vitmalina / w2ui

UI widgets for modern apps. Data table, forms, toolbars, sidebar, tabs, tooltips, popups. All under 120kb (gzipped).
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getRecordHTML should return an array #2436

Open mrday86 opened 12 months ago

mrday86 commented 12 months ago

Short description getRecordHTML should return an array but it doesn't

What is current behavior sometimes it return empty string but the result it's used as an array anyway.

getRecordHTML(ind, lineNum, summary) {
        let tmph      = ''
        let rec_html1 = ''
        let rec_html2 = ''
        let sel       = this.last.selection
        let record
        // first record needs for resize purposes
        if (ind == -1) {
            rec_html1 += '<tr line="0">'
            rec_html2 += '<tr line="0">'
            if ( rec_html1 += '<td class="w2ui-col-number" style="height: 0px"></td>'
            if ( rec_html1 += '<td class="w2ui-col-select" style="height: 0px"></td>'
            if ( rec_html1 += '<td class="w2ui-col-expand" style="height: 0px"></td>'
            rec_html2 += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data w2ui-grid-data-spacer" col="start" style="height: 0px; width: 0px"></td>'
            if (this.reorderRows) rec_html2 += '<td class="w2ui-col-order" style="height: 0px"></td>'
            for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) {
                let col = this.columns[i]
                tmph    = '<td class="w2ui-grid-data" col="'+ i +'" style="height: 0px;"></td>'
                if (col.frozen && !col.hidden) {
                    rec_html1 += tmph
                } else {
                    if (col.hidden || i < this.last.colStart || i > this.last.colEnd) continue
                    rec_html2 += tmph
            rec_html1 += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data-last" style="height: 0px"></td>'
            rec_html2 += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data-last" col="end" style="height: 0px"></td>'
            rec_html1 += '</tr>'
            rec_html2 += '</tr>'
            return [rec_html1, rec_html2]
        // regular record
        let url = (typeof this.url != 'object' ? this.url : this.url.get)
        if (summary !== true) {
            if (this.searchData.length > 0 && !url) {
                if (ind >= this.last.searchIds.length) return ['','']
                ind    = this.last.searchIds[ind]
                record = this.records[ind]
            } else {
                if (ind >= this.records.length) return ['','']
                record = this.records[ind]
        } else {
            if (ind >= this.summary.length) return ['','']
            record = this.summary[ind]
        if (!record) return ['','']
        if (record.recid == null && this.recid != null) {
            let rid = this.parseField(record, this.recid)
            if (rid != null) record.recid = rid
        let isRowSelected = false
        if (sel.indexes.indexOf(ind) != -1) isRowSelected = true
        let rec_style = (record.w2ui ? : '')
        if (rec_style == null || typeof rec_style != 'string') rec_style = ''
        let rec_class = (record.w2ui ? record.w2ui.class : '')
        if (rec_class == null || typeof rec_class != 'string') rec_class = ''
        // render TR
        rec_html1 += '<tr id="grid_'+ +'_frec_'+ record.recid +'" recid="'+ record.recid +'" line="'+ lineNum +'" index="'+ ind +'" '+
            ' class="'+ (lineNum % 2 === 0 ? 'w2ui-even' : 'w2ui-odd') + ' w2ui-record ' + rec_class +
                (isRowSelected && this.selectType == 'row' ? ' w2ui-selected' : '') +
                (record.w2ui && record.w2ui.editable === false ? ' w2ui-no-edit' : '') +
                (record.w2ui && record.w2ui.expanded === true ? ' w2ui-expanded' : '') + '" ' +
            ' style="height: '+ this.recordHeight +'px; '+ (!isRowSelected && rec_style != '' ? rec_style : rec_style.replace('background-color', 'none')) +'" '+
                (rec_style != '' ? 'custom_style="'+ rec_style +'"' : '') +
        rec_html2 += '<tr id="grid_'+ +'_rec_'+ record.recid +'" recid="'+ record.recid +'" line="'+ lineNum +'" index="'+ ind +'" '+
            ' class="'+ (lineNum % 2 === 0 ? 'w2ui-even' : 'w2ui-odd') + ' w2ui-record ' + rec_class +
                (isRowSelected && this.selectType == 'row' ? ' w2ui-selected' : '') +
                (record.w2ui && record.w2ui.editable === false ? ' w2ui-no-edit' : '') +
                (record.w2ui && record.w2ui.expanded === true ? ' w2ui-expanded' : '') + '" ' +
            ' style="height: '+ this.recordHeight +'px; '+ (!isRowSelected && rec_style != '' ? rec_style : rec_style.replace('background-color', 'none')) +'" '+
                (rec_style != '' ? 'custom_style="'+ rec_style +'"' : '') +
        if ( {
            rec_html1 += '<td id="grid_'+ +'_cell_'+ ind +'_number' + (summary ? '_s' : '') + '" '+
                        '   class="w2ui-col-number '+ (isRowSelected ? ' w2ui-row-selected' : '') +'"'+
                            (this.reorderRows ? ' style="cursor: move"' : '') + '>'+
                            (summary !== true ? this.getLineHTML(lineNum, record) : '') +
        if ( {
            rec_html1 +=
                    '<td id="grid_'+ +'_cell_'+ ind +'_select' + (summary ? '_s' : '') + '" class="w2ui-grid-data w2ui-col-select">'+
                        (summary !== true && !(record.w2ui && record.w2ui.hideCheckBox === true) ?
                        '    <div>'+
                        '        <input class="w2ui-grid-select-check" type="checkbox" tabindex="-1" '+
                                    (isRowSelected ? 'checked="checked"' : '') + ' style="pointer-events: none"/>'+
                        '    </div>'
                        '' ) +
        if ( {
            let tmp_img = ''
            if (record.w2ui?.expanded === true) tmp_img = '-'; else tmp_img = '+'
            if ((record.w2ui?.expanded == 'none' || !Array.isArray(record.w2ui?.children) || !record.w2ui?.children.length)) tmp_img = '+'
            if (record.w2ui?.expanded == 'spinner') tmp_img = '<div class="w2ui-spinner" style="width: 16px; margin: -2px 2px;"></div>'
            rec_html1 +=
                    '<td id="grid_'+ +'_cell_'+ ind +'_expand' + (summary ? '_s' : '') + '" class="w2ui-grid-data w2ui-col-expand">'+
                        (summary !== true ? `<div>${tmp_img}</div>` : '' ) +
        // insert empty first column
        rec_html2 += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data-spacer" col="start" style="border-right: 0"></td>'
        if (this.reorderRows) {
            rec_html2 +=
                    '<td id="grid_'+ +'_cell_'+ ind +'_order' + (summary ? '_s' : '') + '" class="w2ui-grid-data w2ui-col-order" col="order">'+
                        (summary !== true ? '<div title="Drag to reorder">&nbsp;</div>' : '' ) +
        let col_ind  = 0
        let col_skip = 0
        while (true) {
            let col_span = 1
            let col      = this.columns[col_ind]
            if (col == null) break
            if (col.hidden) {
                if (col_skip > 0) col_skip--
            if (col_skip > 0) {
                if (this.columns[col_ind] == null) break
                record.w2ui.colspan[this.columns[col_ind-1].field] = 0 // need it for other methods
            } else if (record.w2ui) {
                let tmp1 = record.w2ui.colspan
                let tmp2 = this.columns[col_ind].field
                if (tmp1 && tmp1[tmp2] === 0) {
                    delete tmp1[tmp2] // if no longer colspan then remove 0
            // column virtual scroll
            if ((col_ind < this.last.colStart || col_ind > this.last.colEnd) && !col.frozen) {
            if (record.w2ui) {
                if (typeof record.w2ui.colspan == 'object') {
                    let span = parseInt(record.w2ui.colspan[col.field]) || null
                    if (span > 1) {
                        // if there are hidden columns, then no colspan on them
                        let hcnt = 0
                        for (let i = col_ind; i < col_ind + span; i++) {
                            if (i >= this.columns.length) break
                            if (this.columns[i].hidden) hcnt++
                        col_span = span - hcnt
                        col_skip = span - 1
            let rec_cell = this.getCellHTML(ind, col_ind, summary, col_span)
            if (col.frozen) rec_html1 += rec_cell; else rec_html2 += rec_cell
        rec_html1 += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data-last"></td>'
        rec_html2 += '<td class="w2ui-grid-data-last" col="end"></td>'
        rec_html1 += '</tr>'
        rec_html2 += '</tr>'
        return [rec_html1, rec_html2]