vitessio / vitess-releaser

Tooling to release vitess
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 0 forks source link

--help does not work #85

Closed systay closed 6 months ago

systay commented 8 months ago
> vitess-releaser --help                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

panic: pflag: help requested

goroutine 1 [running]:
        /Users/systay/dev/vitess-releaser/go/cmd/cmd.go:72 +0x370
        /Users/systay/dev/vitess-releaser/go/vitess-releaser.go:24 +0x1c
frouioui commented 6 months ago

@systay is this issue still up to date?

$ go install ./go/vitess-releaser.go       
$ vitess-releaser --help                                                                                                                                                                                          
Tooling used to release new versions of Vitess

  vitess-releaser [flags]

  -d, --date string           Date of the release with the format: YYYY-MM-DD. Required when initiating a release.
  -h, --help                  Displays this help.
      --live                  If live is true, will run against vitessio/vitess and planetscale/vitess-operator. Otherwise everything is done against your own forks.
      --rc int                Define the release as an RC release, value is used to determine the number of the RC.
  -r, --release string        Number of the major release on which we want to create a new release.
      --vtop-release string   Number of the major and minor release on which we want to create a new release, i.e. '2.11', leave empty for no vtop release.
frouioui commented 6 months ago

Closing for now, feel free to re-open if you can reproduce the error