vitest-dev / vscode

VS Code extension for Vitest
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Tests executing child_process not working inside extension #412

Open chlbri opened 1 month ago

chlbri commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

When I have a test using child_process, the test run and inside the extension explorer, but at a moment, the ui restart, and the test never stops.

Remarque: The test using child_process runs fine when I launch the debug.


The function to test

import { mkdir, rename, writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises';
import { basename, join } from 'node:path';

import { spawnSync } from 'node:child_process';
import { projectPackage } from './helpers';

 * Build a inner project with custom package.json to test some types with tsd
 * @param indexFile the files that will be generated to index the project
 * @param relativeDir The relative path to the project
 * @param projectName : The name of the project
export default async function createProject(
  indexFile: string,
  relativeDir: string,
  projectName?: string,
) {
  const dir = join(process.cwd(), relativeDir);
  await mkdir(dir);
  const json = projectPackage(projectName);
  const packageFile = join(dir, 'package.json');
  await writeFile(packageFile, JSON.stringify(json, null, 2), {
    encoding: 'utf-8',

  const tscFile = `./"${indexFile}"`;
    'pnpm tsup',
      env: process.env,
      stdio: 'inherit',
      shell: true,
      encoding: 'buffer',

  const declaration = basename(indexFile.replace('.ts', '.d.ts'));
  const resolvedDeclarationFile = join(dir, declaration);
  const resolvedJsFile = resolvedDeclarationFile.replace('.d.ts', '.js');
  await rename(resolvedDeclarationFile, join(dir, 'index.d.ts'));
  await rename(resolvedJsFile, join(dir, 'index.js'));
  await writeFile(join(dir, 'index.test-d.ts'), '');

The test file :

import { rm, writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises';
import { join } from 'node:path';
import tsd, { formatter } from 'tsd';
import createProject from './createProject';

const BUILD_DIR = 'build-test';
const TEST_TIMEOUT = 10_000;

describe('createProject', () => {
    '#1 => Create the project',
    () => createProject('src/helpers.ts', BUILD_DIR),

    '#2 => Create the test',
    () => {
      const write =
        'import { expectAssignable } from "tsd"; import { projectPackage } from "./index"; expectAssignable<string>(projectPackage().name);';

      return writeFile(
        join(process.cwd(), BUILD_DIR, 'index.test-d.ts'),

    '#3 => Test tsd',
    async () => {
      const _tsd = await tsd({
        cwd: BUILD_DIR,

      const fd = formatter(_tsd);

beforeAll(() => {
  return rm(BUILD_DIR, { recursive: true, force: true });

afterAll(() => {
  return rm(BUILD_DIR, { recursive: true, force: true });
Capture d’écran 2024-06-07 à 14 54 28


[INFO 14:52:34] [v0.12.0] Vitest extension is activated because Vitest is installed or there is a Vite/Vitest config file in the workspace.
[INFO 14:52:34] [API] Running Vitest v1.6.0 (tsd-cli/vitest.config.ts) with Node.js: /Users/chlbri/.nvm/versions/node/v20.9.0/lib/node_modules/npm/pnpm/node
[INFO 14:52:35] [API] Vitest v1.6.0 (tsd-cli/vitest.config.ts) process 42207 created
[INFO 14:52:35] [API] Collecting tests: src/createProject.test.ts
[INFO 14:52:38] Running 1 file(s) with name pattern: ^\s?createProject
[Worker] Collecting tests due to file changes: build-test/package.json
[Worker] CLI Building entry: ./src/helpers.ts
[Worker] CLI Using tsconfig: tsconfig.json
[Worker] CLI tsup v8.1.0
[Worker] CLI Target: esnext
[Worker] ESM Build start
[Worker] ESM build-test/helpers.js 402.00 B
[Worker] ESM ⚡️ Build success in 39ms
[Worker] DTS Build start
[Worker] DTS ⚡️ Build success in 571ms
[Worker] DTS build-test/helpers.d.ts 461.00 B
[INFO 14:52:40] [API] Vitest process 42207 closed successfully
[INFO 14:52:40] [API] Running Vitest v1.6.0 (tsd-cli/vitest.config.ts) with Node.js: /Users/chlbri/.nvm/versions/node/v20.9.0/lib/node_modules/npm/pnpm/node
[INFO 14:52:40] [API] Vitest v1.6.0 (tsd-cli/vitest.config.ts) process 42301 created
[INFO 14:52:40] [API] Collecting tests: src/createProject.test.ts

MY-COMMENT - ///And it stops here


