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RFC: optimize join & dml routing for reference tables #11864

Open maxenglander opened 1 year ago

maxenglander commented 1 year ago


The goal of this RFC is to make reference tables more useful, and to find a solution for some of its current limitations. This RFC is mainly motivated by #11863. However, depending on if/how we solve the problem, it may have a broader impact.

Reference tables are intended to be helpful in situations like:

Reference tables are designed to solve this by letting you:

Problem statement

There are limitations on how helpful VTGate will be with routing.

Let's say you want to have products table have the same name in both the unsharded and sharded keyspace. And then you want to issue keyspace-unqualified queries like this:

INSERT INTO `products` ...
SELECT * FROM `customers` JOIN `products` ON ...

These queries won't work. They will produce this error:

Additionally, when the queries are keyspace-qualified, Vitess will make sub-optimal routing decisions:

SELECT * FROM `commerce`.`customers` JOIN `customer`.`products` ON ...

Even though Vitess has all the information it needs to route the entire query to customer, it will route it to both keyspaces.

Use cases

Just to show that this isn't a contrived problem, here is a use case that describes the situation of a customer of PlanetScale:

  1. They have a Java application using Spring and Hibernate.
  2. Their development and staging environments use an unsharded single keyspace.
  3. In production they have mix of unsharded keyspace and sharded keyspace.
  4. They want performance to be fast, so they materialize tables from the unsharded keyspace to reference tables in the sharded keyspace.
  5. They need writes to be sent to the unsharded keyspace, and joins in the sharded keyspace to use the reference tables.
  6. They have a limited ability to make their code aware of this setup; having separate Hibernate/JPA entities for unsharded source table and the sharded reference table, and re-writing their code to use these two entities, is prohibitively difficult for them.
  7. Even if it were an option for them, it would not be an attractive one because of the added complexity and because it could create separate code paths for production vs. other environments.

Historical Support

It used to be possible to route queries to either the source table or reference table.

I think (but am not 100% sure) that "table equivalence" was introduced to support the kind of unqualified routing this RFC is proposing. It's not clear whether table equivalence was designed to allow admins to have reference tables with identical names as the source table, but, in any case, this feature would satisfy the end-goal: provide clients a way to interact with a single, keyspace-unqualified table identifier that maps to either source or reference tables.

Table equivalence does not currently work.

Current Support

New Support

Give Vitess users a way to:



Option 1: expand reference table metadata

Option 2: make "table equivalence" work again

Table equivalence doesn't work, but if it did then you could define routing rules like this (example taken from docs):

{"rules": [
    "from_table": "product",
    "to_tables": ["lookup.product", "user.uproduct"]

With these routing rules in place, clients can interact with a single logical table, and VTGate will route queries for that table to the appropriate keyspace/shard.

There are probably a couple different ways we could implement this, but a reasonable approach would be to follow the path of in a way that plays nicely with the Gen4 planner.

Add an option to Materialize to automatically enrich VSchema with Reference table and to add routing equivalence rules.

Option 3: read/write routing rules

We could instruct VTGate to route unqualified queries to one keyspace or another based on the type of statement, e.g.:

{"rules": [
    "from_table": "products",
    "to_tables": ["unsharded_ks.products"],
    "commands": ["DELETE", "INSERT", "UPDATE"]
    "from_table": "products",
    "to_tables": ["sharded_ks.products"],
    "commands": ["SELECT"]

Add an option to Materialize to automatically enrich VSchema with Reference table and (maybe?) add routing rules.


I recommend that we:

  1. Do option 1 to expand reference table metadata.
  2. Remove documentation for "table equivalence".



I like the RAPID model for decision making. Not sure who at Vitess would have the final decision on this RFC.

Recommend: @maxenglander Agree: @aquarapid Perform: @maxenglander Input: @harshit-gangal @systay @deepthi @rohit-nayak-ps community Decide: @harshit-gangal "Let us go for Option 1"


Propose tackling this RFC in separate tasks (PRs):

deepthi commented 1 year ago

I like the proposal. We'll let @harshit-gangal and @systay chime in with any concerns and then we can make a decision on the path forward.

deepthi commented 1 year ago

Separately, I don't know if table equivalence was ever intended to work if using the same table name for the reference table as its source. At least the example in the docs uses a different name uproduct in the sharded keyspace. But if this is the case we need to document it as a known limitation.

maxenglander commented 1 year ago

@deepthi fair enough I'll update my comments about table equivalence to reflect. However I think table equivalence in the example in the docs still satisfies the goal of the RFC is the same: the end user wants to query one logical table for both reads and writes, and have the query get routed appropriately.

harshit-gangal commented 1 year ago

Thank you @maxenglander for writing an elaborative RFC. Let us go for Option 1, the reason I could think of:

  1. There would not be any conflicting routing rules. Vitess planner can continue to apply the routing rules based on the table selected in the query.
  2. Reference table type seems to be the best table type where this feature becomes usable.

Few things I would like to point out.

"products": {
  "type": "reference",
  "reference": {
    "keyspace": "unsharded_ks",
    "table": "products"

type reference and then json property as reference might create confusion. Also, we can mode like

"products": {
  "type": "reference",
  "refer": "unsharded_ks.products", 

easier to read, refer can also point to the unqualified table, which can follow the global routing logic.

The code in the RFC regarding the join merge is v3 code, regarding the modification in Gen4 planner. The changes need to be carried out here:

maxenglander commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the guidance @deepthi and @harshit-gangal.

I'm going to start working on option 1.

maxenglander commented 1 year ago


refer can also point to the unqualified table, which can follow the global routing logic.

Is it OK with you if I don't support that initially? Maybe that can be an iteration for the future?

harshit-gangal commented 1 year ago

This can be added next after the PR or I can push a commit on the same PR.

deepthi commented 1 year ago

If we are debating names, I'd like to suggest source instead of refer 😄 Properties should be nouns, not verbs.

harshit-gangal commented 1 year ago

One more thing we should also talk about in the RFC is the automation of updating the Vschema when a materialized workflow is created. We already have similar automation for MoveTables, CreateLookupVindex, etc.

maxenglander commented 1 year ago


We already have similar automation for MoveTables, CreateLookupVindex, etc.

Oh that's cool, didn't know that. Will add something to the RFC about that.

maxenglander commented 1 year ago


One more thing we should also talk about in the RFC is the automation of updating the Vschema when a materialized workflow is created.

Add notes in RFC about this. For option 1 I added:

Add an option to Materialize to automatically enrich VSchema with Reference table and Source.

rohit-nayak-ps commented 1 year ago

We need to wait till we reach a low replication lag before we can route the reference table to the materialized keyspace in the VSchema. Otherwise we will be querying inconsistent or partially copied tables. In MoveTables and Reshard cutover is manually done by doing a TrafficSwitch.

Materialize currently doesn't have this concept. You will have to manually check the lag using Workflow Show and update the VSchema once we are in sync with the source table.

One option is to

maxenglander commented 1 year ago

Thanks @rohit-nayak-ps I'll incorporate your notes in the RFC.

maxenglander commented 1 year ago

After feedback from @harshit-gangal and @systay in #11875 am amending the proposal slightly.

Initially RFC intended to route joins to reference tables to the optimal keyspace only when the reference table is unqualified, e.g.:

SELECT ks2.[table] JOIN [reference_table]

This is now changed to also optimally route joins to qualified reference tables:

SELECT ks1.[global_table] JOIN ks2.[reference_table]

The query will route [reference_table] to ks1 if there is an identically named table in k1 that references ks2.[reference_table].

Added a task to add a comment directive so users can override this behavior for specific queries, e.g. for queries that need to prioritize data correctness over performance (think: materialization lag).

maxenglander commented 1 year ago

Some more adjustments based on feedback:

maxenglander commented 6 months ago

I won't be able to work on this anymore, un-assigning myself.