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API for timer mocks that are safely isolated between tests #5750

Open AlexandrHoroshih opened 1 month ago

AlexandrHoroshih commented 1 month ago

Clear and concise description of the problem

Hello and thanks for the great project! 💙

Small disclaimer

I have seen comments in the #5665 and i'm aware that Vitest

cannot use AsyncLocalStorage in core since it's a Node.js API

But i think that this API idea might be useful, once AsyncContext proposal will be implemented in the browsers sometime in the future, so i decided to propose it anyway 😅

The problem

Current time mocks API has a noticeable disadvantage: The vi.useFakeTimers()/useRealTimers() switch is global, at least for all tests in the current worker thread/child process

This, for example, may lead to problems, especially when running tests concurrently - since fake timers are not isolated between tests, they may leak between those and cause unexpected and confusing behaviour

As a side note: i probably would prefer, if vitest had banned using global useFakeTimers() switch along with test.concurrent in the same test suite 🤔

And even if we rule out .concurrent tests as a special case, the global switch behaviour is still may be quite confusing at times, since there are cases like

Suggested solution

So, since the core of the problem is the "global switch" nature of current fake timers API, the alternative must be "local" for the each test

I suggest API like this:

import { test, runWithFakeTime } from 'vitest'

test.concurrent('my-test-1', async () => {
 await runWithFakeTime((timeControls) => {
     const promise = startSomeTimeRelatedOperations()


     await p;


test.concurrent('my-test-2', async () => {
  // does not get affected by time mocks in previous test
  // even if was run concurrently

☝️ In this example it is expected, that time would be mocked only inside runWithFakeTime callback and any of event-loop tasks which were produced by it, which obviously requires API like AsyncContext

To do that all of the time-related APIs must be mocked in a way, that they use fake implementation if called inside runWithFakeTime context and native one if called outside of it And i think, this mock should happpen before any other userland code in the suite was initialized, so any code, that saves separate reference to e.g. setTimeout, still gets mocked as expected

Unlike global switch, this API would allow for clear isolation of time mocks from any other code in the same suite, since "fake time zone" is separated into its own async context

Here is a little Proof-of-Concept example, which uses Node.js AsyncLocalStorage for this purpose:


No response

Additional context

I have seen comments in the #5665 and i'm aware that Vitest

cannot use AsyncLocalStorage in core since it's a Node.js API

But i think that this API idea might be useful, once AsyncContext proposal will be implemented in the browsers sometime in the future

So i guess, this idea can wait until then


sheremet-va commented 1 month ago

We are using @sinon/fake-timers for timers mocking, so it would have to be implemented by them because we don't override global timers access. Or we would have to reimplement mocking ourselves which is also an option.

In any case, we can't do anything until the AsyncContext API is implemented at least in one of the browsers and Node.js.

victordidenko commented 1 month ago

because we don't override global timers access

Sorry, but vitest definitely overrides global functions. Using @sinon/fake-timers's withGlobal, but with globalThis nonetheless.

sheremet-va commented 1 month ago

because we don't override global timers access

Sorry, but vitest definitely overrides global functions. Using @sinon/fake-timers's withGlobal, but with globalThis nonetheless.

What I mean is that we don't override it (Vitest in its source code doesn't reassign globalThis.setTimeout to control how it works, so we can't inject the context there), not that we don't override it.