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Vitess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL.
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Failed to backup to ceph(s3) using xtrabackup #8391

Open vczyh opened 3 years ago

vczyh commented 3 years ago


Hi~, I try the local demo , everything was fine at first, but the error happend when I backed an instance up.

Only one MANIFEST file is stored on OSS. backup.xbstream.gz not found.


And error information

Backup Error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = TabletManager.Backup on zone1-0000000102 error: Put "http://north1.minio.local:7000/commerce/commerce/0/2021-06-28.015517.zone1-0000000102/backup.xbstream.gz?partNumber=1&uploadId=a0dd1afc-13a2-4882-a33d-d3dc13e7b47e": context canceled: Put "http://north1.minio.local:7000/commerce/commerce/0/2021-06-28.015517.zone1-0000000102/backup.xbstream.gz?partNumber=1&uploadId=a0dd1afc-13a2-4882-a33d-d3dc13e7b47e": context canceled
E0628 09:55:19.162714  124841 main.go:72] remote error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = TabletManager.Backup on zone1-0000000102 error: Put "http://north1.minio.local:7000/commerce/commerce/0/2021-06-28.015517.zone1-0000000102/backup.xbstream.gz?partNumber=1&uploadId=a0dd1afc-13a2-4882-a33d-d3dc13e7b47e": context canceled: Put "http://north1.minio.local:7000/commerce/commerce/0/2021-06-28.015517.zone1-0000000102/backup.xbstream.gz?partNumber=1&uploadId=a0dd1afc-13a2-4882-a33d-d3dc13e7b47e": context canceled

So I need some help, THANK YOU!

Version Infomation

Reproduction Steps

Steps to reproduce this issue, example:

  1. Modify scripts/

    vtctld \
    -cell $cell \
    -workflow_manager_init \
    -workflow_manager_use_election \
    -service_map 'grpc-vtctl,grpc-vtctld' \
    -backup_storage_implementation ceph \
    -ceph_backup_storage_config "/etc/ceph_conf.json" \
    -backup_engine_implementation xtrabackup \
    -xtrabackup_root_path "/usr/bin" \
    -xtrabackup_user root \
    -xtrabackup_stream_mode xbstream \
    -log_dir $VTDATAROOT/tmp \
    -port $vtctld_web_port \
    -grpc_port $grpc_port \
    -pid_file $VTDATAROOT/tmp/ \
    > $VTDATAROOT/tmp/vtctld.out 2>&1 &
  2. Modify scripts/

    vttablet \
    -log_dir $VTDATAROOT/tmp \
    -log_queries_to_file $VTDATAROOT/tmp/$tablet_logfile \
    -tablet-path $alias \
    -tablet_hostname "$tablet_hostname" \
    -init_keyspace $keyspace \
    -init_shard $shard \
    -init_tablet_type $tablet_type \
    -health_check_interval 5s \
    -enable_semi_sync \
    -enable_replication_reporter \
    -backup_storage_implementation ceph \
    -ceph_backup_storage_config "/etc/ceph_conf.json" \
    -backup_engine_implementation xtrabackup \
    -xtrabackup_root_path "/usr/bin" \
    -xtrabackup_user root \
    -xtrabackup_stream_mode xbstream \
    -restore_from_backup \
    -port $port \
    -grpc_port $grpc_port \
    -service_map 'grpc-queryservice,grpc-tabletmanager,grpc-updatestream' \
    -pid_file $VTDATAROOT/$tablet_dir/ \
    -vtctld_addr http://$hostname:$vtctld_web_port/ \
    > $VTDATAROOT/$tablet_dir/vttablet.out 2>&1 &
  3. Ceph config(/etc/ceph_conf.json)

    "accessKey": "minioadmin",
    "secretKey": "minioadmin",
    "endPoint": "north1.minio.local:7000",
    "useSSL": false
  4. Run local demo

    $ netstat -ntlp

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0 LISTEN - tcp 0 0 LISTEN 124382/etcd tcp 0 0 LISTEN 124382/etcd tcp6 0 0 :::17102 ::: LISTEN 124674/mysqld tcp6 0 0 :::22 ::: LISTEN - tcp6 0 0 :::15991 ::: LISTEN 124802/vtgate tcp6 0 0 :::15000 ::: LISTEN 124419/vtctld tcp6 0 0 :::15001 ::: LISTEN 124802/vtgate tcp6 0 0 :::15100 ::: LISTEN 124504/vttablet tcp6 0 0 :::15101 ::: LISTEN 124607/vttablet tcp6 0 0 :::15102 ::: LISTEN 124709/vttablet tcp6 0 0 :::15999 ::: LISTEN 124419/vtctld tcp6 0 0 :::16100 ::: LISTEN 124504/vttablet tcp6 0 0 :::16101 ::: LISTEN 124607/vttablet tcp6 0 0 :::16102 ::: LISTEN 124709/vttablet tcp6 0 0 :::15306 ::: LISTEN 124802/vtgate tcp6 0 0 :::17100 ::: LISTEN 124469/mysqld tcp6 0 0 :::17101 ::: LISTEN 124569/mysqld

5. Run Backup And error appears

$ vtctlclient -server localhost:15999 Backup zone1-102

Backup Error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = TabletManager.Backup on zone1-0000000102 error: Put "http://north1.minio.local:7000/commerce/commerce/0/2021-06-28.015517.zone1-0000000102/backup.xbstream.gz?partNumber=1&uploadId=a0dd1afc-13a2-4882-a33d-d3dc13e7b47e": context canceled: Put "http://north1.minio.local:7000/commerce/commerce/0/2021-06-28.015517.zone1-0000000102/backup.xbstream.gz?partNumber=1&uploadId=a0dd1afc-13a2-4882-a33d-d3dc13e7b47e": context canceled
E0628 09:55:19.162714  124841 main.go:72] remote error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = TabletManager.Backup on zone1-0000000102 error: Put "http://north1.minio.local:7000/commerce/commerce/0/2021-06-28.015517.zone1-0000000102/backup.xbstream.gz?partNumber=1&uploadId=a0dd1afc-13a2-4882-a33d-d3dc13e7b47e": context canceled: Put "http://north1.minio.local:7000/commerce/commerce/0/2021-06-28.015517.zone1-0000000102/backup.xbstream.gz?partNumber=1&uploadId=a0dd1afc-13a2-4882-a33d-d3dc13e7b47e": context canceled
  1. VTtablet Logs
Log file created at: 2021/06/28 09:53:19
Running on machine: vitess-local
Binary: Built with gc go1.15.12 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I0628 09:53:19.829528  124709 servenv.go:96] Version: 10.0.2 (Git revision fc78470 branch 'HEAD') built on Thu May 27 08:45:22 UTC 2021 by runner@fv-az204-619 using go1.15.12 linux/amd64
I0628 09:53:19.830244  124709 streamlog.go:158] Streaming logs from TabletServer at /debug/querylog.
I0628 09:53:19.830251  124709 streamlog.go:158] Streaming logs from TxLog at /debug/txlog.
I0628 09:53:19.831035  124709 vttablet.go:141] Loaded config file  successfully:
cacheResultFields: true
consolidator: enable
    password: '****'
    useSsl: true
    user: vt_allprivs
    password: '****'
    useSsl: true
    user: vt_app
    password: '****'
    useSsl: true
    user: vt_appdebug
    password: '****'
    useSsl: true
    user: vt_dba
    password: '****'
    useSsl: true
    user: vt_filtered
    password: '****'
    useSsl: true
    user: vt_repl
gracePeriods: {}
  degradedThresholdSeconds: 30
  intervalSeconds: 5
  unhealthyThresholdSeconds: 7200
  maxConcurrency: 5
  maxGlobalQueueSize: 1000
  maxQueueSize: 20
  mode: disable
messagePostponeParallelism: 4
  idleTimeoutSeconds: 1800
  size: 200
  maxRpws: 10000
  queryTimeoutSeconds: 30
  txTimeoutSeconds: 30
  idleTimeoutSeconds: 1800
  maxWaiters: 5000
  size: 16
queryCacheLFU: true
queryCacheMemory: 33554432
queryCacheSize: 5000
  heartbeatIntervalSeconds: 1
  mode: polling
schemaReloadIntervalSeconds: 1800
streamBufferSize: 32768
  idleTimeoutSeconds: 1800
  maxWaiters: 5000
  size: 20
  timeoutSeconds: 1
I0628 09:53:19.831047  124709 mycnf_flag.go:120] No mycnf_server_id, no mycnf-file specified, using default config for server id 102: /home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/my.cnf
I0628 09:53:19.831294  124709 dbconfigs.go:374] DBConfigs: allprivs:
  password: '****'
  useSsl: true
  user: vt_allprivs
  password: '****'
  useSsl: true
  user: vt_app
  password: '****'
  useSsl: true
  user: vt_appdebug
  password: '****'
  useSsl: true
  user: vt_dba
  password: '****'
  useSsl: true
  user: vt_filtered
  password: '****'
  useSsl: true
  user: vt_repl

I0628 09:53:19.832916  124709 throttler.go:225] Throttler: initializing config
I0628 09:53:19.834118  124709 tx_throttler.go:93] Initialized transaction throttler with config: &{enabled:false topoServer:<nil> throttlerConfig:<nil> healthCheckCells:[]}
I0628 09:53:19.836348  124709 mysqld.go:588] execCmd: /usr/sbin/mysqld /usr/sbin/mysqld [--version]
I0628 09:53:19.840795  124709 mysqld.go:602] execCmd: /usr/sbin/mysqld output: /usr/sbin/mysqld  Ver 5.7.34 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server (GPL))
I0628 09:53:19.840809  124709 mysqld.go:170] Using flavor: mysql, version: {5 7 34}
I0628 09:53:19.863651  124709 tm_init.go:190] Using detected machine hostname: localhost, to change this, fix your machine network configuration or override it with -tablet_hostname.
W0628 09:53:19.863791  124709 tm_init.go:244] deprecated demote_master_type REPLICA must match init_tablet_type RDONLY
I0628 09:53:19.864124  124709 tm_init.go:370] Reading/creating keyspace and shard records for commerce/0
I0628 09:53:19.877839  124709 tablegc.go:151] TableGC: init
I0628 09:53:19.877912  124709 grpc_server.go:154] Setting grpc max message size to 16777216
I0628 09:53:19.877919  124709 grpc_server.go:322] Building interceptors with 0 unary interceptors and 0 stream interceptors
I0628 09:53:19.877960  124709 service_map.go:64] Registering tabletmanager for grpc, disable it with -grpc-tabletmanager service_map parameter
I0628 09:53:19.878011  124709 tablegc.go:214] TableGC: operating
I0628 09:53:19.878034  124709 shard_sync.go:70] Change to tablet state
I0628 09:53:19.878115  124709 filelogger.go:56] Logging queries to file /home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/tmp/vttablet_0000000102_querylog.txt
I0628 09:53:19.878950  124709 service_map.go:67] Not registering throttler for grpc, enable it with grpc-throttler service_map parameter
I0628 09:53:19.879072  124709 service_map.go:64] Registering queryservice for grpc, disable it with -grpc-queryservice service_map parameter
I0628 09:53:19.883394  124709 backup.go:219] Restore: No restore_in_progress file found, checking no existing data is present
I0628 09:53:19.883403  124709 mysqld.go:451] Waiting for mysqld socket file (/home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/mysql.sock) to be ready...
I0628 09:53:19.883780  124709 service_map.go:64] Registering updatestream for grpc, disable it with -grpc-updatestream service_map parameter
I0628 09:53:19.883793  124709 grpc_server.go:224] Listening for gRPC calls on port 16102
I0628 09:53:19.883985  124709 unix_socket.go:36] Not listening on socket file
I0628 09:53:19.884991  124709 tm_state.go:161] Changing Tablet Type: RESTORE
I0628 09:53:19.885012  124709 tm_state.go:305] Publishing state: alias:<cell:"zone1" uid:102 > hostname:"localhost" port_map:<key:"grpc" value:16102 > port_map:<key:"vt" value:15102 > keyspace:"commerce" shard:"0" type:RESTORE mysql_hostname:"localhost" mysql_port:17102 
I0628 09:53:19.885993  124709 backup.go:234] Restore: looking for a suitable backup to restore
I0628 09:53:19.886199  124709 shard_sync.go:70] Change to tablet state
E0628 09:53:19.902678  124709 backup.go:251] no backup to restore on BackupStorage for directory commerce/0. Starting up empty.
I0628 09:53:19.902976  124709 mysqld.go:451] Waiting for mysqld socket file (/home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/mysql.sock) to be ready...
I0628 09:53:19.906798  124709 query.go:81] exec STOP SLAVE
I0628 09:53:19.906908  124709 query.go:81] exec RESET SLAVE ALL
I0628 09:53:19.907345  124709 query.go:81] exec RESET MASTER
I0628 09:53:19.984154  124709 query.go:81] exec SET GLOBAL rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled = false, GLOBAL rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled = false
I0628 09:53:19.984319  124709 metadata_tables.go:72] Populating _vt.local_metadata table...
I0628 09:53:20.219493  124709 tm_state.go:161] Changing Tablet Type: RDONLY
I0628 09:53:20.219527  124709 tm_state.go:305] Publishing state: alias:<cell:"zone1" uid:102 > hostname:"localhost" port_map:<key:"grpc" value:16102 > port_map:<key:"vt" value:15102 > keyspace:"commerce" shard:"0" type:RDONLY mysql_hostname:"localhost" mysql_port:17102 
I0628 09:53:20.221163  124709 replmanager.go:85] Replication Manager: starting
I0628 09:53:20.221278  124709 shard_sync.go:70] Change to tablet state
I0628 09:53:20.222194  124709 replmanager.go:118] Replication is stopped, reconnecting to master.
I0628 09:53:20.222596  124709 replmanager.go:125] Failed to reconnect to master: no master tablet for shard commerce/0, will keep retrying.
I0628 09:53:20.222616  124709 updatestreamctl.go:228] Enabling update stream, dbname: vt_commerce
I0628 09:53:20.222623  124709 state_manager.go:212] Starting transition to RDONLY Serving, timestamp: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
E0628 09:53:20.223194  124709 state_manager.go:276] Error transitioning to the desired state: RDONLY, Serving, will keep retrying: Unknown database 'vt_commerce' (errno 1049) (sqlstate 42000)
I0628 09:53:20.223221  124709 state_manager.go:661] State: exiting lameduck
E0628 09:53:20.223226  124709 tm_state.go:258] Cannot start query service: Unknown database 'vt_commerce' (errno 1049) (sqlstate 42000)
I0628 09:53:20.223235  124709 tm_state.go:305] Publishing state: alias:<cell:"zone1" uid:102 > hostname:"localhost" port_map:<key:"grpc" value:16102 > port_map:<key:"vt" value:15102 > keyspace:"commerce" shard:"0" type:RDONLY mysql_hostname:"localhost" mysql_port:17102 
I0628 09:53:20.225300  124709 query.go:81] exec STOP SLAVE
I0628 09:53:20.225391  124709 query.go:81] exec RESET SLAVE ALL
I0628 09:53:20.225831  124709 query.go:81] exec RESET MASTER
I0628 09:53:20.237400  124709 query.go:81] exec SET GLOBAL rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled = false, GLOBAL rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled = false
I0628 09:53:20.237574  124709 rpc_server.go:84] TabletManager.ResetReplication()(on zone1-0000000102 from ): (*tabletmanagerdata.ResetReplicationResponse)(nil)
I0628 09:53:20.335007  124709 replication.go:467] Setting semi-sync mode: master=false, replica=false
I0628 09:53:20.335859  124709 query.go:81] exec SET GLOBAL rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled = 0, GLOBAL rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled = 0
I0628 09:53:20.337540  124709 replication.go:320] Executing commands to set replication position: [RESET MASTER SET GLOBAL gtid_purged = '90cdf0ad-d7b3-11eb-8fd8-0cda411d53f8:1-2']
I0628 09:53:20.337546  124709 query.go:81] exec RESET MASTER
I0628 09:53:20.357252  124709 query.go:81] exec SET GLOBAL gtid_purged = '90cdf0ad-d7b3-11eb-8fd8-0cda411d53f8:1-2'
I0628 09:53:20.362741  124709 query.go:81] exec CHANGE MASTER TO
  MASTER_HOST = 'localhost',
  MASTER_PORT = 17100,
  MASTER_USER = 'vt_repl',
I0628 09:53:20.391253  124709 query.go:81] exec START SLAVE
I0628 09:53:20.496665  124709 rpc_server.go:84] TabletManager.InitReplica(parent:<cell:"zone1" uid:100 > replication_position:"MySQL56/90cdf0ad-d7b3-11eb-8fd8-0cda411d53f8:1-2" time_created_ns:1624845200331875601 )(on zone1-0000000102 from ): (*tabletmanagerdata.InitReplicaResponse)(nil)
I0628 09:53:20.868480  124709 rpc_schema.go:51] ReloadSchema: waiting for replication position: MySQL56/90cdf0ad-d7b3-11eb-8fd8-0cda411d53f8:1-8
I0628 09:53:20.933181  124709 rpc_schema.go:57] ReloadSchema requested via RPC
W0628 09:53:20.933225  124709 engine.go:279] Schema reload called for an engine that is not yet open
I0628 09:53:20.993108  124709 rpc_schema.go:51] ReloadSchema: waiting for replication position: MySQL56/90cdf0ad-d7b3-11eb-8fd8-0cda411d53f8:1-9
I0628 09:53:21.048711  124709 rpc_schema.go:57] ReloadSchema requested via RPC
W0628 09:53:21.048729  124709 engine.go:279] Schema reload called for an engine that is not yet open
I0628 09:53:21.086555  124709 rpc_schema.go:51] ReloadSchema: waiting for replication position: MySQL56/90cdf0ad-d7b3-11eb-8fd8-0cda411d53f8:1-10
I0628 09:53:21.096092  124709 rpc_schema.go:57] ReloadSchema requested via RPC
W0628 09:53:21.096102  124709 engine.go:279] Schema reload called for an engine that is not yet open
I0628 09:53:21.223889  124709 engine.go:177] Schema Engine: opening
I0628 09:53:21.233758  124709 engine.go:390] schema engine created [product customer corder], altered [], dropped []
I0628 09:53:21.233782  124709 engine.go:144] VStreamer: opening
I0628 09:53:21.233788  124709 query_engine.go:241] Query Engine: opening
I0628 09:53:21.234350  124709 tx_engine.go:156] TxEngine transition: AcceptingReadOnly
I0628 09:53:21.234374  124709 stateful_connection_pool.go:79] Starting transaction id: {1624845199834607549}
I0628 09:53:21.234412  124709 repltracker.go:102] Replication Tracker: going into non-master mode
I0628 09:53:21.235013  124709 state_manager.go:561] TabletServer transition: RDONLY: Not connected to mysql -> RDONLY: Serving for tablet :commerce/0
I0628 09:53:21.235460  124709 state_manager.go:637] Replication is healthy
I0628 09:55:17.068992  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:147] Detected MySQL flavor: MySQL56
I0628 09:55:17.069024  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:157] Starting backup with 0 stripe(s)
I0628 09:55:17.079365  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup: recognized server arguments: --datadir=/home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/data --innodb_data_home_dir=/home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/innodb/data --innodb_log_group_home_dir=/home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/innodb/logs --log_bin=/home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/bin-logs/vt-0000000102-bin --server-id=2145739628 --tmpdir=/home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/tmp 
I0628 09:55:17.079388  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup: recognized client arguments: --backup=1 --socket=/home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/mysql.sock --slave-info=1 --user=root --target-dir=/home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/tmp --stream=xbstream 
I0628 09:55:17.265825  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17  version_check Connecting to MySQL server with DSN 'dbi:mysql:;mysql_read_default_group=xtrabackup;mysql_socket=/home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/mysql.sock' as 'root'  (using password: NO).
I0628 09:55:17.267112  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17  version_check Connected to MySQL server
I0628 09:55:17.267562  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17  version_check Executing a version check against the server...
I0628 09:55:17.268124  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17  version_check Done.
I0628 09:55:17.270330  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 Connecting to MySQL server host: localhost, user: root, password: not set, port: not set, socket: /home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/mysql.sock
I0628 09:55:17.274761  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: Using server version 5.7.34-log
I0628 09:55:17.285396  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: /usr/bin/xtrabackup version 2.4.23 based on MySQL server 5.7.34 Linux (x86_64) (revision id: 3320f39)
I0628 09:55:17.285417  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup: uses posix_fadvise().
I0628 09:55:17.285424  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup: cd to /home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/data
I0628 09:55:17.285431  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup: open files limit requested 0, set to 1024
I0628 09:55:17.285437  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup: using the following InnoDB configuration:
I0628 09:55:17.285443  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup:   innodb_data_home_dir = /home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/innodb/data
I0628 09:55:17.285450  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup:   innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend
I0628 09:55:17.285457  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup:   innodb_log_group_home_dir = /home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/innodb/logs
I0628 09:55:17.285463  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup:   innodb_log_files_in_group = 2
I0628 09:55:17.285468  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup:   innodb_log_file_size = 50331648
I0628 09:55:17.285474  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: InnoDB: Number of pools: 1
I0628 09:55:17.293933  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 >> log scanned up to (3173796)
I0628 09:55:17.497821  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup: Generating a list of tablespaces
I0628 09:55:17.497876  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: InnoDB: Allocated tablespace ID 2 for mysql/plugin, old maximum was 0
I0628 09:55:17.497938  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming /home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/innodb/data/ibdata1
I0628 09:55:17.578819  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.590097  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/plugin.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.590118  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.590206  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/servers.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.590628  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.592040  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/help_topic.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.606996  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.668765  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/help_category.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.668795  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.669875  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/help_relation.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.669891  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.670303  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/help_keyword.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.670405  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.673639  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/time_zone_name.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.673816  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.674754  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/time_zone.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.674770  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.677701  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/time_zone_transition.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.677721  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.679303  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.679316  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.679424  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.679563  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.680856  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.680880  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.680918  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/innodb_index_stats.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.681053  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.681446  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/slave_relay_log_info.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.681585  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.681920  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/slave_master_info.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.682047  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.684520  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/slave_worker_info.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.684534  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.684541  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/gtid_executed.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.684547  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.684564  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/server_cost.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.684570  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.684576  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./mysql/engine_cost.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.684582  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.684589  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./sys/sys_config.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.684599  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.688453  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./_vt/local_metadata.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.688468  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.688475  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./_vt/shard_metadata.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.688483  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.688489  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./_vt/reparent_journal.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.688496  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.688503  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./_vt/schema_migrations.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.688509  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.688517  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./vt_commerce/product.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.688523  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.688530  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./vt_commerce/customer.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.688537  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:17.688543  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01] Streaming ./vt_commerce/corder.ibd
I0628 09:55:17.688550  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:17 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.293919  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 >> log scanned up to (3173796)
I0628 09:55:18.499359  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 Executing FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG TABLES...
I0628 09:55:18.499426  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 Executing FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK...
I0628 09:55:18.499447  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 Starting to backup non-InnoDB tables and files
I0628 09:55:18.499480  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/db.opt to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.499500  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.499517  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/db.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.499994  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.500008  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/db.MYI to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.500014  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.500023  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/db.MYD to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.500028  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.500035  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/user.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.500040  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.500045  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/user.MYI to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.500050  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.500056  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/user.MYD to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.500061  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.500071  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/func.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.500077  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.500210  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/func.MYI to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.500218  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.500223  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/func.MYD to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.500228  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.500237  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/plugin.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.500387  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.500398  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/servers.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.500404  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.501444  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/tables_priv.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.501459  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.501468  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/tables_priv.MYI to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.501474  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.501480  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/tables_priv.MYD to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.501485  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.501491  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/columns_priv.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.501497  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.501503  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/columns_priv.MYI to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.501508  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.501513  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/columns_priv.MYD to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.501518  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.501523  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/help_topic.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.501543  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.501551  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/help_category.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.501556  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.502376  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/help_relation.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.502419  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.502435  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/help_keyword.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.502442  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.502448  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/time_zone_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.502455  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.502461  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/time_zone.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.502467  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.502478  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/time_zone_transition.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.502484  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.502490  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.502497  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.502579  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.502587  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.502610  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/proc.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.502621  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.503176  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/proc.MYI to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.503187  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.503193  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/proc.MYD to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.503205  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.504601  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/procs_priv.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.504622  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.504634  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/procs_priv.MYI to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.504641  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.504655  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/procs_priv.MYD to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.504662  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.504667  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/general_log.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.504673  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.507672  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/general_log.CSM to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.507689  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.507697  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/general_log.CSV to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.507710  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.507717  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/slow_log.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.507724  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.507731  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/slow_log.CSM to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.507742  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.507750  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/slow_log.CSV to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.507756  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.507762  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/event.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.507767  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.507772  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/event.MYI to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.507778  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.507787  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/event.MYD to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.507795  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.507801  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/ndb_binlog_index.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.507806  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.507812  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/ndb_binlog_index.MYI to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.507819  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.507824  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/ndb_binlog_index.MYD to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.507829  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.507834  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/innodb_table_stats.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.507840  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.507844  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/innodb_index_stats.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.507849  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.508456  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/slave_relay_log_info.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.508467  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.508473  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/slave_master_info.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.508479  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.508484  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/slave_worker_info.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.508490  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.508504  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/gtid_executed.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.508513  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.508519  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/server_cost.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.508529  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.508535  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/engine_cost.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.508540  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512006  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/proxies_priv.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512023  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512031  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/proxies_priv.MYI to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512038  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512045  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./mysql/proxies_priv.MYD to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512051  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512059  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/db.opt to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512065  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512071  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/cond_instances.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512078  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512084  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_waits_current.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512089  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512095  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_waits_history.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512101  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512107  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_waits_history_long.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512115  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512121  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_waits_summary_by_instance.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512128  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512506  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512521  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512529  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_waits_summary_by_user_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512534  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512540  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_waits_summary_by_account_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512545  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512551  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512561  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.512568  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.512596  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.513781  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/file_instances.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.513798  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.513809  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/file_summary_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.513819  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.513830  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/file_summary_by_instance.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.513839  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.513848  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/socket_instances.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.513880  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.513908  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/socket_summary_by_instance.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.513914  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.514479  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/socket_summary_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.514512  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.514566  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/host_cache.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.514592  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.514649  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/mutex_instances.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.514675  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.514729  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/objects_summary_global_by_type.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.514756  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.514808  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/performance_timers.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.514832  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.514915  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/rwlock_instances.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.514929  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.515457  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/setup_actors.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.515490  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.515544  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/setup_consumers.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.515568  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.515623  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/setup_instruments.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.515647  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.515700  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/setup_objects.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.515725  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.515786  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/setup_timers.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.515799  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.518070  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.518093  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.518162  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/table_io_waits_summary_by_table.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.518191  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.518246  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/table_lock_waits_summary_by_table.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.518274  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.518336  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/threads.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.518364  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.518417  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_stages_current.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.518431  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.523910  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_stages_history.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.523961  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.523996  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_stages_history_long.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.524039  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.524072  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_stages_summary_by_thread_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.524095  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.524140  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_stages_summary_by_host_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.524160  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.524195  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_stages_summary_by_user_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.524216  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.524804  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_stages_summary_by_account_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.524818  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.525658  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_stages_summary_global_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.525673  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.525680  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_statements_current.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.525691  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.525698  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_statements_history.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.525707  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.525713  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_statements_history_long.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.525720  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.525726  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_thread_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.525733  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.525739  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_host_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.525745  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.526874  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_user_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.526889  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.526897  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_account_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.526903  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.526917  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_statements_summary_global_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.526927  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.526933  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_transactions_current.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.526939  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.526945  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_transactions_history.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.526950  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.526956  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_transactions_history_long.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.526961  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.526967  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_transactions_summary_by_thread_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.526973  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.527969  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_transactions_summary_by_host_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.527986  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.527998  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_transactions_summary_by_user_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.528004  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.528010  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_transactions_summary_by_account_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.528017  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.528023  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_transactions_summary_global_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.528028  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.528035  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/hosts.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.528040  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.528053  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/users.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.528061  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.528067  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/accounts.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.528079  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.528139  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/memory_summary_global_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.528157  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.528220  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/memory_summary_by_thread_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.528237  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.528303  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/memory_summary_by_account_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.528329  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.529026  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/memory_summary_by_host_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.529059  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.529117  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/memory_summary_by_user_by_event_name.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.529141  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.529196  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_digest.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.529221  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.529276  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/events_statements_summary_by_program.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.529300  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.529368  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/prepared_statements_instances.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.529393  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.529468  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/replication_connection_configuration.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.529516  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.530135  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/replication_group_member_stats.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.530171  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.530226  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/replication_group_members.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.530239  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.530304  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/replication_connection_status.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.530329  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.530400  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/replication_applier_configuration.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.530424  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.530922  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/replication_applier_status.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.530942  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.531010  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/replication_applier_status_by_coordinator.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.531034  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.531088  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/replication_applier_status_by_worker.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.531101  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.531170  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/session_connect_attrs.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.531187  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.531243  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/session_account_connect_attrs.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.531256  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.531318  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/table_handles.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.531343  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.531871  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/metadata_locks.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.531904  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.531967  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/user_variables_by_thread.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.531992  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.532044  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/variables_by_thread.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.532069  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.532122  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/global_variables.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.532136  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.532200  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/session_variables.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.532225  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.534552  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/status_by_thread.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.534594  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.534648  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/status_by_user.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.534664  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.534731  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/status_by_host.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.534746  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.534805  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/status_by_account.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.534837  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.534913  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/global_status.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.534928  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.535414  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./performance_schema/session_status.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.535429  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.535545  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/db.opt to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.535558  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.535615  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/version.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.535633  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.535677  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/sys_config.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.535694  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.535759  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/statements_with_full_table_scans.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.535775  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.535831  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/sys_config_insert_set_user.TRN to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.535844  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.535905  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/processlist.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.535931  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.535986  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/sys_config.TRG to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.536002  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.536040  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/statements_with_sorting.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.536053  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.536118  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/sys_config_update_set_user.TRN to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.536131  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.536173  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024statements_with_sorting.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.536186  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.536250  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/innodb_buffer_stats_by_schema.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.536261  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.536300  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/schema_index_statistics.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.536313  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.538007  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024innodb_buffer_stats_by_schema.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.538025  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.538032  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/statements_with_temp_tables.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.538039  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.538045  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/innodb_buffer_stats_by_table.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.538070  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.538076  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024ps_schema_table_statistics_io.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.538090  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.538098  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024innodb_buffer_stats_by_table.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.538104  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.538112  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/host_summary.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.538118  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.538124  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/innodb_lock_waits.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.538129  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.538135  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024host_summary.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.538141  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.538149  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024innodb_lock_waits.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.538155  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.538162  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/waits_by_user_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.538168  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.538174  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/schema_object_overview.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.538180  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.538187  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/user_summary_by_file_io_type.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.538193  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.538199  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/schema_auto_increment_columns.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.538205  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.539051  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/user_summary_by_file_io.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.539080  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.539139  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024schema_flattened_keys.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.539148  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.539196  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024user_summary_by_file_io.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.539221  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.539261  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/schema_redundant_indexes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.539272  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.539340  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/user_summary_by_statement_type.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.539353  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.539415  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/ps_check_lost_instrumentation.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.539427  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.539469  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/latest_file_io.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.539489  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.539537  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/waits_by_host_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.539566  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.539594  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024latest_file_io.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.539625  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.539679  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/waits_global_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.539691  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.539763  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/io_by_thread_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.539775  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.539847  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/user_summary_by_stages.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.539880  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.539949  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024io_by_thread_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.539961  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.540028  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024user_summary_by_stages.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.540040  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.540090  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/io_global_by_file_by_bytes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.540102  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542514  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024schema_index_statistics.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542531  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542538  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024io_global_by_file_by_bytes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542545  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542553  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/user_summary.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542559  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542565  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/io_global_by_file_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542571  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542577  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/schema_table_statistics.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542583  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542589  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024io_global_by_file_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542596  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542601  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024user_summary.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542606  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542612  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/io_global_by_wait_by_bytes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542617  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542621  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024schema_table_statistics.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542626  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542632  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024io_global_by_wait_by_bytes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542637  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542643  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/host_summary_by_file_io_type.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542650  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542655  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/io_global_by_wait_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542941  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542953  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/schema_table_statistics_with_buffer.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542960  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542966  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024io_global_by_wait_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542971  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542977  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/host_summary_by_file_io.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542983  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.542989  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/memory_by_user_by_current_bytes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.542996  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.543001  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/schema_table_lock_waits.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.543006  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.543011  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024memory_by_user_by_current_bytes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.543016  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.543022  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024host_summary_by_file_io.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.543027  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.543032  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/memory_by_host_by_current_bytes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.543037  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.543049  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024schema_table_lock_waits.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.543055  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.543060  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024memory_by_host_by_current_bytes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.543094  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.543100  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/statement_analysis.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.543105  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.545142  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.545156  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.545165  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024statement_analysis.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.545173  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.545186  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.545193  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.545198  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/host_summary_by_statement_type.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.545212  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.545218  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/memory_global_by_current_bytes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.545224  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.545230  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/statements_with_errors_or_warnings.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.545236  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.545244  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024memory_global_by_current_bytes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.545249  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.545255  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/metrics.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.545261  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.545266  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/memory_global_total.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.545273  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.545278  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/host_summary_by_stages.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.545283  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.545289  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024memory_global_total.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.545294  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.545300  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/session.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.545307  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.545312  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024schema_table_statistics_with_buffer.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.545318  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547245  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024statements_with_errors_or_warnings.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547266  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547274  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/schema_tables_with_full_table_scans.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547280  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547286  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/schema_unused_indexes.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547291  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547296  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024schema_tables_with_full_table_scans.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547302  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547307  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024host_summary_by_stages.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547312  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547317  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024statements_with_full_table_scans.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547322  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547329  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547335  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547343  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024ps_digest_95th_percentile_by_avg_us.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547349  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547355  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547377  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547384  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547390  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547396  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024statements_with_temp_tables.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547401  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547407  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024user_summary_by_file_io_type.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547413  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547419  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024user_summary_by_statement_type.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547425  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547430  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/user_summary_by_statement_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547436  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547441  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024user_summary_by_statement_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547447  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547454  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024host_summary_by_file_io_type.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547460  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.547466  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024host_summary_by_statement_type.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.547471  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.548370  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/host_summary_by_statement_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.548391  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.548439  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024host_summary_by_statement_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.548455  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.548519  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/wait_classes_global_by_avg_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.548533  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.548581  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024wait_classes_global_by_avg_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.548596  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.548644  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/wait_classes_global_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.548658  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.548718  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024wait_classes_global_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.548729  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.548765  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024waits_by_user_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.548785  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.548846  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024waits_by_host_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.548860  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.548926  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024waits_global_by_latency.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.548941  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.548992  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024processlist.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.549006  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.549071  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/x@0024session.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.549084  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.549137  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./sys/session_ssl_status.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.549149  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.549219  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./_vt/db.opt to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.549231  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.549288  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./_vt/shard_metadata.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.549312  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.550681  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./_vt/local_metadata.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.550697  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.550704  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./_vt/reparent_journal.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.550710  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.551435  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./_vt/schema_migrations.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.551450  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.551457  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./vt_commerce/db.opt to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.551463  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.551468  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./vt_commerce/product.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.551479  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.551525  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./vt_commerce/customer.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.551535  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.551598  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01] Streaming ./vt_commerce/corder.frm to <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.551610  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [01]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.551669  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 Finished backing up non-InnoDB tables and files
I0628 09:55:18.555162  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [00] Streaming <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.555181  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [00]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.556960  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [00] Streaming <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.556978  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [00]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.556986  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 Executing FLUSH NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG ENGINE LOGS...
I0628 09:55:18.557564  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup: The latest check point (for incremental): '3173787'
I0628 09:55:18.557588  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup: Stopping log copying thread.
I0628 09:55:18.557599  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: .210628 09:55:18 >> log scanned up to (3173796)
I0628 09:55:18.757833  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 
I0628 09:55:18.757945  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 Executing UNLOCK TABLES
I0628 09:55:18.758327  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 All tables unlocked
I0628 09:55:18.758362  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 Backup created in directory '/home/unicloud/backup/vtdataroot/vt_0000000102/tmp/'
I0628 09:55:18.758370  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: MySQL binlog position: filename 'vt-0000000102-bin.000001', position '6387', GTID of the last change '90cdf0ad-d7b3-11eb-8fd8-0cda411d53f8:1-23'
I0628 09:55:18.758380  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: MySQL slave binlog position: master host 'localhost', purge list '90cdf0ad-d7b3-11eb-8fd8-0cda411d53f8:1-23', channel name: ''
I0628 09:55:18.758388  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 
I0628 09:55:18.758395  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [00] Streaming <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.758401  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [00]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.759358  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [00] Streaming <STDOUT>
I0628 09:55:18.759379  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 [00]        ...done
I0628 09:55:18.759386  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: xtrabackup: Transaction log of lsn (3173787) to (3173796) was copied.
I0628 09:55:18.960420  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:310] xtrabackup stderr: 210628 09:55:18 completed OK!
I0628 09:55:18.963397  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:632] Found position: 90cdf0ad-d7b3-11eb-8fd8-0cda411d53f8:1-23
I0628 09:55:18.963420  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:117] Closing backup file backup.xbstream.gz
I0628 09:55:18.963435  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:164] Writing backup MANIFEST
I0628 09:55:19.143118  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:198] Backup completed
I0628 09:55:19.143187  124709 xtrabackupengine.go:117] Closing backup file MANIFEST
W0628 09:55:19.162021  124709 rpc_server.go:80] TabletManager.Backup(concurrency:4 )(on zone1-0000000102 from ) error: Put "http://north1.minio.local:7000/commerce/commerce/0/2021-06-28.015517.zone1-0000000102/backup.xbstream.gz?partNumber=1&uploadId=a0dd1afc-13a2-4882-a33d-d3dc13e7b47e": context canceled

My Question

MANIFEST upload successfully means OSS work well. I don't understand why tar upload failed. Maybe I ignore some flags or version Incompatibility.

Please give me some advice.

If need more logs and information, I can provide it.


yzsfly commented 3 years ago

we met the same issue that the compressed file cannot be upload into OSS. Could anyone provide support? Urgent for me ,thanks!

vczyh commented 3 years ago

we met the same issue that the compressed file cannot be upload into OSS. Could anyone provide support? Urgent for me ,thanks!

We have solved the problem. We have changed backup_storage_implementation to s3 before using ceph. Here are the steps:

  1. VTTablet
    vttablet \
    -log_dir $VTDATAROOT/tmp \
    -log_queries_to_file $VTDATAROOT/tmp/$tablet_logfile \
    -tablet-path $alias \
    -tablet_hostname "$tablet_hostname" \
    -init_keyspace $keyspace \
    -init_shard $shard \
    -init_tablet_type $tablet_type \
    -health_check_interval 5s \
    -enable_semi_sync \
    -enable_replication_reporter \
    -backup_storage_implementation s3 \
    -s3_backup_aws_endpoint "http://north1.minio.local" \
    -s3_backup_force_path_style \
    -s3_backup_storage_root "/root/data" \
    -s3_backup_storage_bucket "commerce" \
    -backup_engine_implementation xtrabackup \
    -xtrabackup_root_path "/usr/bin" \
    -xtrabackup_user root \
    -xtrabackup_stream_mode xbstream \
    -restore_from_backup \
    -port $port \
    -grpc_port $grpc_port \
    -service_map 'grpc-queryservice,grpc-tabletmanager,grpc-updatestream' \
    -pid_file $VTDATAROOT/$tablet_dir/ \
    -vtctld_addr http://$hostname:$vtctld_web_port/ \
    > $VTDATAROOT/$tablet_dir/vttablet.out 2>&1 &
  2. Setting environment variables
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="minioadmin"
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="minioadmin"
grsmith-projects commented 3 years ago

I can confirm the same behavior -- it seems to potentially be an issue with the minio version the client uses.

askdba commented 3 years ago

@grsmith-projects does that mean the built-in backup works? Have you tried that?

grsmith-projects commented 3 years ago

@askdba built-in does not work

The backup succeeds, the errors occur when the files start being transferred -- only 1 file succeeds and the rest fail due to the connection being signalled to exit.

Also, we rebuilt the system w/ various versions of minio lib (6.x and 7.x) and had the same issue.

My gut feeling right now is that some default setting for miniolib might be conflicting with the way newer ceph does multipart uploads -- we are currently investigating tuning on the ceph side.

Minio client itself works

Minio client from a container in the same pod works.. but vtbackup does not.

(All of this is speculation at this point)

deepthi commented 3 years ago

from ceph.go:

client, err := minio.NewV2(url, accessKey, secretKey, useSSL)

Could it be that your server does not support v2 clients?

L3o-pold commented 11 months ago

I can reproduce the issue with vitess/lite:v18.0.0-rc1 as s3 backup_storage_implementation no longer works too with Minio. On the server side we see 499 http status code when trying to upload.


I tried with minio.NewV4 without more luck. Also tried by updating minio client to still no luck...