vitessio / vitess

Vitess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL.
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Bug Report: vtadmin stopping error running Vitess 17 (Local Install) if is run with SKIP_VTADMIN="yes". #13432

Closed jfg956 closed 1 year ago

jfg956 commented 1 year ago

Overview of the Issue

I am running the Vitess 17 Local installed as described in {1} and using SKIP_VTADMIN="yes" (undocumented, but very interesting feature that I gathered from {2}: I ran SKIP_VTADMIN="yes" ./

{1}: {2}:

But when I run I get error messages related to vtadmin, see Reproduction Steps for details.

I think the fix is simple: test for file existence in {3}, I will probably submit a PR implementing this.


Thanks for looking into this, Jean-François Gagné

Reproduction Steps

$ ./ Stopping vtadmin-web... cat: /home/jgagne/my-vitess-example/examples/local/vtdataroot/tmp/ No such file or directory ../common/scripts/ line 6: kill: ': not a pid or valid job spec Stopping vtadmin-api... cat: /home/jgagne/my-vitess-example/examples/local/vtdataroot/tmp/ No such file or directory ../common/scripts/ line 9: kill:': not a pid or valid job spec Stopping vtorc. Stopping vtgate... Shutting down tablet zone1-0000000100 Shutting down MySQL for tablet zone1-0000000100... Shutting down tablet zone1-0000000101 Shutting down MySQL for tablet zone1-0000000101... Shutting down tablet zone1-0000000102 Shutting down MySQL for tablet zone1-0000000102... Stopping vtctld... Stopping etcd... All good! It looks like every process has shut down

Binary Version

$ vtgate --version
Version: 17.0.0 (Git revision 70a94669826071e31f4ac14047de911753f4af5d branch 'HEAD') built on Tue Jun 27 13:20:18 UTC 2023 by runner@fv-az1098-397 using go1.20.5 linux/amd64

Operating System and Environment details

# I do not thhink this is relevant, but as requested...

$ cat /etc/os-release
NAME="CentOS Stream"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Stream 8"
REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8"

$ uname -sr
Linux 5.15.73-hs31.el8.x86_64

$ uname -m

Log Fragments

No response

jfg956 commented 1 year ago

Similar errors happen for other components if they are not running, but as there are no explicit options for not running these, I am letting these fixes for someone else (below while I was testing my patch).

$ ./
Skipping stopping vtadmin-web because no pid file.
Skipping stopping vtadmin-api because no pid file.
Stopping vtorc.
cat: /home/jgagne/my-vitess-example/examples/local/vtdataroot/tmp/ No such file or directory
../common/scripts/ line 6: kill: `': not a pid or valid job spec
Stopping vtgate...
cat: /home/jgagne/my-vitess-example/examples/local/vtdataroot/tmp/ No such file or directory
kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]
Stopping vtctld...
cat: /home/jgagne/my-vitess-example/examples/local/vtdataroot/tmp/ No such file or directory
kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]
Stopping etcd...
cat: /home/jgagne/my-vitess-example/examples/local/vtdataroot/tmp/ No such file or directory
kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l [sigspec]
All good! It looks like every process has shut down
jfg956 commented 1 year ago

Fix in below PR.