vitiko / IphpFileStoreBundle

Symfony 2 file upload for doctrine entities
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FileValidator from Symfony package cant handle file from SonataAdminBundle filter #26

Open morozow opened 10 years ago

morozow commented 10 years ago

Bundles: SonataAdminBundle IphpFileStoreBundle

Content: When build filter for current entity (Photo) I use another entity (Gallery) with field of IphpFile. It builds well. In front it shows well. I filter by Gallery: IphpFile field does not take part in filtering, only ID of gallery which has relation on Photo. After filtering I has an UnexpectedTypeException: "Expected argument of type "string", "array" given"

So, an exception throws if IphpFile field asserts: @Assert\File( maxSize="20M")

If delete this assert - there is no exception.