -> 5.30% BNB Reward 10000 FYFI hold for one month -> 53.0% BNB Reward 5000 FYFI hold for one month -> 30% BNB Reward 1000 FYFI hold for one Year -> 5.30% BNB Reward.

Burning mechanism

2% of the Total supply will get burned from the liquidity pool on each Transaction until The total Supply remains 41%. Pricing ICO : 0.11$ Private sale : 0.1$ Listing Price on pancakeswap : 0.2 3) theehsansarshar has started work.

a library to make it easy to interact with Vite for React and React Native projects 4) endangeredtokens has started work.

The Endangered Tokens (ENTS) Foundation is an ecosystem in which landowners, artists, NGO's, investors and local communities actively collaborates on biodiversity preservation through the conservation of Endangered Species, representing its intrinsical value with tokenization.

Our Mission is to form a decentralized investment community for biodiversity preservation, giving value and governance to stakeholders through Crypto Assets.

The Identified Problem

Endangered species are part of complex ecosystems that are now fragile due to human activity, threatening biodiversity. Its preservation is expensive as there are almost no incentives to landowners and authorities to preserve them but rather becoming liabilities. NGO’s struggle to finance conservation activities.

How can we solve it? We want to return the value to Endangered Species and biodiversity through tokenization of living specimens of endangered species and generate a global decentralized economic ecosystem of tradable assets and incentives to promote its survival and reproduction through the collaboration and engagement of the community, giving value to stakeholders through the natural scarcity of the species, art, tourism, environmental education, local sustainable development, and carbon credits 5) imalfect has started work.

ViteTokens is a faucet that gives you a random token each time you claim FAQ: What is ViteTokens? ViteTokens is a faucet built on VITE blockchain, but it’s different from all the other faucets. Why is it different? Each time you claim from ViteTokens you get a different VITE Token. What does that mean? You claim today and get VITC, but tomorrow you may get VINU or a different token. Can you add my token? You can do it yourself! Go to and create your own “pool” What are pools? Pools are minifaucets, that can be owned by anyone. Each pool has its own unique wallet address and seed, and also each one can have a different VITE token. Can I make my own pool, even if I’m not a token owner? Of course! You can make a pool for any token, and as long as the reward you set is smaller than the balance of the pool wallet, it can be chosen by the system! Can I advertise with it? Yep! For example, is a pool page. If your pool gets picked, users gets redirected to this page. You can put information such as discord, website, twitter etc. there! How much does a pool cost? 1 VITE How often can I claim? 1 time per day. Do you have a discord server? Yep, here: Are there any pools now? Yes! We got Vitamin Coin, Vita Inu, Vitoge and Vicat onboard! 6) ladnft has started work.

This dapp will enable you to see Rank and Score on OpenSea including Last Sell, List Price, and Link NFT Preview. It also allowyou to quickly visualize and compare NFTs 7) rankjay has started work.


Being lazy doesn't quite means we cannot buy NFTs. Even NFTs are now lazily mintable. Web3 storage facility provided by IPFS changes how we store our data. With every other protocol emerging in web3, we still lag a massive user adoption and frictionless services embedded within our everyday engagements on the internet. People tend to practice their usual choices over picking new, advanced, decentralized web3 services. Another gap quite buzzing around in the web3 space is community lack a developer behavior alongside an entrepreneurial spirit, which stops them from letting the world watch their artwork live over virtual galleries and auctions. Community, if provided with embedded solutions within our reach can potentially emerge as a game-changer to attract mass user adoption to these technologies.

What it does

"Hmm...I wonder if you are a new artist and recently opened a new account on Twitter, followers being limited to just your friends and families, looking for the options to get your work to wider audience overtime, provide your customers a payment solution to buy NFTs just two clicks away, and of course get yourself some credits for being recognized in space?" worry not! Quartile, in itself, is an embedded solution to those new emerging artists who are finding their way into web3 space and calibrating a revenue stream out of the NFT marketplaces.

Being built on top of Rarible Protocol, it allows users to lazy mint NFTs on multiple marketplaces, with cross-chain support for multiple blockchains in near future. With NFT payment solutions as innovative as buying them through Twitter DMs is fascinating to customers as they don't need laptops anymore. "You can go for a walk in the evening scrolling through tweets wondering which cool one to buy and just DM the bot to buy one, it will do everything for you, of course except Private Key."

It also provides artists who lazy mint NFTs through our project, an option to get tweeted by the account to gain customer attraction. It allows users to leverage the concept of Proof of Existence on the grounds of and powered by IPFS. It provides users with Chainlink powered Price-Feed updates to get instant options for payment.

Does "Insufficient Funds..." ever bother you from buying NFTs? worry not. Circle powered Payment solutions ranging from transferring assets across wallets to funding wallets with Business Accounts for on-chain transactions open up a whole new horizon to how we interact with payment gateways. It allows users full control over handling their assets meanwhile providing a wide range of accessibility to transfer them into on-chain assets for buying and selling NFTs.

How we built it

Using the process of lazy minting through messaging with image links, users can decide what additions/details would they like to add to this NFT.

Options available:

Adding upon this, using the tech stack of Rarepress and Nebulus backed by Rarible Protocol SDK, it allows my project to leverage web3 powered NFT storage facility as well as writing scripts to customize NFT according to user' needs. At the moment, the project only supports buying NFTs worth static prices, but in near future, I am looking forward to expanding it to a live auction on Twitter. Using Python to engage users with the bot and using Javascript to rely on the process of minting is what provides a sense of decentralized workload across programming languages and keeps it modularized while executing. Additional features include using to provide a personal space for users to keep their precious memories safe on a decentralized network.

Challenges we ran into

Accomplishments that we're proud of

What we learned

What's next for Quartile

DiviDAO is putting real estate on chain in order to facilitate transparent ownership in housing between multiple parties. We are first fractionalizing real estate for DAOs.

We want to give DAOs the ability to easily (through a simple UI, little paperwork, and a liquid market) diversify their crypto investments by investing into real estate properties that they can actually use!

Traditionally, investing into real estate is a large decision because (1) it takes a lot of money to buy a desirable property and (2) when selling your investment, it takes a lot of time to receive the best offer.

Currently, problem (1) is solved by real estate funds that you can invest any amount of money into. However, this doesn't allow you to actually use the property like Divi allows for!

We believe DAOs will want to use properties in order to have retreats where they can met up nonce a year with their DAO. This type of property is perfect for "fractionalizing" ownership because multiple DAOs can purchase the property together. Each DAO getting a couple of weeks to use the property, all DAOs realizing the appreciation of their investment.

That is our plan for MVP, but we have a lot more in the works! Clearly to expand this type of shared living offering, to anyone who wants to share space. But beyond shared living, we are very excited about the concept of a real estate stock exchange. A system that will reduce the time to sell a property, problem (2).

see here for more info: 9) binsta has started work.

Create a subgraph on vite. 10) elemontcapital has started work.

Javascript Gateway Implementation for Vite 11) git-under has started work.

Vitelink Vitelink is a decentralized oracle network !

Features GET requests on contract. Fully decentralized requests. Light node (tiny resource usages). 12) rowjelio27 has started work.

A Sample application that shows how to talk to a VITE Node through RPC calls in C# 5.0 .net framework 13) junaidpeer has started work.

INTRODUCTION: Health records are the most important documents which are maintained by the health care facilities of an Individual. It contains all Doctor’s proceedings, Diagnostics and lab reports, etc. In response to this EHR was introduced; EHR stands for Electronic Health Records, which are electronic patient data/records maintained by hospitals for easy diagnostics and treatments to improve and streamline data entered into each patient’s permanent healthcare file.

Limitations of EHR: Limited designed Interference, Data security risks, and privacy, Expensive technology, Restricted interference, and interoperability.

Objective: To create a solution that engages the Creation and Storage of EHRs in an easy, fast secure way solving problems of data security and privacy by introducing sudoanomisation, and cheap cost with Interoperability among, health care facilities, patients, and other medical networks(eg- medical stores, labs, insurance companies). Making it a Patient-centric care system, by sharing data with the consent of the patient.

Innovation(SHORT): Integrating electronic health records with Blockchain. Blockchain is simply defined as a decentralized, distributed ledger that is recorded cryptographically. By inherent design, the data on a blockchain is unable to be modified. Using one of the Most Secure Blockchain-Ethereum’s ERC-721 and ERC-1400 Token standards, the patient data is to be converted into JSON-Metadata format and be minted as a non-fungible token on EVM chains, thus allowing all fixes and integration with many other platforms.

Methodology(SUMMARY): The process starts with assigning a user an EVM wallet which is used to be a universal health wallet that should be linked with Social security number/ Aadhaar number (India). This gives instant access to previous treatment history and health records of patients, thereby facilitating the initiation of treatment. Each Record of the patient is to be converted into JSON-Metadata format by simple Dapp (decentralized application) and to be minted as a Non-fungible Token (Erc-721) on EVM chains, making it an easy way of storage and access of records without the private databases. Each token(records in our case) will be minted by the health care facilities to the Patients wallet. esults & Conclusion: The Universal Health Wallet would ensure the initiation of treatment for the patient on time, saving a life, avoiding the cumbersome process of record creation, accessibility and authorization.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

ayushkumar63123 commented 2 years ago

when is the winner announcement date?

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 20000.0 USD (19970.00 USD @ $1.0/USD) has been submitted by:

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 20000.0 USD (19970.00 USD @ $1.0/USD) has been submitted by:

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 20000.0 USD (19970.00 USD @ $1.0/USD) has been submitted by:

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 20000.0 USD (19970.0 USD @ $1.0/USD) has been submitted by:

  1. @imalfect
  2. @rugg-0
  3. @rajeevpulami
  4. @binsta
  5. @elemontcapital
  6. @nicklinck
  7. @rowjelio27
  8. @git-under
  9. @hellojustxn
  10. @junaidpeer
  11. @duongsky96

@ouivitejoel please take a look at the submitted work:

JunaidPeer commented 2 years ago

plz annouce the winner

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 20000.0 USD (19986.00 USD @ $1.0/USD) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @hellojustxn.