vitelabs / bounties

The Bounty program is to help the community take part in the development of the Vite ecosystem.
MIT License
9 stars 6 forks source link

Open Task - Propose And Create Your Own Project - Up To $20,000 In Reward! #26

Open joelyangxyz opened 2 years ago

joelyangxyz commented 2 years ago


Participants can define their own tasks. We broadly categorize all tasks into the following 3 types: infrastructure, application, and ViteX. Below are a few examples for each type as a reference; feel free to come up with your own ideas!

Infrastructure Examples

Application Examples

ViteX Examples


Prize Tiers Prize Amount Criteria
Top Prize $20,000 in VITE Exceptional in all three angels: Usability, Rigor, and Creativity
Second Prize $2,000 in VITE Great MVP, demonstrated usability, disciplined tech rigor, and thoughtful creativity
Third Prize $500 in VITE Viable concept and usability, disciplined tech rigor, and thoughtful creativity

Judging Criteria




Submission Requirements

Winner Announcement


Follow Vite on social media

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 20000.0 USD (19992.0 USD @ $1.0/USD) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 2 months, 3 weeks ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) codegician has started work.


One of the biggest pain point we face as web3 professionals/DAO Contributors is off ramping our crypto into cash. Our obstacles are high gas fees, long wait times and multiple transfers to access cash. Like any other working professional we would like immediate access to cash. Reap bridges this gap by allowing users to leverage their crypto earnings as collateral in exchange for an instant credit line. The cornerstone of our strategy is serving Dao contributors and potentially offering this service exclusively to audited Daos


What is Reap?

Reap facilitates how Web3 professionals convert crypto to fiat so that they are better able to handle life’s responsibilities such as food, shelter, & well-being in the modern world. Our financial services allow Dao contributors and web3 professionals to leverage their crypto earnings as collateral in exchange for an instant credit line.

Reap’s mission is to facilitate user-friendly interactions between digital currencies and daily commerce. Most importantly unlike virtually every other competing service which consists of a wide array of features that's only available to US-based customers, Reap the focus is on the rapidly growing global DAO contributor space that seeks to retain their anonymity. It enables them to leverage their hard work and allow their earnings to give them access to a financial system that empowers and rewards their dedication to web3. 2) imgrantye has started work.

Metacast is an interactive & immersive 3D virtual world focused on creating educational content regarding Web3/Blockchain technology. Metacast sessions will be live-streamed online & be joinable for anyone to experience. All sessions will be recorded & published on the Arweave Permaweb platform to solidify the ability to access this educational information for free forever. 3) zedonboy has started work.

A wonderful Project 4) faithful1ofall has started work.

Mini Utopia is a multi-chain NFT marketplace that allows users to create and trade NFTs. 5) laurenkumar has started work.

DeFiMarket, a decentralized marketplace created with Next.JS. 6) esdras-santos has started work.

DAO that works like a hub for DeFi services 7) bbaswani3 has started work.

web3 game 8) kaffinpx has started work.

Vitaso is an extension wallet for Vite with modern styling. 9) 0xkarl has started work.

Vite NFT Marketplace with support for both limit(bid) and market(buy now) sales. 10) hritikb27 has started work.

Introduction: Supply Chain is a complicated network involving multiple processes and stakeholders. The transparency in the supply chain is emerging as a fundamental feature of business continuity and high product quality. To make the process seamless and transparent we have designed the ‘Modern Supply Chain’ dapp which helps trace the product movement right from its inception to the handover to retail shops.

Problem it solves:

As a consumer, we are worried about the quality of products available at the retail store, their origin, etc. For example, when we buy fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, it would be really helpful to know the origin source of the product and how old it is. Also, the intermediaries in the supply chain have to ensure the products that they’re getting from their precedents in the chain are upto the mark. We have used the immutability and traceability of blockchain to stimulate a supply chain model which can help all the players in the supply chain to access the history of the product upto that player right from its inception. Basically, this encapsulates the various stages of transformations that the product had to go through before the final product became available. Eg: Final product: Cotton Shirt. The chain would start right from the farmer growing the cotton for that shirt. The intermediary nodes in the chain would include spinning and knitting, dyeing, printing, logistics, and retail. Like every single transformation involved in the process until the final product (Shirt, in this case) is available at the retail store.

Technologies Used: Solidity, React, NextJS, TailwindCSS, EthersJS, Truffle, Ganache, Chai.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 20000.0 USD (19990.0 USD @ $1.0/USD) has been submitted by:

  1. @ballagoes
  2. @laurenkumar
  3. @esdras-santos
  4. @hritikb27
  5. @sholance
  6. @nonitmittal
  7. @kaffinpx
  8. @0xkarl

@ouivitejoel please take a look at the submitted work:

hritikb27 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this opportunity, look forward to the results! 👀

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 20000.0 USD (19990.00 USD @ $1.0/USD) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @kaffinpx.