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Switch flag definitions to be on pflag instead of flag in `package go/vt/vtgate` #10931

Closed ajm188 closed 2 years ago

ajm188 commented 2 years ago

Part of

Current flags:

$ git grep -E "\bflag\.[A-Z]" -- go/vt/vtgate/*.go
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlServerPort               = flag.Int("mysql_server_port", -1, "If set, also listen for MySQL binary protocol connections on this port.")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlServerBindAddress        = flag.String("mysql_server_bind_address", "", "Binds on this address when listening to MySQL binary protocol. Useful to restrict listening to 'localhost' only for instance.")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlServerSocketPath         = flag.String("mysql_server_socket_path", "", "This option specifies the Unix socket file to use when listening for local connections. By default it will be empty and it won't listen to a unix socket")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlTCPVersion               = flag.String("mysql_tcp_version", "tcp", "Select tcp, tcp4, or tcp6 to control the socket type.")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlAuthServerImpl           = flag.String("mysql_auth_server_impl", "static", "Which auth server implementation to use. Options: none, ldap, clientcert, static, vault.")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlAllowClearTextWithoutTLS = flag.Bool("mysql_allow_clear_text_without_tls", false, "If set, the server will allow the use of a clear text password over non-SSL connections.")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlProxyProtocol            = flag.Bool("proxy_protocol", false, "Enable HAProxy PROXY protocol on MySQL listener socket")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlServerRequireSecureTransport = flag.Bool("mysql_server_require_secure_transport", false, "Reject insecure connections but only if mysql_server_ssl_cert and mysql_server_ssl_key are provided")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlSslCert = flag.String("mysql_server_ssl_cert", "", "Path to the ssl cert for mysql server plugin SSL")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlSslKey  = flag.String("mysql_server_ssl_key", "", "Path to ssl key for mysql server plugin SSL")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlSslCa   = flag.String("mysql_server_ssl_ca", "", "Path to ssl CA for mysql server plugin SSL. If specified, server will require and validate client certs.")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlSslCrl  = flag.String("mysql_server_ssl_crl", "", "Path to ssl CRL for mysql server plugin SSL")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlTLSMinVersion = flag.String("mysql_server_tls_min_version", "", "Configures the minimal TLS version negotiated when SSL is enabled. Defaults to TLSv1.2. Options: TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3.")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlSslServerCA = flag.String("mysql_server_ssl_server_ca", "", "path to server CA in PEM format, which will be combine with server cert, return full certificate chain to clients")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlSlowConnectWarnThreshold = flag.Duration("mysql_slow_connect_warn_threshold", 0, "Warn if it takes more than the given threshold for a mysql connection to establish")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlConnReadTimeout  = flag.Duration("mysql_server_read_timeout", 0, "connection read timeout")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlConnWriteTimeout = flag.Duration("mysql_server_write_timeout", 0, "connection write timeout")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlQueryTimeout     = flag.Duration("mysql_server_query_timeout", 0, "mysql query timeout")
go/vt/vtgate/plugin_mysql_server.go:    mysqlDefaultWorkloadName = flag.String("mysql_default_workload", "OLTP", "Default session workload (OLTP, OLAP, DBA)")
go/vt/vtgate/querylog.go:       queryLogToFile = flag.String("log_queries_to_file", "", "Enable query logging to the specified file")
go/vt/vtgate/querylog.go:       queryLogBufferSize = flag.Int("querylog-buffer-size", 10, "Maximum number of buffered query logs before throttling log output")
go/vt/vtgate/sandbox_test.go:   flag.Set("tablet_protocol", "sandbox")
go/vt/vtgate/scatter_conn.go:   messageStreamGracePeriod = flag.Duration("message_stream_grace_period", 30*time.Second, "the amount of time to give for a vttablet to resume if it ends a message stream, usually because of a reparent.")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: transactionMode      = flag.String("transaction_mode", "MULTI", "SINGLE: disallow multi-db transactions, MULTI: allow multi-db transactions with best effort commit, TWOPC: allow multi-db transactions with 2pc commit")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: normalizeQueries     = flag.Bool("normalize_queries", true, "Rewrite queries with bind vars. Turn this off if the app itself sends normalized queries with bind vars.")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: terseErrors          = flag.Bool("vtgate-config-terse-errors", false, "prevent bind vars from escaping in returned errors")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: streamBufferSize     = flag.Int("stream_buffer_size", 32*1024, "the number of bytes sent from vtgate for each stream call. It's recommended to keep this value in sync with vttablet's query-server-config-stream-buffer-size.")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: queryPlanCacheSize   = flag.Int64("gate_query_cache_size", cache.DefaultConfig.MaxEntries, "gate server query cache size, maximum number of queries to be cached. vtgate analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a cache. This config controls the expected amount of unique entries in the cache.")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: queryPlanCacheMemory = flag.Int64("gate_query_cache_memory", cache.DefaultConfig.MaxMemoryUsage, "gate server query cache size in bytes, maximum amount of memory to be cached. vtgate analyzes every incoming query and generate a query plan, these plans are being cached in a lru cache. This config controls the capacity of the lru cache.")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: queryPlanCacheLFU    = flag.Bool("gate_query_cache_lfu", cache.DefaultConfig.LFU, "gate server cache algorithm. when set to true, a new cache algorithm based on a TinyLFU admission policy will be used to improve cache behavior and prevent pollution from sparse queries")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: _                    = flag.Bool("disable_local_gateway", false, "deprecated: if specified, this process will not route any queries to local tablets in the local cell")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: maxMemoryRows        = flag.Int("max_memory_rows", 300000, "Maximum number of rows that will be held in memory for intermediate results as well as the final result.")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: warnMemoryRows       = flag.Int("warn_memory_rows", 30000, "Warning threshold for in-memory results. A row count higher than this amount will cause the VtGateWarnings.ResultsExceeded counter to be incremented.")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: defaultDDLStrategy   = flag.String("ddl_strategy", string(schema.DDLStrategyDirect), "Set default strategy for DDL statements. Override with @@ddl_strategy session variable")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: dbDDLPlugin          = flag.String("dbddl_plugin", "fail", "controls how to handle CREATE/DROP DATABASE. use it if you are using your own database provisioning service")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: noScatter            = flag.Bool("no_scatter", false, "when set to true, the planner will fail instead of producing a plan that includes scatter queries")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: HealthCheckRetryDelay = flag.Duration("healthcheck_retry_delay", 2*time.Millisecond, "health check retry delay")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: HealthCheckTimeout = flag.Duration("healthcheck_timeout", time.Minute, "the health check timeout period")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: maxPayloadSize     = flag.Int("max_payload_size", 0, "The threshold for query payloads in bytes. A payload greater than this threshold will result in a failure to handle the query.")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: warnPayloadSize    = flag.Int("warn_payload_size", 0, "The warning threshold for query payloads in bytes. A payload greater than this threshold will cause the VtGateWarnings.WarnPayloadSizeExceeded counter to be incremented.")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: sysVarSetEnabled = flag.Bool("enable_system_settings", true, "This will enable the system settings to be changed per session at the database connection level")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: setVarEnabled    = flag.Bool("enable_set_var", true, "This will enable the use of MySQL's SET_VAR query hint for certain system variables instead of using reserved connections")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: lockHeartbeatTime = flag.Duration("lock_heartbeat_time", 5*time.Second, "If there is lock function used. This will keep the lock connection active by using this heartbeat")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: warnShardedOnly   = flag.Bool("warn_sharded_only", false, "If any features that are only available in unsharded mode are used, query execution warnings will be added to the session")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: foreignKeyMode = flag.String("foreign_key_mode", "allow", "This is to provide how to handle foreign key constraint in create/alter table. Valid values are: allow, disallow")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: enableOnlineDDL = flag.Bool("enable_online_ddl", true, "Allow users to submit, review and control Online DDL")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: enableDirectDDL = flag.Bool("enable_direct_ddl", true, "Allow users to submit direct DDL statements")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: enableSchemaChangeSignal = flag.Bool("schema_change_signal", true, "Enable the schema tracker; requires queryserver-config-schema-change-signal to be enabled on the underlying vttablets for this to work")
go/vt/vtgate/vtgate.go: schemaChangeUser         = flag.String("schema_change_signal_user", "", "User to be used to send down query to vttablet to retrieve schema changes")
ajm188 commented 2 years ago

N.B. There's a lot of flags here, so these probably aren't all necessarily one area of concern. Whoever picks this up might want to separate some of these out, like I did with the auth-server–specific flags in go/mysql for #10752