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Please Add The Ability To Define Custom Test Trigger Patterns #6457

Open klondikemarlen opened 1 week ago

klondikemarlen commented 1 week ago

Clear and concise description of the problem

As a developer using Vitest I want the ability to have an .html or .txt file trigger the re-run of a specific test file so that I can have an easier time testing mailers and email templates.

I'd like to see an option similar to what Ruby's Guard has. In Guard it would look something like this:

guard :minitest, cli: '--force' do
  # Watch for changes in .ts, .html, or .txt files in mailers or templates directories
  watch(%r{^src/(mailers|templates)/(.*)\.(ts|html|txt)$}) do |m|

This would cause changes to:

Suggested solution

Given that the JS equivalent might be something like

const chokidar = require('chokidar');
const { exec } = require('child_process');

// Watch for changes in .ts, .html, or .txt files in mailers or templates directories'src/{mailers,templates}/**/*.{ts,html,txt}')
  .on('change', (path) => {
    const match = path.match(/^src\/(mailers|templates)\/(.*)\.(ts|html|txt)$/);
    if (match) {
      const testFile = `api/tests/mailers/${match[2]}.test.ts`;
      console.log(`Detected change in: ${path}. Running ${testFile}`);
      exec(`npx vitest run ${testFile}`, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
        if (err) {
          console.error(`Error: ${stderr}`);

It would probably be possible to make a vitest config option with an interface like:

import { defineConfig } from "vitest/config";

export default defineConfig({
  test: {
    watch: {
      triggerPatterns: [{
        pattern: /^src\/(mailers|templates)\/(.*)\.(ts|html|txt)$/,
        testToRun: (match) => {
          return `api/tests/mailers/${match[2]}.test.ts`


Option 1


import { defineConfig } from "vitest/config";

export default defineConfig({
  test: {
    forceRerunTriggers: [
      "**/*.(html|txt)", // Rerun tests when data files change

While I'm happy that this option exists; I don't love it, because it forces all the tests to re-run, not just the relevant one.

Option 2

Use direct import at top of test file e.g.

// in api/tests/mailers/workflow-steps/next-step-mailer.test.ts
import "@/templates/workflow-steps/next-step-mailer.html?raw"
import "@/templates/workflow-steps/next-step-mailer.txt?raw"

I can't decide if I like this option more or less than the previous option. On one hand, its efficient, and pretty straight forward. On the other hand its not a global configuration, so I'm effectively leaking config into individual files. Also its likely that future developers will have no idea what this does without an explanatory comment.

Additional context

Guard docs at Guard DSL source Guard Watcher implementation source


hi-ogawa commented 1 week ago

I think this is mostly possible with a vite plugin using addWatchFile (or also injecting ?raw import from transform would also work). I made a simple demo here:

function watchReRunDepPlugin(): Plugin {
  return {
    name: 'watch-rerun-dep-plugin',
    transform(code, id, options) {
      // matching a test file such as
      //   - test/xxx.test.ts
      // then call `this.addWatchFile` for
      //   - src/xxx.txt
      //   - src/xxx.html
      const match = id.match(/\/(\w*)\.test\.ts$/);
      if (match) {
        const name = match[1]!;
        for (const ext of ['.txt', '.html']) {
          const file = path.resolve(id, '../../src', name + ext);
          if (fs.existsSync(file)) {

Slight difference is that the pattern is reversed from what you suggested since it needs to list "dependencies" for a given "test file". If that part is abstracted in some ways, then the plugin itself is really a tiny wrapper of addWatchFile, for example:

function watchReRunDepPlugin({
}: {
  getDeps: (file: string) => string[];
}): Plugin {
  return {
    name: "watch-rerun-dep-plugin",
    transform(code, id, options) {
      for (const dep of getDeps(id)) {
klondikemarlen commented 1 week ago

That looks perfect! For other people, like me, who have never heard of addWatchFile, its documentation can be found at Vite uses Rollup, as interpreted from Vite docs comment "... which are based on Rollup's well-designed plugin interface .."

Maybe I'll investigate writing a plugin to clone the watch feature from Ruby Guard.

klondikemarlen commented 1 week ago

I've made it as far as creating a repository and npm package stub, and I'll try to pull in the code written by @hi-ogawa. I know almost nothing about publishing npm packages so apologies if it's a mess.

klondikemarlen commented 1 week ago

I wrote a basic plugin concept at and

I need to test out what happens when I import this package into another project; and probably set up a build system so that it only includes the complied version or something.

klondikemarlen commented 1 week ago

I have no idea how the build system works, but I tested the built version in a secont project and it worked. So I'm going 1.0 for, and moving on.

Final usage instructions looks like

npm install --save-dev vite-plugin-guard-like-watch

Example vite.config.ts

/// <reference types="vitest/config" />

// Configure Vitest (
import { defineConfig } from "vite"
import guardLikeWatch from "vite-plugin-guard-like-watch"

export default defineConfig({
  test: {
    /* for example, use global to avoid globals imports (describe, test, expect): */
    // globals: true,
  plugins: [
    // Note: debug is optional, but you'll probably need it to get set up.
    guardLikeWatch(/(.*\/example)\.ts/, (match) => [`${match[1]}.html`, `${match[1]}.txt`], true),
      pattern: /(.*)\/example\/example\.ts/,
      action: (match) => [`${match[1]}/src/vite-plugin-guard-like-watch.ts`],
      debug: true,
    // Relative paths will also work, though I'm not entirely sure of the implications. e.g.
      (match) => [`src/templates/${match[1]}.html`, `src/templates/${match[1]}.txt`],
      pattern: /tests\/mailers\/(.*)\.test\.ts/,
      action: (match) => [`src/templates/${match[1]}.html`, `src/templates/${match[1]}.txt`],
      debug: true,
    // You can also use a string instead of a RegExp. e.g.
      (match) => [`src/templates/${match[1]}.html`, `src/templates/${match[1]}.txt`],
      pattern: "tests/mailers/(.*).test.ts",
      action: (match) => [`src/templates/${match[1]}.html`, `src/templates/${match[1]}.txt`],
      debug: true,