vitest-dev / vitest

Next generation testing framework powered by Vite.
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Coverage stays at 100% for components regardless of the existence of any component test #6029

Open FlorianPhilipp2007 opened 3 weeks ago

FlorianPhilipp2007 commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Description: When the components option in the Nuxt configuration is set to true (enabling automatic global registration of components), the test coverage report shows 100% coverage for all components, regardless of whether tests actually exist for them.

Actual Behavior: The coverage report incorrectly shows 100% coverage for all components, including those without any tests like TestNestedUntested.vue in component directory

Expected Behavior: The coverage report should accurately reflect the coverage for each component. Only TestNested.vue should show 100% coverage, while TestNestedUnested.vue should show 0% coverage or appropriate coverage based on the absence of tests.

vitest coverage bug


vitest --coverage is not working in StackBlitz. Please download the project and try it locally.

System Info

Nuxt Version: ^3.12.2
@nuxt/test-utils: 3.12.1
vitest: 1.5.2
@vitest/coverage-v8: 1.5.2
start-server-and-test: 1.15.5
vitest-environment-nuxt: 1.0.0
@vue/test-utils: ^2.4.6
happy-dom: ^14.12.3

Used Package Manager



AriPerkkio commented 3 weeks ago

Something is importing the untested TestNestedUntested. V8 is reporting coverage for it. Maybe Nuxt imports all those files?

  "scriptId": "745",
  "url": "file:///x/nuxt-starter-gvfsue/components/nested/TestNestedUntested.vue",
  "functions": [
      "functionName": "",
      "ranges": [{ "startOffset": 0, "endOffset": 981, "count": 1 }],
      "isBlockCoverage": true
      "functionName": "",
      "ranges": [{ "startOffset": 13, "endOffset": 981, "count": 1 }],
      "isBlockCoverage": true
      "functionName": "",
      "ranges": [{ "startOffset": 444, "endOffset": 564, "count": 0 }],
      "isBlockCoverage": false

Coverage is also off because source maps from Vue (or Nuxt?) don't look alright:

Looks similar to I would recommend to open an issue on Nuxt or Vue.

FlorianPhilipp2007 commented 1 week ago

Something is importing the untested TestNestedUntested. V8 is reporting coverage for it. Maybe Nuxt imports all those files?

  "scriptId": "745",
  "url": "file:///x/nuxt-starter-gvfsue/components/nested/TestNestedUntested.vue",
  "functions": [
      "functionName": "",
      "ranges": [{ "startOffset": 0, "endOffset": 981, "count": 1 }],
      "isBlockCoverage": true
      "functionName": "",
      "ranges": [{ "startOffset": 13, "endOffset": 981, "count": 1 }],
      "isBlockCoverage": true
      "functionName": "",
      "ranges": [{ "startOffset": 444, "endOffset": 564, "count": 0 }],
      "isBlockCoverage": false

Coverage is also off because source maps from Vue (or Nuxt?) don't look alright:

Looks similar to #3607. I would recommend to open an issue on Nuxt or Vue.

I raised the problem at nuxt but they think its a vitest bug

AriPerkkio commented 1 week ago

@FlorianPhilipp2007 could you test if coverage.provider: 'istanbul' works better here? Under the hood it works differently than the default v8 provider. It could help in hiding the untested files, but the report will still be off due to source maps issues.